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Everything posted by painterman67

  1. as far as I know I never met him, but with all the emotion I read in your post and the words of others this seems like a great loss on my part to never have met this man. Sleep well and wake in the arms of the lord Boo.......knee mail up
  2. opk so big question here......does it have to be a venture? As I no longer have a venture but I did stay in the yamaha line . David
  3. really weird thing is it want a member of this group who brought it to life . HE who will not be named unless he wants it to be let others know and it got passed on in a note here and there. Brad it has been my honor to do my small part in helping. My first expierience with this group was a ride to VA 6 hours from home and broke down. You answered the call and took your time to call me and walked me through the reapair while I was in a motel parking lot...........thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you did for me and others
  4. knee mail sent...hope, prayers and good wishes on the way
  5. OK thanks.....like I said at least I have a direction to point him and he is a mechanic. Not a MC mechanic but mechanic none the less
  6. I really like my go pro.........works just fine for me and yes you can take pics. With mine you can set it to take pics at the push of a button or set it to push the button once and it takes pics at preset intervals which you can choose how often. It also take HD video. It is water proof with the correct housing(mine came with both). Only thing I dont like is the fact that you can see what you are videoing or shooting but they have now developed and small screen for remedy that that plugs into the back of the go pro. Point and shoots have their upsides also and like stated before can be mounted on the handlebars or where ever your imagination take you. but these are either one pic at a time or video.Only real downfall for me.
  7. OK I know this is old and I have sold the bike but it is still in my drive. my cousin is buying it and is making payments so Im holding it till its paid off. now for the question. Could all of this be battery related?. Reason I'm asking is the bike has set for the last month or so so I decided to put in some Stabil and Seafoam just to keep things moving. Bike would not start , dead battery. So I used my work van and used the battery to jump the venture. And no the van wasn't running. Funny thin is while the cables were on each battery all of the electrical problems wet away. UNhook the cables and the bike ran just fine but none of the electrics would work. Im confused. IM not going to fix the venture it his to fix but I would like to be able to point him in a direction.
  8. yeah the same issue is being discussed on the roadstar clinic......it appears the roadstar is not on the list of 2015 ne wbikes
  9. now shes working...thank you sir boss sir.........keep up the good work
  10. nope just tried again and same thing......Ill try later and if its the same Ill let you know
  11. this is what I get when i go to classifieds....am I missing something? painterman67, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system? If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation. Log Out Home
  12. sorry for your loss.......loosing your best friend is never easy..........this helped when my old girl passed on and hopefully it will help you https://rainbowsbridge.com/poem.htm
  13. looks nice. All the videos are to me a bit noisy though. I know its the nature of velcro but I want a silent blind. ONly seen one on a hunting show and cant remember the name of the company. did a quick google search.......heres the one I want http://www.amazon.com/Primos-Hunting-Double-Premium-Ground/dp/B006ZFXNGW/ref=sr_1_1/180-7476785-4967057?ie=UTF8&qid=1414716249&sr=8-1&keywords=primos+double+bull+blind
  14. OK so a couple weeks ago I was watching power nation . Specifically trucks. They were redoing an old ford and was working on the chrome bumpers. They didn't send them off instead opted for a cheap fix as it was a budget repair show on this truck. Chrome was pitted and slightly rusted. What they did was polish it with aluminum foil. So I tried it. Aluminum foil turned shiny side out and lightly rolled into a ball. Don't ball it tight. They real trick is the bowl of water. first dip the foil in water and then scrub the chrome. No need for a lot of pressure just scrub like you were washing of dirt with a wet rag. And walla a miracle happens. This is where im att on this piece of chrome for now. I will scrub a bit more as the camera showed me some missed spots and then a healthy dose of turtle wax chrome polish. so anyways here it is before http://i.imgur.com/XxsmQLn.jpg http://i.imgur.com/bFHU35S.jpg http://i.imgur.com/PdPX8X3.jpg after http://i.imgur.com/gn5Bjtx.jpg http://i.imgur.com/5UL9hfP.jpg http://i.imgur.com/BtstX1J.jpg
  15. well took my Roadie out for a ride today. Weather was wright and the wifes bike is back up and running too. We went for a decent ride today. Things I noticed on the ride. It does vibrate a little more than the venture but not much. It has tons of low end torque but not as much top end as the venture. I also like the idea of being able to ride at 55 in 5th and be able to roll on the throttle and still go without downshifting. So far I am impressed by this bike. I need a new shield and a back rest. Back rest will more than likely come first as I am debating a fairing and they are close to the same price as a new shield so why not wait wright. anyways thanks for all the responses. I will miss the venture but who knows if no one makes an offer I may redo it or at least make a rat bike out of it David
  16. yeah she loves here shadow......actually getting ready to put hers in the shop. Forks seals tune up and that type of thing
  17. guess I need to get a cb for the Raodstar huh
  18. thank you sir..Ill send him another pm wright now. great to have friends in high places David
  19. Ok I had a thread going about my new to me roadstar. Someone ( I cant remember who) posted he had a couple fairings and extra parts he took of his. Again I cant remember whho it was and it must have gotten lost in the mess last night. I had just sent a PM also and that seems to be gone as well. No biggie but ironically I am looking for a fairing for her so any help will be apreciated. I seem to remember that who ever it was is from Ohio. Aagain any help will make me a gratefull man Thanks in advance David
  20. ok was requested more pics........these are the best I can get as I only have a camera phone. the ends are rusty but that can be cleaned and was until the old girl broke down. There was no rust there till I stopped upkeep . anyways heres the pics.
  21. Ok so my cousins husband past on yesterday and their son is soon to have a birthday. he will be 13 and is going to take this hard.this is her facebook post. I've had a thought. In lieu of flowers, please send my son a birthday card. He turns 13 next Saturday and I know it's going to be tough on him. Perhaps an abundance of cards will help him celebrate. I know how family oriented this group is and ask for help. It would be nice for him to recieve a lot of love from anywhere he can get it at this time . So if you feel the desire I would apreciate the help.Send me a Pm and I have the address. hopefully thanks in advance David E Ryals with permission from his Connors mom I have been given permission to add address directly to this post 7603 Marty street Overland Park Kansas 66204 Connor Poteet Thanks again for all who do this. I cant get there to put them in my arms so this means the world to me
  22. ok its official. the 1st gen is for sale and has been as of now replaced. I went with an air cooled v-twin 1600. No not a harley though. A yamaha. I just brought home a 2000 yamaha roadstar silverado 1600. Now for a back rest , trailer hitch, and and and and....hehehehehe.........I love the new to me bike experience.
  23. another thought is that this will not work unless you ride with a full helmet. ,ay not even work with a modular as it might unhinge the chin piece. Just a thought anyways
  24. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3762&title=first-genfuse-box-upgrade-kit-21&cat=22 and skydoc is a member vender.........little more than $40 though but not much
  25. thanks.........thats what i thought but it is whats going on. Guess I will either wait till it sells and relay what I have been told or start chasing the ground. I just have no idea where to start. From what I understand theres a lot of them to check
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