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Everything posted by thecount

  1. Found out that they don't have the open-face model in Canada yet. Will have to try and arrange with a US purchase and some how get up to the north.
  2. Give Troy in Florida a contact. He rides an RSTD and have a tank bib with a lower tank cover done in leather. He calls it a California Tank Bra. Not sure the cost. Looks like some great quality and work. Sorry for the commercial plug, but the guy is getting started. http://www.tscustomleather.com/
  3. FYI Looking at the open face AC-3 Carbon, and pricing is around $300. Sorry, not into the full face helmet. Will then install J&M comm system or a bluetooth comm system. So, Papa Smurf, not a $1000, but rather a little more afordable. Thanks Guys!
  4. Since I started looking for new lids, I have come across Carbon Fiber HJC with both DOT/Snell approvals. They fit well, just looking for any other input related to the Carbon material? Any issues on this rather new material for helmet use? Very light weight is a benefit, Cost is the down side. As always, appreciate the input for the riders here on the site. Thanks,
  5. Gary Sorry to hear, no ride! Got the bike home from storeage about 10 days ago on a Thursday, then the snow hit again:snow2:. Finally broke the that frozen white water curse and got in a ride Friday and Saturday , no Sunday Easter Bunny run, but back on today. Your time will come, soon.
  6. Did you get a set? and buy them locally here in the KW area? Steve
  7. Thanks Brad That was another place I was going to try. Good to see you all made it home. Steve
  8. Thanks, I do drop by Zdeno now and then. Picked up a sweet set of hiway pegs about a month ago at much less than the new current prices.
  9. Thanks everyone for your comments. Issues to ordering US , is shipping and duty/taxes coming across the border. Appreciate the comments.
  10. Hope I can get some advice/recommendations on getting high quality chaps for this upcoming season. Prefer leather over kevlar or textile from a safety standpoint. Suggestions? Thanks
  11. If you need to reach Troy, (the guy selling the trunk or side bag covers) I have an email address to reach him. PM me and will provide. I have him pricing out a Tank Bib with a custom pouch and then wraps around the lower tank.
  12. As indicated earlier in a post. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320333056899&_trksid=e11051.m203&_trkparms=algo%3DCRX%26itu%3DUCC%252BUCI%252BLM%252BLA%26otn%3D2&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:MOTORS:1348
  13. Found a guy in Florida that make such a thing, also for the top of the side bags as well. Will email you the link to the ebay info when I get home and try to post some of his pictures. Considering the side bag covers, to stop mrs. from kicking the tops when she get on the bike.
  14. I am right there with you Rod. We are the same song. Fit, then $$'s , then to styles etc.
  15. Thanks all. Appreciate the feedback. Seeing that some are Poly-Carb shell and other are Fiber compostite, Snell/Dot rated, looking to find the best combination . Our Shorty's are good, but looking to improve safety, keep cool, and have good protection. Fit , yup, know we need to find the one that fit's best.
  16. Alien looking. Need something more traditional looking.
  17. Just starting to consider helmets for the upcoming year. Shoei RJ Platnium or ARIA Classic ?? Both open face. We are not likely to use or be comfortable with full face or flip fronts. We do currently use Shorty's (Bell Shorty)but considering "better" helmets for the longer highway riding. We do use J&M Intercom set in the helmets. Any Feedback (as many usually do) is appreciated in search of new Head Gear.
  18. My seat took about a week from the time Rick received it. All total, 3 weeks. Shipped to him, one week. Mod done-one week. Shipped back, one week. The courriers and shipping take all the time. Great "Stuff" !
  19. Thanks So were would I get a can of this? and is Sea Foam the brand name? Thanks
  20. GeorgeS Never heard of this stuff. So what is "Sea-Foam" ? And what does this stuff do for the performance of the bike?
  21. I have the stock windshield and a 9" short version from Cee Baileys that also came with the bike when I bought it from a private seller. http://www.ceebaileys.com/yamaha/index.html I see this company has added some colour tinted shield including an opaque black. Cool look for the summer. Find the short shield very good except in extreme cold and needing some windchill protection. I would rather look over the shield than look through the sheild.
  22. I asked the similar question in January. I chose to send the seats to Rick Butler to the modification. Found the the Custom seats end up around $1000 by the time you get them to Canada and in Cdn $$'s . Likely installing a Utopia back rest first. Seat Mod + Back rest, is a more cost effective way. Allows for time to check out custom seats during the riding season.
  23. As a rider who parks the RVS in open parking at work and in the driveway, I put in the Scorpio alarm SR-i600. Find if very useful in the general parking around work and actually goes off with people get close because of the perimeter alarm. The 2-way pager rattles on my desk when this happens as well, as within the transmit range. Good investment. Insurance company might even provide a discount because of on board alarm. SORRY, it was the i900 model from Scorpio. Bought it direct as was not in Canada when I purchased back in June 08. Main unit, under the drives seat (behind side covers) and permimeter sensor on top of the battery under the seat. Great unit. Use it all the time when parked. http://www.scorpioalarms.com/products/motorcycle/sr-i900/
  24. Thanks all for your input and comments. With the electronic world advancing, I think Bluetooth or wireless is the way to go, but how do you get the most out of your bike and communications systems. Email to J&M Communications since they have a Bluetooth duplex system, and also a plug in connect to the bike system , called a dongle. It is only compatiable currently for Goldwing GL1800, either driver connection or passenger connection. So, to complicate the matter, I have installed J&M Slide in Headset for shorty helmets late last season. Great addition. I am trying to see if there is a way/means to wire-up the Short headsets with their bluetooth helmet unit, and then, figure out the wiring pattern for the dongle unit to patch into the Venture 5 pin DIN plug. The Dongle would then plug into the drivers connection on the tank, and be housed in a tank pouch or tank bib with pouch. Freebird, by doing this route for use of the units, it would be my thoughts that the CB would also then work, any AUX audio device connected to the bike, and any other bluetooth device like Cell/Blackberry/GPS. Seeing the convenience of Bluetooth and it's capablities, I see some real opportunities to make all our lives easier while riding. Hope they do to, and respond with some additional info I asked for. Thanks all.
  25. Can anyone offer advise or experience with Bluetooth technology and helmet communication sets? Looking into a way/means to not be wired to the bike and bluetooth looks to be the way to accomplish this. Thanks for any feedback (no punn!)
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