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Everything posted by RoyalPain

  1. You ever think about getting in to kite flying?
  2. Shooting (I'm an avid gun collector) crashing RC aircraft (even after three years, any claim of "flying" would be a lie) tinkering with and modding all things computer, fossil hunting and I still collect comic books.
  3. Dan, I wish you all the strength and luck in the world! I know that there are many people who can quit cold turkey and I hope you can be one of them. I had to find the way to get past being so ashamed to openly say that I am not one of those people, Dog knows I've tried! I know that this new device I'm using is not going to get me off the nicotine problem. But it has gotten me off the somkes where nothing else could and I'm thankful just for that. Good luck on every aspect of what your dealing with right now. I'm pulling for you! Pain
  4. LOL, well thats my goal Bill. You know what they say, "if your not living on the edge, your taking up too much space"!
  5. Oh damn......... Dude, I don't have the words. Hang in there, atleast they are gonna make it right. Pain.
  6. Hey Don, I just kicked in what I could. This forum and all your work are well worth supporting! Hope it helps.Thanks for being here. Pain:7_6_3[1]:
  7. Wow! Let me first say that I honestly have a deep and abiding respect for all of you the have been able to quit cold turkey! I have tried several times without success. Even now, faced with the shame of knowing that it has a major impact on how long I will be around for my two young boys, I couldn't do it. I have however found a "device" that so far has really done the trick. I'm not doing anything about my nicotine additcion with it(yet) but it did help me go from 2 plus packs a day to 0 overnight. Its not a perfect solution, but it is a major improvement! Its called an "e-cig" and you kind find tons of info about them online. Be cautious if you do decide to look in to them because as with anything else, some are total junk. If I can help anyone intrested in checking this out, please feel tree to let me know! Pain
  8. Cool, thanks freebird
  9. DUDE!!! I totally like the way you think!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Hi all, I was unsure weather or not to bring this up here, then I noticed where we had a weight loss thread open so I thought I'd put this out there. I found a new tool, an alternate nicotine delivery system if you will, that has helped me more than I ever thought possible. I have smoked for over 30 years and was up to over two packs a day. I had tried everything from patches to pills with no success. Now, even wit the stress of moving, I havent had a cigarette in almost 8 days and so far the hardest part to cope with has been the return of my sense of smell! I'm not out to sell anything, or premote any specific product in anyway. That being said, if anyone is intrested, send me a pm.Or if a Moderator wants to check it out first, get ahold of me and I'll tell you where to look for info on what I'm using. I love this forum and don't want to break any rules, so I need to find the proper way to pass this along. At the risk of sounding totally sappy, this has really changed my life. Pain.
  11. Hey all, Had a few minutes so I thought I'd check in. The new house is shaping up nicely. Painting is almost done, carpets have been shampooed and we are starting to move stuff in a bit at a time. I LOVE THIS PLACE!! The one down side is that the garage has been converted in to more house so I have no place to store/work on my bike. I'll come up with something though. The weather is starting to warm up here, and soon it will be time to devote myself more fully to my scoot and getting her ready for the summer. PAIN
  12. Okay, so maybe not just yet but soon!! I have just been busier than a cat trying to bury a turd on a marble floor this last few months! Some of the major headaches have started falling into perspective. The biggest of all being the purchase of our new house here in WA.!!! Great market to buy in right now but nailing down our mortgage was hell on earth. It was what they refer to as a short sale, turned out to be a pretty sweet deal. However, we literally came within one hour and twenty minutes of loosing the deal (and about 2200.00) thanks to the underwriter dragging her feet! Still, alls well that ends well. Next its a grueling schedule of packing here and painting and stuff there... I thought I would take advantage of this momentary lull and say hey. So......HEY! I'm really looking forward to the day when things are back to where I can be more active with this group again. Your a great bunch! I'll be back as soon as I'm able. PAIN P.S. Incase anyone wonders, my broken butt bone is still a very active part in my decision making process at all times
  13. Hi all! Sorry I havent posted in a while but I've just been busier than a cat trying to bury a turd on a marble floor! When I ran across this add on CL for a near by 1stgen parts bike I thought I'd take a minute to mention it in case there is anyone in need. Also, if anyone talks to the guy and needs someone local to check something out on it or anything I'd be happy to try and find a little time to help out. I'm thinking about checking out the tow hitch parts myself. I will set aside a little time here in the next couple days to catch up on some posting and all that stuff. H A P P Y N E W Y E A R ! ! ! ! ! ! PAIN
