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Everything posted by painterman67

  1. OK not sure if this will pass or not but if it does then how about you your bike and a lake with the sun either rising or setting......I know for some this will be easy but oh well need to get this going again
  2. cherry
  3. but thats the things I am missing..........I want all that stuff.......right now I am between a venture and my 1st choice of a valkyrie interstate........biggest down fall of the interstate is not being made any more but thats also a downfall of the venture............parts are hard to find plastic wise
  4. I will keep it in mind........would be nice to catch up
  5. OK so here goes the weird request. As a few already know I sold my 1st gen a year ago and bought a roadstar. Love this bike but it is not for longer runs as I have found out on a trip to Daytona and back. It handled well enough and sat comfy enough but nothing like my old friend 1st gen I had. So here goes the weird request. I am wandering if any one close to me might consider a ride with me. I can let them try my roadie and I want an hour or so on a second gen. I am considering selling the roadstar and getting an second gen but don't want to go off half cocked and not like the 2nd gen. I have ridden a 2nd gen before and liked it well enough but that was only a short trip and I couldn't get the long distance feel. i will pay for fuel and dinner for both bikes and riders as well as pillion riders if they want to come along. I just want to get a feel of if I would actually like a second gen. Thanks in advance and I understand if no one says ok as I understand the personal atachment that comes with owning a bike
  6. Joe I plan on making this happen just been working crazy hours lately......hope no one gets to it before I do
  7. thank you and I am good with it all...I realize folks have their own lives and things change all around us weather we want it to or not. I also know the ones who stuck by us and appreciate them . i try to except that there might be things going on in others lives that are beyond my knowledge and their time is placed where they are needed at the moment. I also try not to judge or turn my back on them as I really don't know what is going on. Again life changes and we must adapt. My comment wasn't meant as a generalization of the site just of the folks that I had let into my circle. I have lived my life on a theory that we create circle of friends and family. the ones that mean the most are the ones in the center circle. They are ireplacable and they are stuck like glue . Then there are various circles that throughout life expand and contract and even meld themselves with other circles. These folks come and go and even though it hurts I can get over it. The ones I speak of are the few I had let into the inner circle and they left unexplained. My fail as well as I have been busy. Now as far as the site goes I said it and will say it again I am not going anywhere. I like it here. I just think sometimes certain opinions are overlooked or discounted simply because the person making a statement doesn't ride said bike so how can they know what they are talking about. anyways I am getting long winded and my original post was not meant as a slap at the site but more of a personal observation and as such a plausible reason not to vote for me. I just go if its close otherwise I keep quiet and lurk
  8. and you folks can tell me not to feel the way i do all you want. I have had members of this site I will not name rede and stay over the weekend within 30 minutes of my house and I couldnt by an invite. Only reason I knew about it was I recognised the house they were at and commented on the pics on face book. I have also sent PM's to folks who have called me and the wife family and friends and not gotten a reply in well over a year. This all happened after I bought the roadstar. Now I did say there are a few that never changed and they dont need to be mentioned either since they know who they are. Maybe i shouldnt feel this way but I do
  9. http://www.roadrunner.travel/magazine/read/july-august-2006/page/18/ yamaha did and still does make a factory v twin above 1700,,,,,its just not a raodstar.............its a stratoliner......now the big bire kits take it up a bit but really cant see why I would need it.........mine will go faster than I want it to at 1600 cc
  10. we are actually both on roadstars......I have a 2000 and she has a 2003...........we love these things. The venture is of course a smoother ride with more power and top end but the roadstar is a torque monster. It rides well but is just a little buzzy up over 75 mph but a simple pulley change. you do loose a little torque with that but better high end and better fuel economy . I and the wifes bikes are getting 34 + mpg so thats still pretty good to
  11. no such thing....1700 is the current size motor.....the 1800 was I think a stratoliner or a roadliner...
  12. Okay since you put it out there I will respond. I am one of those paid member and will remain that way for quite a while. Oh yeah I no longer ride a venture but am still on a Yamaha so its all good but tech stuff and anything pertaining to the bike is irrelevant in my opinion and also the reason I don't respond a lot. Now since I openly admitted on this site I switched to Roadstar instead of moving on to a 2nd gen I in more ways than one have been made to feel like an outcast. I have sent Pm's and replied to messages and threads only to be ignored for the most part. There are a few out there that still talk to me and they are the reason I stay. Not folks who think they are the best because of the bike they ride. So there . That is my reason for not voting. If its close enough for me to make and find someone to take care of my mom I will show up , but as an outcast I feel I have no right to vote anyways.. Ok end rant Later folks
  13. just checking I have tried to log in sveral times and it says its not available at the moment. Something about it has expired. Am I the only one getting this notification?
  14. viagra
  15. Kid....
  16. charges
  17. facilitate.
  18. helps
  19. time
  20. week
  21. perfect
  22. bed time prayers
  23. Japan
  24. valkyrie
  25. on the bus
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