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Everything posted by painterman67

  1. Ive had several of the high point firearms. Had a few 9mm, a few 40's and one 9mm carbine. Only problem I had was difficulty in breakdown and cleaning and reasembly of the carbine. All were a bit heavy and the 9mm in particular tended to give me a failure to feed and one didn't like to eject correctly. With both I was able to corect the issues by changing the name brand and or type of ammo being sent down the pipe. Cant for the life of me rember what I switched to but it didn't take many to find what the weapon liked. As I remember none of the like hollow points of any kind but that was years ago. As of now my ccw's are a Ruger 9mm , a Ruger sp101 357 and a Ivers Johnon Thrahser ss in 45 auto. If the weapon feels wright to you and you can shoot it reliably and accurately without discomfort then who cares what the naysayers think. High point fire arms while on the low end of the fire arms dealors are a very good company with a great customer service.
  2. knee mail sent............ David
  3. for what ever reason I cant get into chat. It just keeps saying its loading
  4. Sqidley .......how much for one of the seats if it will fit a 91? condition does not need to be well as Im thinking about recovering it. David
  5. my offer still stands form the original post.....but I dont have the balck bars or clamps. Those parts are still on my bike. But they may be able to be made easily I dont know David
  6. guess in my opinion the best caliber is the one you can shoot safely and on target every time you pull the trigger. Not saying you have to hit bullseye every time bt it needs to be close enough to do what you want it to do. Preferences are like a bunch of fruit. Everybody likes a different one and the best weapon is the one that you can shoot well and comfortable. if it hurts or you cant shoot it well it will get sold or reside in the safe. David
  7. nope I actually didnt know this,but mines a dao and a spurless hammer so you physically cant cock the hammer back with your thumb. Thanks for the info David
  8. ok here goes as best I know. Da--- can be fired by pulling the trigger with out the hammer being cocked Sa--- needs the hammer to be cocked before the trigger is pulled Da/sa--- means its both and can be fired either by pulling the trigger or cocking the hammer then pulling the trigger. Dao--double action only Sao---single action only As far as I know all can be caried safely with a live bullet in the chamber. not all weapons have a safety. Like my sp101 revolver in dao. Guess it all depends on what you want to do with it. My carry weapon( sp101) is a no spur hammer with out a safety in dao. Nothing to catch on draw and has a long heavy trigger pull so as to not acidentally discharge. My ruger p95 dc has no safety and a decocker. Meaning a round can be chambered then the hammer can be dropped by using the decocker . After that it can be fired as da or you can cock the hammer back and fire as sa. Most guns(like glock etc) that have no hammer are striker fired. As I understand it they fire from an internal firing pin setup. The safety is in the trigger itself. Sort of a spring load first section of the trigger and then its dao after you chamber. These can also be carried safely carried chamberd hot. Lots of folks like me prefer the no external safety for speed in an emergency situation. hope this helps more than confuses David
  9. Id buy a set too if you can get them at the 20-30 dollar range. Keep us up on it David
  10. no atwoods on the east coast David
  11. as of wright now My carry is a rucer sp101. For carry I use a 357 hornady critcal defense ammo and for plnking I use amc 38 spcl fmj. My wifes carry is my 20 yr old ruger dc95 9mm but she is looking for something with a smaller frame. What weapon fits your hand is the best weapon for you. If it doesnt fit you or hurts when you shoot it you will not carry it for long and it will either be sold or become a safe queen. ive got a few of those also but cant bare to let them go as whogave them to me. As has been stated already. Best advice is to go to sevreal ranges even if it means making a weekend trip out of it and fire as many rentals guns as you cna till you find the wright one. You may even get lucky and be able to get a good deal on the rental weapon itselfuf. Most of these are high bullet count weapons but because of insurance reasons they are maticulously maintained. Wouldnt be good for a rental to malfunction and hurt the renter. Reason I say to ask if you can buy the one you soot and like is because of trigger pull every weapon even coming off the same manufacturing line will behave diffently. most rentals are already broken in Just my advice and my opinion only so take it either way Good luck in finding your choice David
