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Everything posted by painterman67

  1. my tci went bad and was doing almost the same thing. Like you said holy caw hold on at 4500 rpm. New to me tci and all was well again with the world. David
  2. wel not really but I think we should take it this way anyways........and besides who doesnt like dairy queen and its for a good cause. The childrens miracle network............Ill be getting my blizzard. How about you. http://miracletreatday.com/ David
  3. that is what yamaha calls the control unit.....it handles the cruise control is what yamaha told me..........beings as when I had tci problems it took them for ever to get this straight . i was trying to order a new tci and this came when I orderd it. Yamaha mechanic was the one that told me it was called the control unit .He also told me wht it handled but I forget it all but what sticks out is the cruise control. david
  4. prayers sent.............. godspeed and heal well david
  5. the ebay model I can reach up inside with no tools and take off. I dont have to remove the lower chin fairing and it doesnt rub any supports goiung on or off. Like I said it works well for me as so far no problems. Im on my 4th oil change now and have noticed no side effects. David
  6. goof off is made with tolulene..............it will eat paint..............of any kind. David
  7. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Oil-Filter-Adapter-plate-83-93-Yamaha-Venture-/250988750735?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a7018678f#ht_500wt_922 this is what i have on my 91 ........works well David
  8. thanks Don......I was wandering what was going on. David
  9. will we be sharing body heat...........cause if so I gotta ask permission from the wife............she says I only have so much body heat and its all hers to cuddle with. David
  10. I was just there and tried to chat......Guess flyin fool didnt want to talk to another naked guy. David
  11. there is also the other senario. What if you lost your trailer unchained and still lost control of the bike. Now you have trailer going in one direction and bike and passengers gong possibly in another. Now there are at least 2 runaway vehicle to miss. For me I will always carry my trailer chained to the bike. Hopefully corectly so I dont lose control but one never knows. As freebird has already stated. Id hate to think that worrying about my own safety I jeperdised someone else. david
  12. I was just noticing that since I changed to google chrome I cant see my profile picture.When I log in using IE I see it but I dont when I use google chrome. So I thought maybey since the profile pic was set up using IE I changed it to a new pic while in chrome. Same thing. Not sure if somethings wrong or if its just on my end and everyone else see the pic. Help please. Oh yeah I can see everyone elses profile pics just fine. David
  13. not anymore.......just sent the funds. David
  14. I assume you guys are talking about a 2nd gen, but when i or my rider talk on the intercom , everything is muted on my 1st gen. David
  15. ignition switch maybey? Im 1st genner myself but Ive read about that and it sounds kinda familiar. Others with more expierience will chime in soon. Goood luck Daviod
  16. its open mic.............although you can install mic mutes and I think that makes it a push to talk.......is that confusing enough. My 1st gen is open mic though. either adjust the voolume or turn it off completely david
  17. hey Mark, I have both. Ive been trying to sell the smaller one with no luck so I think itll get converted to a flat bed stylee and get a roof top bag for when I need things to stay dry. We still tent camp and love the bunkhouse. if I get to come to asheville this year Ill have the bunkouse if wee come for the whole trip. If just a day or 2 we will pull the small trailer and if for over night Ill throw the small cooler rack on the hitch and carry a cooler and tent..... Guess its all in what your going to do. Never hurts to have options. David
  18. As long as his junks not in a glow in the dark speedo.............HEHEHEHEHEHEHE David
  19. I wouldnt mind one myself for the same reason. Ill wait till you get yours though so Im not stepping on any ones toes. David
  20. not sure if itll work but there is one for an 83 in the classifieds. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=4171&title=1983-guage-cluster&cat=6 david
  21. condolances and prayers headed up from the painter household. So sorry to hear about this Jack. David
  22. done deal yammer....hope and praying she gets better david
  23. I'm thinking of recovering the seat , back rest and passenger backrest and arm rest on my 91 royale. i was wandering as I've tried to use the search mode and cant find an answer. What years will fit my 91 as I see nice set for an 83 I think in the classified set I may try to work a deal on if it'll fit. any help will be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance David
  24. Just wanted to brag on my wife a little bit if you folks don't mind. June 18th was my b-day and we had to skip it as I was stuck at the hospital when my mom fell. June 13 th was moms and we also had to skip it because mom was sick and close to the hospital then. We were supposed to take mom to the beach (Carolina Beach) in North carolina this weekend but alas that has to be skipped also because again mom is hurting from a fall and is in a rehab/nursing home. Well here comes the bragging part. Today was her b-day and what does she do. She decides to take the day off and drive her bike round trip to Carolina Beach and get doughnuts from a place called Britts doughnuts. If you ever find your place at Carolina Beach do your self a favor and eat 2 or a dozen or so. This is an 8 hr minimum round trip and she did it with a friend in one day just to surprise me and my mom. All this again on her b-day. Now I know it was also a lot to do with the ride and being able to be free of all problems for a day , but for me I think shes the best. It made my moms day to be able to eat one of these doughnuts because that was the biggest reason mom wanted to go to the beach. Ok thanks for reading and have a great day. David
  25. Here in NC he can pull him over for an ubstructed tag, butjust as the rider stated its a ticketable offense not one that leeds to being arested. He would not have been allowed to remmove his personal property from his person. DAvid
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