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Everything posted by maindog

  1. Man I missed the venture drag... I woulda gave anything to see that one.. but so much to see so little time. next year I want to take my 83 , and maybe get my 74 chop on the dyno, maybe i will be able to find someone with a hd chopper who wants to go up against my 750 with a big bore stroker kit, and lots of mods on it. im thinking it will take on of those big S&S Motors. its comming together fast now I have my 12 year old helping .
  2. Ok , Guys. n Gals. It was a pretty cool event so here is my photos. this was the first time to this one and thanks to karl for tipping me off about it. Even thou it was a very cool morning and an hour and half up to flint from Lincoln Park. I drove up in the car with my 2 kids. despite the later in the day "dad is it time to go yet" from my 6 year old they were pretty good troopers. next year I will for sure be entering my 83 venture, and my 74 honda rat chopper. http://s592.photobucket.com/albums/tt7/dd7890/Bikes%20on%20the%20Bricks%202010/th_flintbikeshow003.jpg
  3. I found this one the other day at a flea market swap , at first i thought it was a bsa or some bmw or something really old , but really restored nice. then upon further inspection it turns out to be new. and sold just down the street from where it was parked. it was very cool seeing a bike i never heard of even if it is Russian. it has a drive shaft that connects the sidecar wheel to the rear wheel of the bike making it a 2 wheel drive.
  4. rjalamo, it was a pleasure meeting you, don't feel bad, after you killed that damn horse fly that was biting me and going back for seconds, I think I dropped my bike keys in the grass somewhere by where we were chatting about going to chi town. good thing my bike was loaded on the trailer already . I hope your trip was a good one. I called Don and he and a couple of guys looked for my keys but no luck, but I managed to get a couple keys made when i got home . It too was my first MD and will say its the best bunch of people i have ever met. I look forward to going next year.
  5. don't get me wrong every one who comes here legally has the right to do what ever, this country was founded by immigrants who came here looking for a better life and did it legally! but what gets me are the people who come here Illegally and then want to demand that they have as much right to be here as any one else. If you went to any other country and did that, you would not be greeted with free education, food stamps, welfare, and free heath care. you may get a nice escort to jail and they would through away the key or worse. we are a country of laws. obey them or get out ! .we don't need immigration reform, we need immigration enforcement. that's just my option. but every one has one .
  6. I got one will give it a try. i just wanted to get my windows mobile smart phone , that i use for my gps/cell phone/hands free speaker phone/Mp3 player/google map/weather/and wifi internet browser . to play out my 1st gen stereo . this should work great for that. but im still looking for a good mounting device to mount it to my bike.
  7. Wasn't that the guy they brought in to explain the fix for the big oil spill ? or was that the same description of what they are doing to stop it .
  8. I have been experiencing a weird problem with my 1st gen, and I need some input from the pros . did a full cleaning , flush and rebuild of the system. the clutch is fine , after about 200 miles the clutch pressure builds in the system causing no release (high lever) and clutch slippage, I break open the bleeder and let a little out and I'm back down the road with no slippage. I have rechecked , reblead, and have no leaks. all stock levers and MC. no air in the system. any Ideas guys ?. to me it seams like a venting problem ? any one else ever have this ?
  9. I also found myself faced with the same question, sky_doc17 turned me on to the progressive spring solution. trust me when I say "its the Best thing you can do for your front end". I did the seals and the springs. it was not that hard to do and I now only run 2lbs of air. 5 if i am riding 2 up. the difference is unbelievable. I will now put them an all my bikes. BTW I used the OEM seals but not sure if that would have been any different if I had used aftermarket. I just did not want to do the job over if it did not last. I have an 83 so I'm not sure if the part numbers would be the same as yours , but as MI_Carl has the seals ,that's a good deal. good luck , and let us know how it turns out for ya.
  10. It must be a gravity thing ..I'm now ready to stop the earth and wait for all the people to fall off ! except me of course , I will hang on really tight. hey i just realized something , maybe that will work on that oil leak in the gulf, just stop the world when its upside down and all we will have to do is catch the oil as it heads for the sky. but we are going to need a really big bucket.
