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Everything posted by RoyalPain

  1. LOL, okay I "sit" corrected on this point. However (here it comes) the bastardized "coxix" spelling is even grudgingly accecpted within the medical comunity. I'll have to go through some of my paper work to be sure, but I even had either a doctor , or discharge nurse use the same bad spelling. Thanks to many an evening spent with a genuine "hippie" former sister inlaw, where the fear of being in "bad form" alone kept me from chewing through my own leg to escape, I will always connect the word "coccyx" to "the first chakra". You know, the one viewed as the energy center that is connected with family and social belonging. The chakra that is involved with emotional grounding and stability, as well as a sense of belonging.............. Okay, now my Butt really hurts LOL. And no, who could possibly make this stuff up?!?!?!?! ALthough I will concede that I may have accidently doubled up on my oxycontin. Pain
  2. THanks to all for your kind and amusing replies! And rest assured, no one need worry about my sense of humor on this issue. If you will notice the new avitar I put together, it should be proof enough that the years spent within the confines of my first marrage left me more than capable of laughing at so comparitivley minor a pain in the Butt as this!! (ow ow ow ow ow) Pain
  3. Hey Uta, I'm grateful for yours and others prairs for my abused backside! That has to be an awkward conversation starter to say the least! I agree on the seat suggestion too, though I must admidt when someone mentioned "having my seat hollowed out" before it got me to thinking about a whole new course of treatment!! Pain
  4. LOL, okay, I am beginning to see use of words like "bouncy" as an overt act of cruelty!! I was pleasantly surprised by your Bach reference ! I spent two years living with my perpetually angry German aunt who left me with a lasting appreciation for both classic literature and the great German composers. Man, that woman could throw a plate!! Pain
  5. Trust me Bob, your memory serves you very well indeed!! Pain
  6. ROFLMAO!! Dude, I am way ahead of you on all points! Sleeping in just the position you described, everytime I heard the clatter of nails on the hardwood floor I had to roll over in fear of a cold Shar pai nose! She hasnt got me but I just know it's on her mind! As for your description of recovery, I'm left filled with light and hope. And just your description of a ride gave me the shakes! Pain.
  7. Hey Schlep, would that be " a Queen who reigns, yet keeps her powder dry, must power use where love would best apply to keep me" FROM RIDING MY DAMN BIKE?!?!?!? Lol, very nice!! And yes Ladyrider, I kid thee not! I would probably laugh it off myself butt we don't laugh just yet. WAAAY to painful. And if you laughed before, you'll love this. My 2yo has been taking great joy in sneaking up on me and screaming at the top of his little lungs because of the little "muh muh" noises I make after the automatic full body clench his scream gives. Thank you all very much for the well wishing, I feel a litle better now, well from the neck up Pain
  8. Hi all, I have come to you today for the sole purpose of finding pity and commiseration. From the age of 15, up until about ten years ago I have always had a bike between my knees. My favorite being an 83 royale I purchased new and had until 99. After a divorce it wasnt 10 years before I was finally able to afford the 89 that my wife found me for christmas last year Now after only 4532 miles I have suffered the unimaginable! After a tumble down the stairs I have found the absolute worst bone any rider can break. The coxix . At three weeks out, I'm getting the sweats just watching the rider icon above! Not to worry though. I figure by the time I am confident in my ability to lift my leg over the seat, I will have figured out a way to mount a discrete donut in my seat run off the bikes compressor. If there hapens to be anyone that has suffered a fractured @ss and found a way to make riding more comfortable, PLEASE fill me in !! Pain Hmmm, I can't help but wonder if I somehow saw this coming when I chose my screen name......
  9. Hey Lighten, Thanks to a tumble down the stairs resulting in a broken coxix (fractured @ss) my projects were set aside until today. LOL, and I still can't even think about riding without curling up in a little ball. For what its worth, here are a couple of places where I've found some reasonable led components. http://www.plasmaled.com/products.htm?gclid=CKmYzp3Dw5UCFQRfagodYGoIjA http://www.besthongkong.com/index.php?cPath=13 I have to warn you, if you start playing around with these single leds, nothing is safe. I've pretty much accented just about everything I can reach from the comfort of my inflatable donut with creative backlighting. Pain
  10. ROFL, I knew it! You have to admidt, there is something to be said for living a 20 hr day.lol
  11. Nice mods so for Night!!! I'm looking forward to you sharing your future projects! At the rate your going, I'm begining to suspect you might be a fellow insomniac. Pain
  12. My first bike was a CB750 and I was A total honda freak and eventually got a Wing. I thought it was the sweetest bike possible until I rode a buddy's new 83VR. I managed to unload the Wing in time to find a new 83VR in june of 84 and to this day, for a tour bike, I wouldn't have anything else. The 1st gen style just has that certain something... A little background on me- I had that 83 all the way up to a divorce (that leaves me afraid of the dark to this day) in 98. It wasnt until late 06 that I could afford to think about getting back in the wind. As most of you know, a good 1st gen is hard to find but I just couldnt get stoked about anything else. If my new Wife (not evil) hadnt tracked down my "little blue scoot" for a xmass gift I'd probably still be looking. And she doesnt even ride.lol Pain:7_6_3[1]:
  13. Hey Guns, I'm in the middle of experementing with a few led lighting ideas. For starters check out http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=27752 Beyond the basics mentioned there, go nutz! Personaly I'm going with a kit, I'm using a couple of pods, maybe 4 neon tubes and the rest I'm doing in presolderd single ultrabrights. I found some really good sources for materials, pm me if you want them. When considering placement, just keep in mind that the leds need to be aimed at something shiney. the more reflective the better. Pain
  14. Are you kidding?!?!?!?!?! I mean we're.... I'm not saying it would be easy but in the end Ronin would eat him alive!!
