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Everything posted by maindog

  1. I took an old one that was pretty bad any way and cut it down to about 8" and painted it flat black , just to see what it would look like, looks pretty tough. now its nothing more than a short deflector. now Im thinking the whole bike may look good stealth. if it don't shine paint it black. A lot of new bikes are going with that look. I like it.
  2. I cant tell you how many differnt types of blkes,quads,snowmobiles, etc. I have had on mine, the removable side panels and extra stabilation bar that all remove make it very safe and universal. Have fun, and no more laying on the ground and bending over. getting too old for that .
  3. In my neighborhood, half of the goblins drive in and park , and take the kids / adults / infants in strollers, you know the whole family , cuzs, brothers, sisters, uncles, seems like 10 or 12 in a small car, no costumes and they all have a candy bag, trick or treat, ya right, more like feed the hungry. its a sad state of affairs up here in the Detroit area. . I now notice only about 1 in 7 houses even take part any more . its all kinda sad.
  4. the drop out wheel panel is the best feature, also have never had a bike come loose from the front wheel clamp, and fall off like those clowns on OCC . BTW if you Dont strap your bikes even with a wheel clamp you deserve to have your bike fall off . PS. I added a few shots of mine in the gallery, http://www.venturerider.org/forum/vbpicgallery.php?do=view&g=2320 ( and yes that is chip foose in the background )
  5. you gotta love this one.
  6. maindog

    other projects I have.

    my play bike, built up from a complete wreck. Now it scares the heck out of me.
  7. I have tried a lot of things, but if its good enough for million dollar jet aircraft , its good enough for me. might cost a couple bucks more than the pledge but its engineered for this type of windshield. it works great on all the plastic too. IT rocks on my sons pocket bike.
  8. I just finished a complete rebuild of both front and back masters, lines and calipers on my 83, had to completely drain and removed all parts, lines and such. I took two days to get all the air out , ( and I used a vac also) I found that the rear master banjo fitting that feeds the front triple tree port valve is a bad spot for catching a bubble . like skydoc said you need to pump it hold it and crack it to purge the air bubble or you could be their for hours. with some patience you'll get it . PS if you cant get a good hard pedal that stays, you should pull the master and check the seals, if you go that far you should go ahead and just replace them. sometimes the c-clip is a real bear on them so be warned.
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