  11. man, that's kinda like what we used to do in the old days before email. we would tape 5 pieces of black paper end to end , feed it into our fax machine, then tape the top piece to the bottom of the last piece and call the target fax machine that was sending us junk faxes. have it fax at midnight, and let her rip. a few hours later we knew they would not only be out of paper but toner too. a couple nights like that and they never called our number again . He He. Fight Fire with Fire !.
  12. I'll turn out the lights when the last one leaves. then I can have all the wonderful pot - hole filled streets to myself .
  13. After the last few weeks of crappy rainy weather we finally got a good one . and just in time too. sky_doc17 steered me in the right direction again and as usual he was spot on. after installing the needle shim kit in the 83 , a quick reset to 3 turns out on the air needles and a re-sync at 3500 rpm. I know I'm now getting the best mileage that I can possibly get. the bikes running AWESOME. and i even put a few hundred on her today . Sky-doc17 is the man , and we wish him a speedy recovery. All in All this has been the best day this year, and I even backed the bike into the garage , instead of pulling it up on the lift because I can now say its ready to ride tomorrow and I don't have any thing left to fix on it. its been a long time coming for this old lady, but shes finally treating me right . 2 up on the freeway 70mph, 3200 rpm and rock solid. life is grand. I think I'm in love again. but don't tell my wife .
  14. Sad, news, Earl, take it easy brother and don't worry about any thing but taking care of your self, your health is the most important thing and everyone understands that. your in our prayers for a full and speedy recovery. If you need anything just ask.
  15. Curtis, your bike has a reserve lighting unit that controls the headlamp not sure which 88 model VR you have but here is a link for a electrical drawing from the VR library. lots of things can cause your problem but I would check all Electrical Connections and fuse first ! then find someone that's good with a trouble light or volt meter. the electrical print will help a lot. also check the headlight bulb and its socket connection, wd40 or electric contact cleaner on the connections will clean them. I hope this helps , if you cant figure it out, and are going to freebirds maintenance day look me up, I will bring my volt meter. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=42358
  16. thanks to skydoc_17 for enlightening me on the years that will work. it seems that only the 83 to 85 carb slides will work, thank you for those who offered up the gen 2 models but the mk1 has 28mm slide bores and the mk2 has 32mm. so the hunt goes on. I lost a couple of flea-bay auctions on some complete used carb sets but keep getting outbid at the last min. . If i do manage to get a set and ne1 needs parts from them just let me know. until then the hunt continues.
  17. Just finished mine up and all i can say is WOW.. I did the seals at the same time and it is not even the same machine. I live in Michigan where the pot holes can kill ya if you fall into them . and I was bottoming out my old ones all the time. I had to run them with 60 to 80 lbs in the forks just to keep them off the bottom. now I have a firm ride with 4 lbs of air in them, and they ride like a caddy. best 70 bucks at the barn I ever put out. see my link I have some photos of the job. it really was not that bad. when I used to race dirt track , many years ago, all the jap bikes had really weak,cheap springs, always did. we had to put heavier springs and shim in our race bikes to stiffen them up. see somethings still are better in the us. . you want it built right, buy it here, built here. ( or just make it right yourself) its a great mod and you will not be disappointed . http://www.venturerider.org/forum/album.php?albumid=647
  18. Needed 1 used first gen carb slide. If any one has 1 old but usable carb slider for an 83 first gen Smaller bore than the 2nd gen. , can you PM me. skydoc_17 put me on to a problem i was having and sure enough he was dead on (as usual ). I had one slide come loose and was not opening all the way. superglue repair and carb sync and its a new beast. all the rest of mine are OK but the chipped up one , and I hate to run it (even though it runs great now) with it knowing its condition. let me know. thanks. Maindog
  19. If any one has 1 old but usable carb slider for an 83 first gen Smaller bore than the 2nd gen. , can you PM me. skydoc_17 put me on to a problem i was having and sure enough he was dead on (as usual ). I had one slide come loose and was not opening all the way. superglue repair and carb sync and its a new beast. all the rest of mine are OK but the chipped up one , and I hate to run it (even though it runs great now) with it knowing its condition. let me know. thanks. maindog.
  20. maindog

    Got Led !...

    Just finished up the progressive springs and while i had it apart put some led lighting in too ! here is a youtube link to my vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC9bgk1DrjQ and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=disAzliiG8M
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