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Everything posted by painterman67

  1. Already have the money just got to add more to it. Haveing to save what I can as the ignitor/cdi box is on the frits on mine. Tahs about 700.00 at dealor and 573.00 at bike bandits. Guess everything will just have to wait. But if things fall wright who knows. I'll keep it in mind. David
  2. Aftre I posted this the wife said the same thing. But if your friend can do it find out how much. Would rather pay someone we now than a stranger. Sorta keep it in the family and all. David
  3. If I had the money it would already have been sold. Been wanting to try the change on my 91 for a while. Good luck and if they are still tere when I get the money I'll give you a pm. David
  4. I'm looking to get a mc tag made for the front of my trailer. Don't need it to try to be leagal or anything like that just want it to look cool. Was thinking of hveing one painted to say p8trmn. Anyone do this type of work or now someone who does. Let me know . Any other ideas are more than welcome also. thanks mucho... David
  5. Don't forget the milk and butter. I like mine with lumps. david
  6. Gald to hear you and the bike are ok. LIke you said ,lucky it was empty. Afive gallon bucket of latex paint weighs approximately 85 to 90 lbs when full. About 3 lbs when empty. Guess your guardian angel was on duty that night. David
  7. personally i prefer my 1st gen, but a friend of mine has a road glide he let me ride. All I can say is sweet. Never liked Harleys before but that bike at the wright price could almost persued me. David
  8. I appreciate that. Buddyrich replied to my pm I sent him. Said he could build the cable no problam but waqs awaiting input on sound as the zumo only has so much power to use and he wasn't sure of the output . Guess I'll just wait and see as I would rather buy a 5 pin set up to work with the bike instead of blue tooth. The only advantage I would see for me to go blue tooth is so my wife and I could talkl on a ride. We are currently looking at cmr units for this as she doesn't have anything like a intercom setup on her 1100 shadow. Thanks and I'll just play the waiting game for now. David
  9. Do you want a bed near the window??? Come join me I put myself in. David
  10. hey lonestar, Been waiting on a review for the buddy rich cables. He told me someone had a set made by him but was waiting to see if the bugs were worked out or not. How do you like thhis setup as I'm considering getting the same for my 91 vr. any input will be appreciated. Thanks in advance, David
  11. Yea Bill I know they are they all the time. I was just in the need to vent as the next stop after I got back on the bike was a Walmart. had to check to see if I needed new undies. Getting back on the bike was scary enough after twenty years off a bike due to deamons in my head after a bad wreck. This time was similiar but my mind was made up yo get back on and ride. And I'm getting to old for the fast lane too. Be safe and keep on two wheels. Unless you like wheelies, David
  12. Be carefull out there everybody. Although it was a bit cold today I decided to take the bike for a ride. Just after I got on the highway a trailer came lose from a truck in front of me. No big deal as I was cruising along and had plenty of time to react and move to the farthest lane. Heres where the fun began. After I moved over, a kid with his head in a cell pjone moved over on me. Says he never saw me. He put me on the shoulder of the road and almost hit the guard rail. luckily I had already slowed down or that would have been the case. The kid actually hit the guard rail. All of this was caused by the driver of the truck useing the wrong size ball on the truck hitch. 2 inch instead of 2 and 5/16. No one was hurt thankfully, but the kid and the driver of the truck got tickets. Failer to yield wright of way for the kid and failer to properly retrain a load for the truck. Please all,be carefull out there in a cage or on 2 wheels. I feel very lucky to be here now. I dont claim my prowless on the bike or the bike itself had anything to do with that. I just think my angels were looking out for daddy . Be safe and good riding. David
  13. 44 here and still went for a ride. Love it. the wife and I been jonesin for a while. David
  14. Ok where you all at. Lets get together for the kids. Cindi I started the price for your pin. I dare you to come and get it. DAVID
  15. Just a thought here, if yopu already have propane , instead of ripping it out and installing a new heat pump.Try adding a heat pump to your current setup. The heat pump will use the emergency strips at a set outside temp in order to keep up. That is when the propane would kick in .. Price to heat electric is not bad until you get into those emergency strips. They pull straight 220 and you can watch the wheels spin. Just a thought, David
  16. keep on trying , I just might let you win next time. david:stickpoke:
  17. Ok buddy , I done stayed out ah this as long as I could stayed out of it. I got your back. Seeing as the only woman I'm allowed to see nekids my wife I don't wanta see em either. No need to get a de-vorce just yet. Although the calender idea just might squeek thrugh at the paint house hold. Heck might even git her to pose for me. David
  18. From what I've heard save both pics and then photoshop them into one pic. Them add single pic to sig. David
  19. Talk to buddy rich. I think he makes a cable to hook up 2nd gens to a gps unit through the intercom setup. This would give you the cb,radio, and the ability to answer yopur phone thropugh the bluetooth capabilities on the gps. Just a thought ,not sure if that is what you want. David
  20. for me if it has the name Metallica on the band name I'm good. But just to kep up with the kids I do like some of the hip hop also. Just load up metallica's black album and you cant go wrong. David
  21. the only problem I can see with this set up is the fact that you have to use either a full or tree quarter helmet. At least as far as I can see. No problem for me but my wife would hate it as she only uses a shorty when she rides. She tried my full face and like the fact that she was warmer, but hated the blindspot effect and the fact that it made her feel like she was trapped and couldn't breath with it on. If anyone finds a set up for a shorty please post it . I'll be watching as time goes by. Thanks David
  22. you can also try adaware.It is made by lavasoft and is a free download and upgradable program. You have to do manual updates on the free version and manual scans but it works well. It finds all kinds of things on mine all the time. Good luck and hope this helps . This program was recomended to me by my brother in law and he works on cpu's for a living. David
  23. painterman67


    Rooster you must not be far from me then.We got about an in but it is stesdily on it way to being gone. David
  24. painterman67


    Hey mini. Is jeff riding the bike in this mess? BRRRRRR........ David
  25. My wife just recently took the riders safety course. If you didn't downshift on sertain manivers the would fail you. These are the guys payed to teach us how to be safe. Also , just check the manual on my first gen and it actually states to downshift as needed through the declining speeds to stop with the bike remaining in first at stop. hope this helps David
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