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Everything posted by Hobscotch

  1. Understand your situation. Been there with my mother. Prayers are on there way. Steve
  2. Our county lost a Motorcycle Rally in 2010 due to "local" issues. In the final tally, there was no event and the county lost $5 Million in tourism revenues the event generated. Bikers of all sizes and descriptions spend money at these motorcycle events. When they go away, a lot of money goes away from the local economy. Like others, The Little Sturgis demise will be regretted. :whistling:
  3. And so it was said that each of the Schitts went to college. A smattering received their bull schitt (BS) degrees, while some received degrees of more schitt (MS), and there were two who received the coveted piled higher and deeper (PhD) degree.
  4. I went the route of loud pipes, re-jetting, etc. on almost all of my motorcycles and race cars over the years. It is almost always experimental and costly. Just depended on what I was after on the particular vehicle in the end. Having worked with both piston and turbine aircraft engines for a number of years, the one thing that I learned was how important designed precision adjustments were to engine performance. These RSV engines are engineered and built to run on a selected air/fuel mixture at a specified temperature range by the manufacturer. That would suggest that fuel/air mixtures, ignition and exhaust back pressures designated are the most efficient for producing the power necessary for good performance and fuel mileage given the intended use. Any adjustment to those specifications changes that process. The total fuel burn process is the key to performance. Good maintenance of specified air filters, spark plugs, and exhaust system should produce the desired mileage rates and performance one would expect from the engine. On my RSV, which I bought as a touring machine, I am back to the stock operating profile. I simply maintain a good tune up profile on my 2000 RSV MM. There is plenty of power available, and I average 40 mpg consistently. I can still hear the radio, too. My two cents...
  5. Yesterday I was out riding my RSV MM and a Harley rider pulled up at a traffic light where I was stopped. He said my bike had "Class"!!!!! Had to console him and tell him he had a nice bike, too!!!! :whistling: Steve
  6. PA is reviving the helmet law now. They want to require helmets, or require additional insurance if you do not wear one, and require special tags for riders under 21 years of age so they are easier to spot. My only thought is that these clowns be truthful about ALL of the studies and statistics instead of the selected few they do use. No matter the helmet law, if some clown on a cell phone doing 50 mph through a red light hits you, and claims they didn't see you, it ain't gonna be good. How about these legislatures deal with reality on the roads? Legislating bikers won't resolve the other issues we ALL see on the roads that endanger we who ride. Insurance company studies suggest that distracted drivers cause 25 of ALL accidents. Imagine that!!!! Personally, I wear a helmet because I learned from experience. Have destroyed two of them in my youth and still here to talk about it. I make my passengers wear one, too. It is my bike, my rules. If you don't like my rules, buy your own bike and ride the way your want. :322:
  7. If'n ya ain't dropped one, ya ain't ridin' much!!!! Now ya dun it!!! Now ya know!!!! RSVs be a tad top heavy!!!! :080402gudl_prv:
  8. We use them on trips. They make life convenient. When you arrive at a hotel, just grab the bags and go. One for her and one for him. Guess which one is heavier? Steve
  9. Does anyone know of a crossover air line that can be connected to the front forks to add or release air to BOTH forks at the same time? Given the relatively low air pressure, it seems difficult to balance the air pressure in the forks separately. My old Virago had such a crossover air line and just one air valve for the front forks. Thanks, Steve
  10. To All: Have a safe and happy Memorial Day Weekend! Ride defensively. :cool10: Steve
  11. Yesterday was the day of absolute fear while I was riding home from getting my RSV inspected. While riding down an interstate in the left lane, I was passing a Jeep who at the last second as I was right next to his vehicle decided he wanted my lane. There was no indication or turn signal on the jeep that he was going to change lanes. That section of the highway has a concrete divider about 5 feet high and about a foot and a half from the edge of the left lane. I missed scraping the wall by less than a foot and the front bumper of the jeep was less than a foot from my saddle bags the last time I saw the situation for what it was. Have no idea how I got out of it, but I am very glad my clutch did not slip when I opened the throttle to get the hell OUT of that situation. I cannot imagine the mess I and my RSV would have made had I hit the brakes, the wall, or the jeep. Guess my life insurance would have been paying the claim shortly. In 40 years of riding, that is the closest I have ever come to dying on a motorcycle. Must have been pure instinct, experience, and training that kicked in, because I had no time to think. Time to put the loud pipes back on the RSV!!!!
  12. I have been doing research, too, about the Voyager Trike Kit given recent health issues. I am headed for one of the "special" parking plates, I guess. I live in PA, as well. Here is what I have learned. The Voyager Kit is insurable in PA, but only for liability coverage, according to Ryder Insurance Company, the motorcycle specialists. If it truly was an issue, then the insurance companies would not be allowed to insure them under the state insurance laws. The kit is not an issue for inspection purposes according to the dealer where I bought my Venture based on the fact that it is a "Trike Kit" and the extra wheels are at the back of the bike. I tend to believe that since the gentleman is trained, knowledgeable and experienced beyond the normal level of most inspection and Notary Service organizations. All things considered, it would appear that the motor vehicle code defining a motorcycle is simply outdated and essentially rendered moot by modern technology and law, insurance law, and eventually by the Americans with Disabilities Act, if needed, which is a federal matter that would probably trump state law, anyway. Been an interesting research project, tho. I really do not want to stop riding, but my body says differently. The "Trike Kit" would allow me to continue riding. I think I would fight the issue if I was told the kit was illegal. These are my research findings and opinions about them.
  13. So, can the Yami engineer explain exactly why the clutch whines, and maybe even a fix???
  14. Been there, done that. Just healing from a fusion two months ago, my second at the same levels. The first was a bone fusion, this one is the screws and rods. Broke the first at work in January. Good luck and do what you are told. There is relief coming almost immediately. Steve
  15. Outlook is a royal PITA at times. The simplest procedure when you have a specific contact issue is to delete the contact info in the contacts folder all together and then reenter the contact data in a new record taking special care to get all the characters correct. Outlook has the self completing capability which saves the previous data in a hidden file for ease of input in subsequent events, but that specific hidden data does not always change when trying to correct a data issue. After re-entering the new contact info, DO NOT use the self completing entry until the self completing file is purged of the old data. Best thing to do is turn that feature OFF. Hope that helps.
  16. Rick just finished my seat last week and 8 weeks after major back surgery, I could sit on it comfortably. He did one helluva job for me. Well worth the price...including shipping...to send it to him. Thanks, Rick. Steve
  17. PA is a 10% state, too. I use an additive. But, also use the bike a lot. So, the gas is very seldom more than a week old in the tank. Lost about 5 miles a gallon in mileage, tho. Can't find them anywhere!!!!
  18. I wear a helmet every time I ride. So does my passenger(s), or they stay home. Shattered two MC helmets, and broke a flight helmet in a crash when I was flying helos in the service. The brain still functions...sometimes. The rest is just chalked off to old age.
  19. Check out Ebay. You can probably exactly what you want. Just do a search for the bike you are looking for parts to use.
  20. Are we where, yet? I'm who?
  21. Hobscotch

    The Dragon

    Two months after getting my RSV, just had to take it to the Dragon and learn to ride her.
  22. Hobscotch

    Dragon A 1 Small

    From the album: The Dragon

  23. Hobscotch

    CRS 5170 Sm

    From the album: The Dragon

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