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Everything posted by painterman67

  1. No coment on the weight of the butts............my wife tells me I don't have a butt..........it's all the belly that will hold it down for me. David just call me budda
  2. Being an avid deer hunter i was thinking about useing a soft tanned deer hide and was wondering if this would work as well as using a sheepskin. I have a friend who will tan the hide for me for free ( Trade out for some meat) just not sure how this would hold up.. No that holding up is a problem per say, I can always have another made.. I guess the main question is will it work as well as the sheepskn. I just think it would give a col look to the bike. david
  3. Ive got a 91 vr and I need the tape deck wheather cover plastic thingy. Not sure of the exact name. David
  4. Thanks everyone. I guess it's another trip to the dealor. I took the battery and battery box out as instructed in the threadand realized that I had no idea where to start. I could see the coil but couldnt figure out how to get to it and as for the tci connector, I don't have any idea what that is. So either a trip to the dealor or find someone local to take a look. I'm able to ride quite a ways if anyone is interested. Maybe I'll shoot muffinman a pm and see if he is intereted. David
  5. eazyduzzit, Why don't you try the ride to Memphis sat. I would love to go but 10 hours one way and I have to work the night before makes it impossible. Look up the meandog tribute ride to st. Judes. David
  6. Hey redrider, drop a line when your getting into raliegh and maybe the wif eand I can arrange a little ride to meet new friends. Raliegh is only about an hour away from here. David I've got a meeting in Raleigh, NC on Wed/Thursday and thought I would come down and ride in the Smokys for a couple of days on the way there.
  7. Ok so my wife and myself took a little trip up the parkway this weekend on our bikes. I have been haveing some mild trouble with the venture and have eliminated either the battery or the stator by haveing the battery replaced and the stotor checked at the dealor. Also had new plugs installed at the same time. The trouble is annoying but not so much it cant be delt with. What the problem is,is that when you ease the throttle over you get a little skipping and then a sudden surge of power. If you just go ahead and get on the throttle strong then the problem either doesn't exist or can't be felt. This is where things get a little fuzy for me. Until now I've been thinking synch job, But while on the parway about 400 miles into the trip the tach decided it was going to work. I figure short in the wirring or something. But I also notice that the skip and surge have completely dissapeard. After an hour or so the tach stops working and the skip, surge returns. I took her out for a short ride today and the same thing acured. Tach started working and efectively lost the skip /surge but this time I took it easy just to see. She was skip/surgeing but not as noticeable. maybe my imagination but being a rooky to this bike this is what I feel when I ride her. Any help would be gretly apperciated. Thanks in advance. P.S. the tach quite working again and the skip/surge returned although not as bad this time . Like I have already said could be my imagination. Thanks in advance David
  8. For me I was serching out peaple with like interest as myself. As time went on I realized that it was more than just shared interest. Comradery, friendship and a helping hand when kneeded. This place has started to renew my faith in my fellow man. Their ability to give without reservation in times of kneed and their faith in god have started to change who I am. not sure if this is what you were looking for but it is the best that I can do at this time. And yes we are a strange and rare breed. Peaple are no longer willing to help their fellow man unless something is in it for them. This group amazes(spelling???) me . Good luck on your quest for the answers as youo will probably get a greatly varied RESPONSES. David
  9. Inked or not maybe a little more will help keep somebodies baby alive another day. Donation sent. David rock on and good luck .
  10. Just got brandy back home from the dealor. $200 not to bad considering all that was done. Turned out to be the bewttery after all. Installed a new battery and rechecked the volts at the deakors shop and it was showing 14 volts just like it should. Went ahead and had new plugs installed and the cooling system flushed . being the battery alone was a little over $100, the I feel quit satified. thanks for the help everybody. She runs like a new bike now. I still would like to get the carbs synced as one plug( Front left uif you are sitting on the bike) was a little fouled out and the mech said he thought it was running a little rich on that side. Agin thanks for all the help and next time I'll just listen and go ahead and buy the battery. P.S. I had a switch wired in for the running lights also David
  11. How often should the plugs be changed? The dealor told me today that he recomends changing them every 6 - 8 thousands miles. Seem low to me but I'm new to this bike. Any info is appreciated. David
  12. I really would like to go but 10 hours riding is a little far for me wright now. Only been back on a bike for about three weeks now after twenty years or so away from one. Also the other factor of riding by myself as my wife doesn't want to ride her bike with me that far and I can't go double becouse still on permit. good luck and gods speed to all, David
  13. What I'm looking for is something so my wife and I can chat if we so desire. The problems is that we ride on two different bikes. Are there any options out there that will allow us to talk to each other. She rides a Honda Shadow 1100 so the cb is not even an option. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance David
  14. If you've ever had them and then had them taken away you wouldn't even hesitate. A dollar isn't much, but it could keep someones baby around another day. Dig if you can and send up a prayer if you can't . All my prayers go out to the good folks doing this , tattoo or not David
  15. Regretably my bike is in the shop, but everytime I get on this thing I can hear myself at a young age saying faster daddy whhile he was pushing the family car hard through the twisties. Inevitably we would have to slow down becouse I would hear my dad say now son you know these curves make your mom sick. Now some 30 years later here I am listening to the two angels talking over my shoulder saying faster dady faster. Only this time I'm the adult and I'm on a bike and not the family car. My only response is now kids, you know your mom is behind us on her bike and she's not ready to go faster in the twisties yet. Now don't get me wrong. I have full knoledge that my kids are in heaven but every now and then I can still hear them. Aint life grand. This goes out to my father, Faster dady faster.I can't be up there yet so maybe you can take them faster, only this time your family car has wings and no wheels. Love to all of you up there. David
  16. I cant be specific about the rpm but it definately wasnt at idle. The voltage at idle was 12.1 steady. My tach is broke so I gave her a little juice. The highest reading I got was with the motor screaming. I didn't want to push it any further.
