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Everything posted by maindog

  1. 83 venture in a basket. i call her buck-fifty cuz that's what i paid for her. after syncing the carbs and tuning this week I just may get er up to that too ! . i Have an old honda chopped up 750 four in a long hard tail amen Frame I call her Pitbull . cuz shes a big ass baby till you twist the throttle, then she turns on ya , and wont let go.
  2. thats a good article and raises some good debate , but I guess my point is that if you do ware a helmet or are shopping for one , know that there are standards out their and do your homework. this would be a good one for the myth busters .
  3. I have read allot of threads on here about helmets , and not too much talk about helmet ratings. if you wear a dot helmet you are not really very well protected ! I have even seen allot of helmets being sold at bike swap meets and a dot sticker given to you to sick it on the back of the helmet. thats great if you want to wear a 10.00 helmet but you can expect your brains to be sweep up off the pavement with your bike if you go down hard. I say if you have a 10.00 head ware a 10.00 helmet . if you really want to be safe look for a helmet with a Snell rating. see this article for the reasons. Snell Vs. Dot DOT sets minimum standards for helmets, The Snell Memorial Foundation is a private not-for-profit organization that sets voluntary standards for motorcycle helmets, bicycle helmets and auto racing helmets, as well as other kinds of protective headgear. Snell standards are the world's toughest. wearing a dot helmet is like being covered by government health care , do your really want to trust your brain to the government ? so if you decide to wear a helmet at the very least make an educated decision and get a good one. your family may thank you later, if god forbid you ever go down. "I still believe in freedom and cant stand being told what i can and cant do (especially by the government) but remember a government powerful enough to give you every thing you need also has the power to take it away !"
  4. maindog

    More buck-fifty, Progressive spring project.

    Can we ever just leave a project alone !.. no way it will never be done ! he who dies with the most toys wins..! :)
  5. I got a treadmill from the free section , from over on the better side of town. the lady said she was just walking on it and it quit so she went out and bought a new one. had to go it right then because she was having the new one delivered later that day. so I went and picked it up. I was shocked to see it was one of the big commercial units like at the gym. well got it home and it worked great. she blew a 20 amp house breaker cuz it was made for a 30 amp circuit, that was all that was wrong. (didn't have the hart to tell her . but I resold it the next day for 1200.00. now that was a pretty good day.
  6. If this is global warming I never want to see global Cooling. FFFFRRRREEEZZZZZZ:big-grin-emoticon:
  7. its so depressing, I hate shoveling just to get into the garage to get out the snow blower . Its holding me up from putting on my progressives .
  8. every time i have time to sit down and browse. at least once a week. but I learn something new every time!. keep up the good work, its a great site.
  9. drill it out extractors. great tool to have in the box. I have used this many times and they work pretty good, Also I take a center punch and a small ball peen hammer and tap on the center of the stuck screw around 50 times before i even try any type of tool to extract a stripped or broken off / rounded off screw or bolt. wish you luck on yours its never fun.
  10. I have seen too many good guys taken too soon by not wearing one. so for me its 1000% , also Not the Cheep dot helmets either, I say if your heads only worth 10.00 wear a 10.00 helmet. I don't have that many more brain cells to waste. plus I got hit in the mouth about 10 years ago by a queen bee, on the e-way doing about 80 and it cracked my front tooth, so now I ride full face .
  11. Thats Right you know, now that I think about it they only made 83s in 83 and 84s in 84, 85s in 85... did yamaha make in 86s in 91 ?.
  12. nice, now I know what an almost new condition 1st gen should look like, too bad he hacked up the oem speaker covers, and Its also missing the little screw cover under the key switch. but a nice bike it is. still not worth the asking price.
  13. maindog

    Picture 078

    From the album: my projects.

  14. maindog

    my projects.

    my 83 first gen. project I call her Buck-fifty.. ( I Picked it up for 150.00) In a box ! Best Money I every spent :)
  15. maindog

    My Putt around Toy, 88 Yamaha YX600 Radian

    Another Craigs list Special. 200.00 . sitting since 1990. with the carb float bowls removed. :)
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