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Everything posted by Marvin81

  1. Thanks George. I'll do that.
  2. Thanks to danob11 for rattling the cobwebs in my ole noggin I remembered there is a place called McMaster & Carr that has all kinds of tinker toy things and lo and behold after a search on there I found exactly what I needed. Had to buy a package of 5 but well worth it to not have the cord just hanging in that big ole hole looking tacky! Now all I need is a good source for the brake parts and I am in business again. Thanks for the help y'all.
  3. danob11--Thanks for the idea. That one never crossed my mind. I did look at Radio hsack but nothing. randya--Is there a rebuild for this valve or do I just need to get a new one? I plan to pull my trailer this spring on some trips and my #1 priority is to have good brakes in case a cager decides to do something stupid, like pull over in front of me or stop or some other dumb thing like that. BTW already installed my Bad Boy horn from Harbor Freight...works awesome. Really makes them jerk their heads around when I have used it to get their attention.
  4. Yeah I knew about the other 2 bleeders. I installed new brake bleeds and flushed all my lines and it really helped on the front right but the rear is still not responsive. I've checked Advanced, Auto Zone, and O'Reilly's with no luck. It seems that to get one that is big around enough to fit in the hole in the fairing the hole in the center of the grommet is too big too. Thought maybe someone on here might have a supply source.
  5. Good evening fellow members. I am looking for a source for a rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit for my 88 VR. I haven't called the stealer yet. I flushed the fluid in the rear and that didn't seem to help. Even if I pump it, it doesn't have much stopping power. I replaced the pads with new EBC HH pads and still no improvement so I am guessing the next logical step is to rebuild the master and see if that doesn't solve the "barely braking" problem. When rebuilding the master is it also advised to take the reservoir off and flush it out as well or just do a good flushing of the fluid after the rebuild? I also have searched the net and can't find a source for the grommet that goes around the headset cable that goes through the plastic on the fairing. I looked on J&M Corp website but no luck. Does anyone know where I could get one of these grommets? Thanks in advance for all your help.
  6. Wel y'all I just wanted to let ya know it worked...Let it sit over night, took the plugs out and put in all new ones and drained the carbs. Turned the gas petcock back on and let the fuel pump do it's thing and hit the strater and bang...she fired right up and no leaks.. Thanks again gys and I'm sure I'll need y'alls help again...
  7. I cut the gas off and ran it til it died then unhooked the gas line from the filter and got a good bit of Sea Foam in by using the fuel pump. Will the bike run on straight Sea Foam or will I need to drain it out of the bowls and then pump it back full of gas? I put Sta Bil in the gas tank before I put her into hibernation a couple months ago. I have never used Sea Foam before but from all I read tonight that is a much better route to take than the Sta Bil. I want to thank y'all for getting back to me so quickly. I knew y'all would kow just waht was wrong and jusst how to fix it. This is one awesome group.
  8. Well the weather was beautiful here in NC today so after doing a bunch of yard work I thought I deserved to take a ride. After about 2 miles I started smelling this very strong gas smell so I pulled over and cut the engins off to see what the problem was. Lo and behold I crawled off and there under the bike was a puddle of gas. No being in the mmod to burn my great little first gen up I let it set for a bit to cool off and headed back home. Again I smelled the gas even stronger now and the bike wasn't running up to it's usual great self. When I got hom I left it outside to let any gas that might still be comeing from where ever it was coming from and for it to cool off before I pulled it into the garage. I was hoping this would eb a really simple find for me like a pin hole in the gas line from the fuel pump up but can life ever be that simple? Well not for me anyway. I pushed it in the garage and put the better halfs cager out side and put it up on the jack so i could get a better look at the situation. I turned the key on and the fuel pump strated pumping but just like always only 2 or 3 clicks and it quit...Shucks foiled again. So I took all the side covers off, the seat off, and the 2 little plastic pieces cover pieces so I could hopefully see where the gas was coming from. I started the ole girl up and here comes the gas but I can't see where it is coming from exactly. It is leaking on top of the rear shock and running down from there but I can't see where it is coming from. Can anyoone give ma any help on what I can to to fix this or if you even know what I am talking about? I haven't had a lick of trouble with this bike since I got it 5 years ago so I guees it's about my time but not being familiar with the mechanics of the bike I am at a loss. I searched the site before I posted this problem in hope of not having to bother any of the tech guru's but didn't find any related threads...they're probably out there I just couldn't find one...So to sum it up in one word....HELP!!!!!! I am going to try and attach pictures of where I am talking about so that it may help you to tell me what I need to do to fix it or what my problem might be.Thanks in advance for any help anyone might be able to give me.
  9. I had the surgery in March 06 and I wouldn't change it for the world. I went from 284 to 170 in less than a year. I am 3 years out and am maintaining, currently at 171.6. It worked for me...it'll work for you. Keep up the good work brother. You'll feel better in the end. Keep us posted on your progress.
  10. Thank you for the compliments. Here are a few of the latest. I have tried to keep a "progress file" of it as I built it. I have just 2 more additions to make to it and I am thinking I will call it quits.....for now any way.
  11. Thanks for your reply Don. I know I saw one post for a 1st gen with a c/t and I will go diggin to see if I can't find it. I built that trailer over the winter months and hope to do some trips with it this summer. I've bought a full set of R1 brakes for my bike off ebay (next project) so I can stop better with it behind me. I do okay with the stock brakes but they seem a bit soft at times and I'm sure pulling the additional weight will definately need a bit better braking power. Thanks for the compliment.
  12. I have been reading as much as I can on going to the dark side and I think I will do it when my current tire wears out. I was wondering if I could get some direction as to preferred brands of tire. I also would like to know about size. I see that most all post on this thread are from 2nd gens and I own a 1st gen, an 88 VR to be precise, and haven't seen a lot of reference to our species. I actually only found 1 size referenced and I wrote it down but now I can't find the paper I wrote it on. Do most owners mount their own tires and if so what do you do about balancing them? I doubt very seriously that my stealer would be very agreeable to doing this for me. Tim44 i'm not very versed in things as far as maintenance goes so could you explain what "siped" refers to? I also saw in previous threads that some people are using Ride On in their tires. Is this common practice and do others recomment it as well? I appreciate al the help that everyone gives on here and I sure am glad I found this group.
  13. Would anyone here happen to know the part numbers for the front and rear pads for an 88 Venture Royale? I am gettting ready for a new year of riding and was just gonna replace them as preventative measures...besides the rears are pretty soft and I plan to pull my winter project behind me, a teardrop camper. Any help I can get would be greatly appreciated.
  14. I am looking to replace all 5 of the bleeder valves on my 88 VR but I don't know if they are all the same part number. I saw a post a while back referencing this and now I can't find it(should have wrote the part number down when I saw it I know) and the web site doesn't show 1st gens. Can anyone help me out on this? Thanks for all your help and I hope everyone had a Happy Turkey Day.
  15. Just sent my payment via Paypal. Thanks weldman!
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