  17. My wife and myself were just there two weeks ago and the leo's were everywhere. Be carefull . Espescially in the few straightaways. Dacid
  18. It's me again . Finally went down to batteries plus to buy the pc680 and decided to have the bettery checked first. It's been there for two days with no drain at all and was fully charged when I got it back home and put it in the bike. Imediately I had the same problems , so I took the bike over there and had it checked. With the running lights on the best volt reding was 12.87. Without the running lights it was 13.12. Not much of a difference. When we put my cousins guage on it at his house it read 13.96 without the lights . Not sure what this means, but I guess it needs a trip to the stealer to get checked out. Also I decided to check the antifreezand found a little oil on top. not much so after she cool down I think I wil change and flush the cooling system. See if it happens again. It doesn't over haet, in fact I've never even heard the fan cut on. Also from what I can tell through the viewing glass no antifreeze in the oil. Alll seems well there. Not sure wht to do next as I really love this bike. I wasn't looking for her she just sorta found me. Thanks for any info in advance. David
  19. thanks guys , the battery is kinda where I was leaning towards. My cousin came over about 1/2 hour ago and put his meter on it. he has all kinds of cool tools being a heat and air man. It read 14.2 volts on the positive side. then we checked the battery with the bike of and it read 10 volts. guessit's time for a new battery. As for the running lights I tought of that too and disconnected them and it helped a little but I was still reading dead after 1 1/2 hrs ridding. Where is the best place to get the odyssey battery. No one in my area seems to carry it. I've seen the post on jow to change it out so if I an find one for a decent price I will install it and my cousin said he would install the resistor for me if i would drive it to his house. As for 45 in 5th gear I either just put it back in 4th or run 50 . the later is the beat as 45 in 4th seems to give me a bit of a surge . Kinda like ridding a bull that wants to run in stages. Couldn't begin to tell you folks how much I appreciate this info. This is just the first of many things to do. get it ruuning good first and then maybe takle the tach ..It wasn't working when I bought the bike. David
  20. Hey there another newby here, Lets start of buy saying I'm not the most mechanically inclined person there is wright from the start. Now for my problem. After about an hour or so of ridding my 91 VR the battery gets week and inevetably I start to get the slow starts. The bike is also surging (for lack of a better way of explaining it) when i excellerate and also when I level of. It runs ok in 5th gear at 50 mph but if you drop it to 45 in 5th it has that whole surge thing going on. I've already tried multiple applications of sea foam and also checked the battery. The battery was low on fluid and power( about 4-6)volts so I charged it overnight after topping of the fluids and it had only dropped slightly over night. All this is voltage readings are coming from the gauge on the bike as I have no acess ( speeling?) to a meter. Since I dont have a meter I was wondering could I do the trick of removing the positive cable from the bike while it is running or does that not workwith a stator. I now it works with ans alternator but that is a different animal all together. Any ideas woulsd be greatly appreciated as I have only had this bike for a few months and am looking forward to many more years to come with it. This problem has also gotten worse since I added a pair of running lights ( the 55 watt lights from walmart). Cant say enough about this site as I have enjoyed the time I've spent hear greatly. Again any ideas that a mechanics dream like me could do in the drive with limited tools would be greatly appreciated. David
  21. I do apreciate it but she finally got in touch with them. Just as I expected, out shopping. Thanks for the offer though David
  22. hope you got your wish. My wifes rain gauge( Spelling?) has 9 inches in the last 24 hrs. Mcleansville N.C.
  23. never had one blow over (knock on wood and hope it doesn't happen). But I hav ehad one work the stand into the asphalt. So my idea was to expand the footprint of the kick stand. What I did was to get a 4x4 electical junction box cover from a electician friend of mine, drilled a small hole on one of the corners and tied a piece of leather to it. Then I put a loop on the other end so I could hang it on my bike somewhere in reach. I simply park the bike , get the cover out of my little bag there and place it under the stand, then do the reverse when I mount the bike. Works wonders. Now how to stop the wind I guess we can always pray. David
  24. please put me on this list. My wife and myself would love to view this. Thanks David:fingers-crossed-emo
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