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Everything posted by painterman67

  1. just paypald you the money and also sent you an email before i read your last post stating you still had plenty,. Looking forward to this as it will be my first mod to the bike. Thanks David
  2. just sent $ 20.00 for the donations. Would love to send more but things are a little tight ,but not so much that I feel like we can't help. Good luck and hope all comes out well with this endever. DAvid:2143:
  3. pan head popes of hell mc
  4. thanks everyone. That's kinda what i thought .I had those in my hand ( The &20 version) but figured I would try to be smart and ask for help. I appreciate it. David
  5. I'm new to this whole venturr bike. I've learned a lot just reading from you guys and was wondering ddoes any one have a recommendation for a particular brand of cover? I have a 91 venture royale but I also need to cover my wifes 97 shadow. The building want go up till next year. My wife and I have also kicked around the idea of putting them in self storage for the winter. any one with expieriance in that wrought. Thanks folks as I do appreciate this site, It's helped me tremedacely already. David
  6. Thanks guys. I've been trying to figure out how to do this for a while now. Guess I just had to look in the wright place. David
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