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Everything posted by Canuck

  1. Finally got the carbtune pro to sync the carbs but how important is it to check the idle speed first. If it,s important, can someone please let me know where to get a tach to check the idle. Thanks.
  2. Sorry guys I didn,t take any pictures when I had the trunk off and now it is back on for the boss to ride on the back. I only took it off for a one time trip to Deadwood this summer so I could haul a bag that held more than the trunk. Actually met Dragonslayer Bob at a gas station down by Spearfish on that trip. Anyway the only radio function you will lose is the rear speakers, the rest still work. If I can talk the boss into getting a bike for herself I,m going to leave the trunk off as I think the bike looks good without. Kinda like a cruiser with cruise and a fairing.
  3. The radio controls wil unscrew from the trunk, 3 or 4 screws if I remember. The speakers just unplug and the wires from the speakers and the passenger controls can be folded, taped up and stored under the frame from the trunk. When I did it I had a piece of alluminum plate built with 4 holes drilled to fit the existing holes on the trunk frame. Viola, instant lugage rack. And with the trunk gone you will notice the difference in handling because that thing is heavy.
  4. Thanks guys but the first thing I did was pump the heck out off the pedal and got nowhere. Second thing I did was check the washer to see it was put back right. I,m sure I didn,t touch the pedal while doing the rest of the work and there wasn,t any fluid under the bike when I was done. Darn I hate GREMLINS.
  5. Anyone else have this problem. Just replaced the rear tire to a Avon so because the tire was off I also removed the diff and greased the drive shaft. Anyway when I put the brake caliper back on it seemed fine until it was time for a test ride. The rear brake went all the way down and there was no stopping power at all. So took the caliper back off and could not see any thing wrong. Bled the heck out off it and got most off the braking power back. It just doesn,t make sence because when the caliper was first removed it was just moved out off the way and left until the rest was back together. Oh by the way it is an 08 Venture. Any suggestions.
  6. I would like to give these a try, but what pipes are we talking about. Is there a part # or something I can go to the Harley store with to order to pipes. Thank You, Thank you very much.
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