  15. I'll give it a try, maybe a little bit at a time. I'm still coping with the last time he was allowed to run free. Oh, it seemed to start out bearable enough, but then some troublemaker had to start with the who do you think would survive a caged death match between Teal'c and Ronin (SGC and SGA respectively) crap, and it was all downhill from there. Needless to say, that ended badly! So, I have to be really cautions. Pain:12101:
  16. Hi all, Normally I wouldn't bother suggesting some computer application or system feature that might impress me. I'm comfortable as a closet nerd over all. My inner Geek walks alone. However, I've been in on the beta for a new msn feature that just went in to public beta a while back that I thought my be of benefit to a good percentage of this crowed. Mainly for the several easy options for getting to your files while on the road. Its also fantastic if you have a lot of friends or family to share photos and stuff with. And completely free of charge. to avoid sounding like I'm out to sell it for them or something, I'll avoid any specifics. Besides, I let the geek go the next time I look up, we'll have half a tech support manual. He doesn't get out much. If you think you could use something like this, go out to mesh.com and look around and if you have a question, feel free to ask. Just helping where I can, Pain
  17. Very nice indeed!! Please don't hold back on the details concerning what you like about it once the bugs area worked out. I'm just dying to get my hands on one while my boys are plenty young enough to enjoy it!!! Pain:7_6_3[1]:
  18. Hey Pick, Wow, I've been hankering for a set of bags for my 89VR for a while now. I've got a couple questions that should help push me over the top. 1st, and this in no way questions your craftsmanship but are there nay pics posted of these bad boys? Theres a key part of my brain (also the part that frets and waffles) that just needs some visual stimuli before it can understand what all the excitement is about. 2nd, and I hope I don't open up a whole new can of worms for you, could you consider, and at what cost, a very basic matching duffle for tying down to the trunk rack? I'm talking simple kinda like a sleeping bag stuff sack that matches the rest of the gear. Pain
  19. Hey JB, if you don't mind my asking, what kind of ideas are you toying with? I'm tinkering with a couple of my own and would be very intrested to know what kind of options your working on. Dave, when you added your mp3 port, how did you interface with the cassette deck plug???
  20. I knew this guy, not me you understand who spent two days pulling things apart on my, I mean his 89 over the same problem. Come to find out that my , I man his 2yo had been playing with the shut off switch and it went un noticed.
  21. My LED experience.. Before you begin, Split fairing, and remove gas tank, driver and passenger seats Make sure they are all 12 volts lights Make sure they are water proof Solder all wire connections (a must...) Use shrink tubeing to cover / seal all solder joint connections. Run a separate HOT wire from battery to a fusable link for all your LED's, then.. Install an on/off switch so lights are not on all the time and on a separate circut. Hey Eck Thanks for the advice. I'm right there with you on all you had to say about anything connection related! I think these are must have pointers for anyone tinkering like this! The last thing anyone wants to do is go through all that work then have it short out or malfunction. I'm going to be starting out experimenting in lighting the front wheel a bit, then behind the grill over the oil filter. I'm going to hold off on the trickier inner faring ideas until mother nature forces me to park it for a lengthier stretch! Another month I hope.
  22. HI all, I've seen sporadic talk in different sections about LED mods. And I've seen that there are plenty of different kits out that can be used very well with both our 1st and 2nd Gen machines. I decided to play around with them looking for a more personal touch and I would like to anyone interested to share ideas with. With the exception of a couple of short neon tubes I will be working with adding presolderded single led's. I just this afternoon received a great big box of "oh wow now what's" so I don't have any projects to show yet. If there is any interest I would be happy to post pics of both good and bad ideas as they roll out. As well as the best sources for single ultra bright led's and supplies. I'm also really interested in hearing about any of your projects either finished or just drawingboard.
  23. Hey all. I just joined up a couple weeks ago, found many helpful tips in the forums already! Now I need some help from the collective experience pool. I am in the middle of a mini vacation (run down the Oregon coast) and my tail lights are out. I got pulled over for it lastnight and now I'm stranded in Yachats. By the way, the police in Newport Oregon are a really nice bunch of guys! Anyway, my bike is an 89, I have been getting an intermitent warning light on the dash, sometimes it blinks, sometimes solid. I kept checking my headlight. I've checked the fuses on top of the battery and they are all good. I know I should spend more time checking old posts before asking but I'm trying to salvage the happy fun time part for my wife kids and granddaughter while dealing with this at the same time. So, any advice is welcome and just ask for what ever details that might help. I will be checking in as often as I can. thanks in advance, Robert
  24. RoyalPain

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