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Everything posted by painterman67

  1. 2A....
  2. group
  3. mustang
  4. sexy
  5. if you want to change it I see no reason why not...other wise we keep looking......been out all day and so far google has let me down on where to find these in a decent ride, but hey Im on two wheels so its all good
  6. yes it is so your choice as to what we are looking for now............like I said Im itching
  7. worked for me when I clicked on it
  8. this is what I choose.now for the waiting of someone to get it.............If this is good then how about you your bike and three wooden crosses by the road https://www.google.com/search?q=where+to+find+COFFINDAFFER%27S+CROSSES&biw=1366&bih=637&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=eauQVfflCouvggSLnoCYBQ&ved=0CDAQsAQ&dpr=1 hope this link works .this is what I was thinking about. the ones down the road from me are on the side of a church and metal but that would work to.
  9. so hope this fly's with the group. Here I am at a custard shop. If this is good then how about you your bike and three wooden crosses by the road. We have all seen them and I can get it in less than 10 miles from here
  10. I have no idea where thats at in greensboro
  11. if I can find one. Havent been to one of those in a long time
  12. So my question is since Im not on a venture anymore can I still participate in this scavenger hunt?
  13. still a killer tat.........the detail is awesome
  14. now I have been thinking since my last post. Seems to me you are leaning to a rstd or rstc. Both of which are great bikes but both of which cost more than a second gen . Why not get a 2nd gen and remove the trunk then you have all of the electronics of a venture and none of the long run gear for the looks of the tc and td
  15. I recently made the switch from a venture to the roadstar. I want look back . I love the venture and may have another in the future but really digging this 1600 v twin. Love the sound and the way it pull like a mule down low. And yes with a few add on's can be ran long distance just like the venture. Longest so far for me was 6 hours in one day and got off and played in a pool tournament then rode back that night.
  16. tree
  17. loser
  18. publisher
  19. line
  20. thorns
  21. wild
  22. computer
  23. big
  24. fiction
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