  12. ok couple quick questions. 1st do you have all the other parts? 2nd what years is this hitch off of? 3rd what is the name brand of this hitch? Reason Im asking is if its a Markland hitch and if you have all the other parts in good condition and if the pplate that you are showing( base plate where the ball mounts) can be replaced with one form a 93 then I can make the rest of your birthday better. I just happen to have one you can have for the price of shipping. Flyinfool made me a reese type hitch to replace this base and its just laying around my house taking up space. \\Okay all you hitch gurus will my base plate interchange with the one he already has. Mine is not perfect as the one I have has a liuttle rust but it can be cleaned up nicely. David
  13. welcome home to one and all. Both veterans and active duty soldiers. I ride as often as i can with the PGR. I am in no way a veteran and Im proud to stand side by side with one and all. I didnt serve . I felt my duty was at home with my mom after my dad died she no one else. Now its my small way of doing what i can IN my opnion its in no way a conflict of interest. pgr is not affilated with any form of political asociations. Hope to see you on the line if I get your way David
  14. I had a shinko tourmaster on my 1st gen. Loved the feel it gave as it gripped in the twisties like a gorilla on a bannanna. But alas the milage sucked. Only got 6000 safe miles and about 500 more that shouldnt have been put on that tire.Now the front went 15,000 and is still on but ready to be changed David
  15. and Im buying them as fast as I can afford a new one. Wright now Im lusting over a S&W 40ve 40cal...thing feels great in my hand. David
  16. me either Im a first genner myself. And mostly all I do is get on and ride it like I bought it\\ sorry David
  17. as if its not bad enough that I need a new fornt tire on my baby so I have been limiting my riding, now the 4 year old battery commited suicide. I guess i need to save up some money and have all this fixed. I know we dont get much down time as far as riding season goes here but warm weather is coming soon here. David
  18. thats what I did . Opted out. Didnt bother me so much as I was worried I might have picked up a virus and was speading it to others in some way. I am in no way a tech geek and wasnt sure. I say leave it on if it helps. David
  19. Hey pegy. Just sent you a message on facebook too. Little more info is needed as a few of us may be able to help each other out here. What version of 38 are you looking for? 38 or 38special and which version of bullet do you use. FMJ , tmj, HOLLOW POINT or any of the many other options out there. As for me I can find tons of 38 special in fmj . the cheap plinker stuff . 9mm and 40s&w are easy to find but its all critical defense and $25 or better for 25 rounds. Ive been stocking up so to speak on a few different rounds but only because the wife and I are taking the ccw class at the first of March and we each need a 120 PER WEAPON.This particular instructor runs everyone through a lot of drills. Hes a swat instructor during the week and as all or most of my shooting has centered around hunting and its been 20 years or so since the wife seriously handled a weapon the extra instructions from a qualified teacher is worth the extra money to me Let us know as already stated things can be purchased elsewhere and shipped around the world. Maybe we can help each other out David
  20. Don Im cool with it. I just clicked the turn it off button. I was just wanting to make sure it wasnt a virus or something. This site has become invaluble ( spelling?) to me and most folks on here are smarter than I am. Leave it be as far as Im concerned David
  21. and I will as soon as I can....payday aint till next week David
  22. thanks guys this works great David
  23. been noticing a lot of highlighted words in the thread post. I set my cursor over one and Vig link shhows. I did some resaerch on how to remove it and aparantly its not on my laptop. All reports say its on either the host site or on the net itself. Is this something I should worry about or just ignore it. Im only getting these on this site. Are any other members seeing this? Thanks in advance David
  24. any where on 40 in Nc is an easy ride............its all interstate and as already stated most of the big rigs stay to the right. Im in NC closer to greensboro/ralieh / durham area. Asheville has a lot of great rides and the blue ridge is great with a few twisties( very few in my opinion) but a lot of scenery. Last time I rode it it was a 45 mph zone so budget time for it. But hey as long as your on 2 wheels who cares about the road or destination its about the time in the wind. Either way be safe and keep the shiny sid eup David
  25. ok all you gun gurrus out therre. I have a ruger dc95 in 9mm that I have had for 20 yrs or so. Never had a problem until today. When my wife started shooting it today it was failing to eject and stove piping the next on the ones that did eject. So I tried the next clip and no problems all fired in either single shooting or rapid fire. Next she reloaded another clip and same thing it did for her first time. I then loaded the same clip that just did that to eleminate clip issues and sure enough no probs. What could cause this? every time she fired it it jammed or failed to feed and when I fired it no problems. Im confused thanks in advance David
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