  14. Hi all, I haven't been around to post in a while. Me and my poor broken butt bone had to make a last minute trip out to MN to see my daughter play the nurse in Romeo and Juliet at Minnesota state. She was amazing! Then I had to fly to Wyoming and check in on my family here. All kinds of fires to put out all of the sudden. I drove through Cody this morning, I took a couple of wildlife shots that I'll post after I get home. It's been a good trip but my arse is killing me!!! On that topic, any opinions on the "road sofa" seat? I have a chance to pick one up after I get home for 200.00 but I have no idea weather or not its going to be more comfortable than the stock seat. Though the back rest has got to be a big plus! I'll post again in a couple days after I finally make it back to WA. PAIN
  15. Hi all, It has been a while since I took my sense of humor over my broken backside for a spin I thought I'd take a minute and fill you in on my progress. so far, none to speak of. For my two boys however this is far from the case! I am simply dumbfounded by how quickly and accurately they have assessed my limitations! This I can manage because there is no way I will be bested by a two and six year old, no matter how nefarious they are as a team! The part I didn't see coming and will likely never hear the end of that for the first time in my romantic career, I am the one consistently saying NO. To be more accurate, it's "OH hell no"!! Pain
  16. Ohhhh Dude, That H&H is one sweeeet down range caliber!! I load my own for the 375 H&H that my Dad passed down to me. My dad owned and deserved the Boast, "If I can see it, I can hit it". Well, if I don't hit it, I know I scared the hell out of it! I remeber one hunting trip where we didnt bring the food. That night we dined on burnt/raw bunny shreds that Dad hit with Big H (the horror). Gratz on your fine acquisition! Sigh... Good times Pain
  17. No, nothing new. My doctor says that any standard treatment options have too much potential to just make things worse. She also made a joke that was almost too cold even for me. Being aware of my hardcore chronic insomnia she said "on the bright side, atleast the pain isnt keeping you awake"... If she were not so good at what she does, she would be off my christmas card list for keeps.lol Pain
  18. I live in Vancouver WA, just over the bridge from Portland. I was just wondering if there anyone near by intrested in getting together for rides, maintenance days, etc. I'm grounded from riding for a while until my butt bone heals but I thought I'd start asking around now. Pain
  19. Hey Mike, that looks really nice! The question is, does it come in handy there? If you have no regrets, thats good enough for me and I'll get one! Pain
  20. I picked one up that I believe was off an 83 or 84 a couple of months ago that is in really nice shape. I've been trying to talk myself in to drilling new holes in the lid since I got it. However, I picked one up that fits my 89 a couple days ago on um... Er.... Ebay (wish I had seen that jcwhintey info sooner) so if anyone is interested in the one I can't use let me know and I'll post a pic. Pain
  21. Hey Tom, I um..... Errr.......LOL, I'll have to get back to this one later. In the meantime, for any intrested along with pics of my nearest and dearest you will also find a pic of my ex (I think I mentioned her) if you go out to http://www.myspace.com/hardtowant Pain
  22. Thanks Hotrod, It helps to see that when I express myself from my mildly dented and bent perspective is taken in the humors light intended! With stuff like this, anytime you can turn a grimace in to a grin, you got it beat. Pain
  23. Thanks for the good thoughts, and advice John. The Acupuncture angle is actually not a bad idea. I've considered it on and off for other stuff but just havent tried it yet. Besides, after 18 years with my ex (see, I told you) the idea of trusting a total stranger behind me with a fist full of sharp objects is a piece of cake! Pain
  24. Hey Tom, Yeah I'm fighting to keep it light.lol Thanks to my 1st marrige (which you will all begin to notice that I mention often) (shudder) I can discuss the most nightmarish of topics in a humors light. Otherwise, I'd still be under my bed.lol Did you take a good look at my new avitar that I made just for this situation? Pain
  25. Hey Hipshot, I hope your on your feet again fast! I'll offer up one piece of advise that most everyone thats posted so far would agree with. Don't blow it off as something minimal even if your up and doing the hammer dance first thing in the morning! Get in and get it checked out. Things like this can get real bad, real fast. I'm gonna be off my bike for Dog only knows how long because I broke my tailbone a couple of weeks ago and I'm still waiting on the "feeling a little better" part. Take a close look at my new avitar, I made it as one of my many efforts to keep my sense of humor. Pain
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