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Everything posted by jjulson

  1. Thanks, I did. He is sending it now. I did not realize Mark has his add in classfieds for the hitch.
  2. I did not look deep enough. Found the info about venturedad. I will give him a call.
  3. Anyone now where to get a trailer hitch for a 2007 RSV for a reasonable price?
  4. I know this is an old thread. I have the same problem. I do not use the CB and I had similar issues. The only item on the radio that would work was the volume. It has lasted for weeks. I have had it to the dealer (under warranty) and they have split the fairing and did the dielectric grease and it works for a while the problem returns. When I have the problem and turn off the bike and start it again it does not fix the problem. One time it was not working and I was going to the dealership and on the way it started working OK. This last fall I had it at the dealership and they mentioned if it happened again they would change out the module. This was last fall before I but the 07 Venture to bed for the winter. Now the dealership closed so now I have to try and work with a new dealer. Hope your problem gets fixed and it stays fixed.
  5. I have read a lot about the Garmin Zumo 550. Has anyone used the Tom Tom Rider 2?
  6. If you bike is under warrenty why not take it to the dealer and have them work one it? The service department at the dealer I work with said he had contacted Yamaha and there has not been issues reported to them. If we take it to the dealer this can help us all.
  7. I took it to the dealer and they took the fairing apart and found a loose connection. The sprayed it with water as damp conditions caused it to act up. So far it is working.
  8. My CB was off. I do not get the feedback squeel when the intercom was off. I thought something may have changed with the placement of the microphone and earphones but this was not the case. I have to agree that it is probably a connection issue. This weekend I had the same problem as AZSpyder. I had to stop and turn the engine off and turn the key on to change channels or volume on the intercome system or even operate the CB.
  9. Has anyone else had problems with the intercom and radio on their Venture? I have an 07 and I have recently had the intercom system squeel and chirp. When this happens none of the controls for the radio or intercom work. I have to unplug the head sets and turn the bike off in order to use the radio and intercom (it seems like it resets adn all is good for a while). I have also had problems with the radio with the only control that works in the volume none of the other buttons work. I have not had a chance to take it into the dealer yet. Just looking to see if others have experienced this.
  10. What are you views on driving lights. Are they a good idea for night driving? Any experience?
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