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Everything posted by thecount

  1. Black Death, well, for us German heritage blood line, like my friend Saddlebum and the ??Dutch? heritage, it was not the paint thinner others speak of. It was actually medicinal in nature. We could have brought the German firewater or some Croatian tonsil cleaner for the next round at the annual WNY weekend! Guarantee, no riding after a few shots! All had a great time. Now, the smelly shark bits, not a cuisine for me. New Orleans charbroiled oysters! That's tasty.
  2. Looking for info or point in the right direction. Mapsourse is no longer supported by Garmin as a mapping source to add into the GPS custom routes. Any advice to installing or instruction to installing to a new hard drive. My prior one (hard drive) is DOA, and no software to be found. Thoughts?? Help? Recommendations? Many thanks in advance for your expertise and advise. Steve
  3. Ben, Now that you note "it has to cool down" I am thinking it may be the battery related issue, as it may be producing heat internally that is not exhausted or vented? Just a thought? S2
  4. Hey gang yest my unit is about 2 years old now and has not upgraded the map since the original map and is currently running the following software details Zumo 665 Software Version 2.70 GPS 2.90 DSP 2.30 Text 2.80 (British English) Voice 3.00 (American English - Jill) Mount 0.00 Detailed maps are all 2009 Map Info CN North American NT2011/10 3D CN North America NT 2011.10 As Saddlebum indicated, the unit "froze up" when the route would "recalcuate" and specifically in the up-state WNY (Orchard Park/Buffalo/Niagara Falls area). I had this happen a few times, but not to the extent Ben has. What happens when you go under Settings and use the Restore screen button?? Steve S Basemap Worldwide Autorout DEM Basemap, NR 5.00
  5. I had the same issue. flipped the bottom part attached to the trunk around and now the top goes up to near 90 degrees. Small screws in the metal interior bracket, and on screw to the lid. You can likely see the travel distance change once the housing if flipped.
  6. Have to miss this. In Fort Lauderdale for a week.
  7. There was lots on the grill or could have been added to the grill. Ya should have stopped. Great day riding. Start planning the next road side bbq adventure. Our total mileage was 500 Km for the day. HAPPY Canada Day folks! Proud to be a Canuck , Eh!
  8. Any last minute arrivals for tomorrow?
  9. So far, it looks like 6 or 7 bikes at this time. I have a one meeting us in Caledonia, and a TBD from Kitchener. They have gone to Spragues with us last year.
  10. TEST? like this? http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSrGXhTluP3sHJuZ-bGxJwooIB8IsXyV4u0K73N2cirLadVOs6dn0fDAiEn or like this? http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTZUxsHsVp9d1UIP6fucIpFdOkVvGQ4yrxVXN8DIfDDQHoZ5ObSRoQDu167
  11. Guess those Wingers are a pain in the assets! Good to have you around on a Venture in the K-W area, soon.
  12. Enjoy your trip. Sounds like you made it home from Don's the other night and all is funcition well on our bike. S2
  13. This is a long post. First, This has been a team effort. Thank you Wayne and Don for assisting. Second, A small portable BBQ (propane) will be brought along on the trip. It is as I call it, my laptop bbq. So , 2" steak is not encouraged, but other easy grilling would be ideal. Burges, dogs, sausage, chicken, even some veggies, if that's your thing. I will pull the trailer for the BBQ and a Cooler, SO there will be space/place to store your "stuff". As for plates/utensils/etc, I will have that loaded in the trailer and all is good to go. Third, the stop for lunch will be along the Niaraga Parkway between Niagara Falls and Niagara on the Lake. It will be a pull off park location. Forth, It is Canada Day, so, proudly promote your Country! We have many, many things to be proud of as Canadians! Final thoughts, You guys ROCKS! Thanks for pulling this together on short notice. 1st location for gathering will be Kitchener , Tim Horton's, Homer Watson Blvd across from Conestoga College. Kickstand up and rolling 8:30 AM. 2nd location will be stop and meet at Wizard765 (Wayne's home) in Caledonia. Kickstands up and rolling at 10:00 AM. Lunch in the 12:30-1:00pm range. Fuel and rest stops as required. PLEASE be FUELED UP for the start. NOTE: Niagara Falls along the Falls will be busy and please keep your head up for the cagers and pedestrians. Until Monday, Keep the rubber side down and ride safe.
  14. I have 2 F4 windshields. Short and regular wide with a vent. Luv them both. Rain runs off. Solid product, great company, customer service 2nd to none!. Good job!
  15. Hey Carl! Hope all is well. Sorry to say, Wednesday will have to wait until July for us to join you. My schedule has blown up this year, and little time to play. Ride safe all. No gravel U-turns!! Ice cream :fnd_(16):stop?? Might be able to catch up there if it's in a short range.
  16. Thanks for the link. Success rate for using these and the change?
  17. Looking for the link to change current antennas for Firestik fiberglass antennas? Anyone point me to the forum link? Would be interested in comments for anyone who has made the switch. Thanks for the help!
  18. Always looking for better helmet audio and communication system. Started with J&M half helmet set. Just okay. Went to Edsets when we changed to 3/4 carbon helmets. Originals speakers were fine, but did a swap out and put in the better J&M speakers. NOW, here is the better part, use high quality in-ear canal bud with the Edsets unit, and you cut out road noise, wind noise and the volume does not have to be cranked up to hear. Only challenge is takes a little more time getting ready to ride time. We use SHURE EC-5 studio in-ear canal buds with the Edsets for the day long trips. Awesome sound and easy on the ears. FYI J&M has added an adaptor with 1/8" earbud jack. Our next investigation is Bluetooth and complete wireless. Expensive, but looking at the options.
  19. Hey Don That is close to my yearly cost as well. I think mine run just under the $1K for the year. Necessay evil! Steve
  20. I have an F4 sheild at nearly stock height, with the vent (Goldwing style) and not had bug issues. Great in the warm weather. Very good wind sheild.
  21. Have XM as part of the ZUMO 665 and the antena is place on top of the Brake Res. Linked in to the Comm system with a Y connector in the back of the Cass deck and run on the AUX channel for the Comm system. S2
  22. Hoping so. Close to home from what I hear. Will have to adjust my schedule to see ya'll! Hey Modulator?? Do you have a date yet?
  23. Sorry Team! Was off in the South for a little R&R. Even test rode a Harley RoadKing in Cozumel for the day. Not for me, but the day trip was great. Cerveza for everyone! Next time around I guess.
  24. From your extended Canadian family, CONGRAT'S Tom and Taters.
  25. Dress up the diddly squat in a rat's a$$ outfit and then you have something really special to pass around! NOT!
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