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Everything posted by spingley

  1. I had the same thing happen to mine at about 50 or 60K miles, after reading the posts I ordered the PCW heavy spring and replaced the clutch discs as well. I hated how stiff the clutch handle was and took it out and replaced the half disk I think they call it with a full disk, it is for smoother grabbing of the clutch discs. It basically gives the stock spring a little more stiffness but barely noticeable when squeezing the handle. Someone on this forum gave me the idea and I am glad they did.
  2. My ignition switch completely died on me and left me stranded, so I cleaned the contacts on it and routed all the power thru a 60 amp relay, and the only thing the ignition switch turns on is the relay. Did it 3 years ago and have had no problems since. Relay was only about 12 bucks at an electronic shop.
  3. About once a year my 99 will have problems shifting, mostly down shifting, all I do is lubricate all of the pivot points on the shifter linkage and the problem immediately goes away, have you tried this?
  4. I have about 4500 miles on my set of Avons, the rear tire has large cracks where the tread is, as if it is delaminating, I called Avon and they asked about the tire pressure, I told him I run 41 PSI but when I checked it, it was at 40 PSI, he said that is the reason for the cracking and nothing can be done about it,the pressure must NEVER fall below 44PSI. I told him I did not agree for a tire to be coming apart like this but he was not very helpful and ended up hanging up on me. I guess it dont matter cause I really do not want another Avon on my bike even if it was warranted for free. And my wife and I had just gotten back from a 1400 mile trip to Virginia, on the freeway going about 85MPH.
  5. I had the same situation as you, I took the ignition switch apart and one of the contacts looked kind of burnt up, and one of the wires had actually desoldered itself off from the heat caused by all of the current going thru the contacts. I was able solder the wire back on and cleaned the contact and it worked again but I was not about to just hook it back up and have it surely do it again. instead I bought an 80Amp relay from electronic store and wired it so the only thing the ignition switch turned on when key was turned to the on position was the relay, next I wired it so the relay switched the power on and off to the motorcycle. Now I have plenty of ampacity to switch power on/off regardless of passing lamps or whatever I want to hook up. The relay was only about $12 so I bought a spare to keep on bike in case I ever need it. Just unplug the bad one and pop in a new one in a matter of minutes. I also did not have to spend all that cash on a new ignition switch and have it rekeyed to match my existing key.
  6. I have Farmers and pay around $16 per month for full coverage.
  7. Does anyone know if they will fit on a RSTD? I bought a pair for my RSV but never got around to installing them and have decided to put them in the classifieds as I have missed quite a bit of work, and someone posted asking if they would fit.
  8. I have been thinking about painting mine black but it seems like a lot of work to take all of the parts that would need painted off, did it seem like a lot of work to you? I am pretty good with wrenches.
  9. I clicked on the link and it went to Sears.com where the price was $199.99, did you get yours from somewhere else?
  10. I work for Subaru where we build the Outback and the Legacy, I can tell you that they are quality fanatics, when you walk into the plant they have a large banner that says 'Zero defects, our customers demand it, we must deliver it' and then they get real serious about it on the production line. They will not hesitate to scrap an entire unit for the least thing they are so concerned about disappointing even one customer. I would highly recommend one.
  11. I had the same problem on my 99RSV and it also turned out to be loose ground connection on battery...
  12. I had an 03 1300VTX and the dipstick was steel, I would think a magnet would work fine, some of those magnets on end of a telescoping rods are amazingly strong.
  13. Please add me to the list...
  14. Ghost ghost ghost
  15. that doesn't even seem possible...
  16. I am guessing his bike is worth between 5k - 6k, I paid 5200 for a very similar bike, how much is your bike worth?
  17. I used to ride an 03 VTX 1300 and it had a fuel pump, but on it people (myself included) would just remove it and replace the petcock to a style with no fuel pump (shut off diaphram in back) and bike ran fine because gravity would push gas to carb bowls anyways, hence less parts to break down while on the road. Has anyone ever done this on the RSV? It seems doable to me as the tank is above the carbs, cannot think of a reason it would not work, but sometimes I just cannot think.
  18. I used to have problems with low speed handling on mine with the wife on the back, I decided to lower the front end after doing some research about it on this site, as opposed to raising the rear with leveling links, as I did not want the bike to be any higher. I couldn't hardly believe how much easier the bike handled at low speeds, it was almost like riding a different bike. May not be for everyone but I like it.
  19. It looks to me like an electromagnetic coil on a solenoid valve, the shaft it sits on would be the armature. There are all different kinds, I cannot give you any particulers as to it's exact function. I know that is not much help.
  20. I had the same problem with mine and after doing some research decided to go with the PCW upgrade, I could not stand the stiff clutch lever however so I put the original spring back in and replaced all of the discs, and also exchanged the last clutch disc, which I think was called a half disc with a regular disc. After doing this I have not noticed any slip, even two up and loaded down with a luggage rack on back even.
  21. Do you know if the Baron weights will fit on Kury ISO grips?
  22. I appreciate everyone's input, I think I will wait a while and see if anyone else has lowered 1.5" before I try it, right now there does not appear to be any high speed handling issues, and that is at 1" lowered.
  23. Since lowering the front end it really is easier to handle at low speeds, it now easier to back it out of garage, and I can now see over the smaller windshield I installed. I thought a little lower may be even easier to back out and see a little better over the windshield as I hate looking thru one. I was not aware of any high speed handling issues, and I regularly go 100MPH+ on flat reasonably straight Indiana roads so I will have to be carefull until I am sure how it handles
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