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Everything posted by thecount

  1. I know the roads you likely took getting back, and yes, we missed some incredible parts. Don, did you save these and can share the return route since Wayne's update seemed to take you out into the lake and back on part of the route? S2
  2. Finally a day without rain and some great friends to ride with. Wayne, you always are a great leader on the trips. Hope to see everyone soon again. August is crazy busy, but will try to figure out how to go for a rotor sooner than later. Steve and Michele
  3. Best wishes Carl on your celebration day! Happy Birthday .
  4. Wonder if VISA follows the same formula for Cdn cards in the US?
  5. FAMILY FIRST, there will always be a next Wednesday. Safe travels. S2
  6. Don, did you have a final time at Meyer Rd and 8 for tomorrow night. I have a Wednesday night free but will be long day in general so, would at least drop by if you are planning 8pm or so :ICcool: ? Steve
  7. We Erin our EdSets the same way. Much, much better. Also blocks out additional noise. Allows us to run the sets at very low intercom (IC) and low radio/satellite radio volume. Worth the cost for this sets.
  8. Wayne My ZUMO 665 did not have software with it, and now seem like Mapsource is not the software as Garmin site indicates BaseCamp. Then if using MapQuest or other, needs the Garmin plugin "Garmin Communicator" which seems to be a bit of a challenge as it's not "plugin in" to my web browser. Sorry to sound frustrated. At one time on older Microsoft softwares, it was easy, not, its not so easy. Thanks S2
  9. Hello Venture folks. Looking for a software or web site that easy to create custom map routes, save to a Garmin GPS file format and the means to upload to my Zumo. What are others using? Recommendation? S2
  10. So I order a pair of these 13" plug and play replacements. Will report back once they are installed and functioning. They also have a 16" steel version, but apparently they function the same. Went with the shorties. And not bad, $5 shipping to CANADA. Will advise.
  11. It brings back foggy memory of smoke on the water for some tripped out feeling:confused24:.
  12. This looks to be very interesting replacement. So is it as simple as "plug and play" as noted? Have you used this item on your bike/hannigan? No other adaptors required? But then for $27 for 2 units, it's worth a try without too much cost or investment. Any additional info would be great. Thanks
  13. IS there a specific reason for using Francis antennas vs the Firestick noted in the Mod instructions?
  14. If you can remember the 60s music, well , then you weren't really there.
  15. Bob and Becky Sorry for your lose. Our thoughts are with you at this time and wish you safe travels to be with your family at this time.
  16. Reiny I have an F4 stock height and wide. Let us know if you want to have a look. But guess that would only be one thing you want to look at.
  17. Guess the whack on the side of the radio and the tinfoil on the antenna worked! Actually I found the radio would reset to clear the Err code on the screen.
  18. Gary I had that happen once before. I think I pulled the fuse to kill the power for the radio/cb. Then did a power up re-boot type thing. Give it a try. Otherwise, like the old tube tv's use tinfoil on the antenna. Might work as we'll??
  19. Sent PM and Payment. Thanks Let me know if a set of the carb covers come available or on the next order/production. Thanks!
  20. Don, we have only met once but this is with all sincerity that I offer to you and your life partner, our best wishes and support and prayers as you and Eileen walk the journey you are on together. It's not about maintainence day or all the other stuff, the importance of your relationship is fundemental to both of you and your well being. One moment at a time. All the best my friend.
  21. You called?? Family Day for us Ontario and Alberta provinces. As day to, well, do something related to family:stirthepot:. Mine was a work day, just like every other day that ends with a "y"
  22. Tater and Tom, We offer our condolences and prayers for you and family. I lost my father on Friday last week, and fully understand the heartbreak Vicki and you are experiencing. Find joy and happiness in the warmest of positive memories. Take care my friend. Steve and Michele
  23. Sorry Wayne, Will be missing this one. Already out of town on Dec 13 and 14. Enjoy the MAPLE feast!
  24. Ben, Great idea. Can you hold off until Monday January 6 when I'm back from the south new years trip? Enjoy the show and supper. I will offer a toast to the VentureRiders on Jan 4.
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