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Everything posted by newventure
I'm looking at aftermarket slip on mufflers' and can't decide on which brand. In no certain order, but looking at Bub sleepers, khromewerks and roadhouse. I'm looking for a deep low sound at idle and while cruising, not something that has a loud bark or cracking sound while accelerating. I've listened to different sound clips, but kind of diifficult to decide on the which types with the sound coming out of small speakers. I've tried the roadking mufflers and sound ok at idle but have what I call a fluffing sound and when accelerating they bark, so back to stock for now. Any suggestions would be helpful, as I've noticed slip on's for the venture are rather pricey. Put a post on several days ago about my venture and actually looked at a new wing yesterday, but not quite ready to give up the venture yet, so I'm considering slip on's and the leveling links for the rear to help on the handling at low speeds. Still trying to get a handle on this bike and with the research on this site and other's I don't want to make a mistake and regret it later, thanks..
I put the e 3's on about two weeks ago and will admit the bike does handle much better as other's have said here. I did do some research before the tire purchase and was a wise choise. Hard to believe that you 07 needed the basket changed so soon, how many miles do you have on the bike? I would think Yamaha would have had this issue resolved on the newer models if they had complaints on the earlier second gens. I was going to ebay the bike later today after getting some pics. taken to post, but I haven't 100% made that decision. My wife and I took a look at the Kawasaki site and the video of the Voyager and she noticed that bike doesn't appear to have as much room between the rider and passenger, in addtion some of the standard items the venture has the Kawi. are options with added costs. Those of you that have replaced the mufflers with slip on's. Can you recommend a brand that will give me the lower deep sound I'm looking for? When I bought the bike the rear cone was already removed and the rear baffle was drilled out, sounds ok, but has a glasspack type bark, no likey. I put the Harly muffs. on it late last year and made the sound louder, and more hollow. I thought I would get used to it, but they didn't have the deep sound I'm looking for. I guess if I get the chirp issue taken care of as other's said and get nice sounding exhaust I may keep it, but if I spend the coins to get the basket done and it doesn't help with the chirp it will be money lost.
I checked with the dealer and he said he would try to get Yamaha to replace the clutch with the I basket even though it's an 02 and out of warranty, but with the low mileage he may be able to convince yamaha to do a warranty on the repairs. He said that Yamaha seems to take care of the venture owners more than the other sizes, don't know. I would have to give it some thought and may even pay half to get this problem fixed and keep the bike, decisions, decisions. I realize all bikes have their quirks, that's a given because they are a mechanical machine, but you would think that with all the complaints, that they would do like a recall or something if it's a clearance or clutch problem. I understand it's not a safety issue, but riding a motorcyle with that type of noise takes the enjoyment out of it.
Thanks, for all the info guys. Wife and I talked bout it today some and she really likes the bike, but does agree if I can't learn to like it we might as well put it up for sale instead of letting it set in the garage. She has her honda and I have my vulcan 1500 classic to ride. We bought the venture just for our long touring rides and ride it on the weekends sometimes. I will say she doesn't ride her bike much as she wants to ride the venture instead. I ride my kawi. locally and to work because it's easier to handle. Was over on the voyager websites checking on the opinions on that bike, seems most people like them. I would like the v twin sound vs. the v4 and also the added 6 speed to keep the revs. lower. I'm going to do some thinking about this and in a few days make a decision and may be the venture up for sale. Just put new tires on it two weeks ago and the bike does handle alot better, but still can't really get into the groove with this bike, if you know what I mean, by that statement, sounds like I've made up my mind huh?
Well I'm finally getting the dreaded chirp noise on my 02 midnight. With about 11 k miles on it I guess as time goes on it will get more pronounced. Checked with the dealer about the basket change and he said the noise can still be there but may move to a different rpm and speed, but most likely won't go away. I will admit it is getting quite annoying, even my wife is noticing it to. I've had the bike almost 3 years and have tried to really like the bike, but just can't seem to get it to grow on me if you know what I mean, and now this. I like the bike for the power, comfort, and roominess, but I just can't get a liking to this bike. Was over at the dealer last week and they have an 07 on the lot on consignment, nice bike, low miles, I asked why it was for sale and the sales guy said he really didn't know the guy just wants to sell it. I've considerd selling mine last fall and now the whine issue may be the deciding factor this year, if I can only convince my wife as she likes the bike. I've been using Amsoil 10w40 since I've had it and what is the opinions on going to a heavier oil or back to dino oil ? will it quiet the chirp? Dealer says the repairs parts and labor would be around 400.00. but it may or may not cure it. Bike is out of warranty so that's not an issue. Not sure what to do at this point, any suggestions or opinions may be helpfull, thanks...
Wow, guys that's a shame. You would think that a tourist town they would welcome the revenue especially with the economy being in the tank. My wife last night emailed a hotel in N.MB about location and where abouts the event is now and distances, guess what, no reply yet, so after hearing some of the responses we decided on going somewhere else. I guess if they don't want vacation dollars they won't get any of mine. I went to SC. years ago when I was stationed at Seymour Johnson and did some fishing in the Santee if I remember right, was some good fishing there for sure. I don't understand why folks move and retire at a resort town then complain about traffic and noise. Years ago when I had my muscle car we and some other's would go to OC.Md to the endless summer car cruise in the spring and the fall, same thing, cops started pulling people over for stupid stuff, and issuing fines, ect. Haven't been back for those events for about 7 years. Always had a good time and obeyed the laws, altough some would get a little out of control, but instead of taking care of those boneheads they would target you for anything they could find. May just stay at home and sit on the front porch and drink iced tea.....
Thanks, for the additional info. I sure don't want to there and be watched like a hawk for being on a bike. I was stationed at Seymour Johnson AFB, in Goldsboro NC. may just take a ride there and spend some time in NC.instead, just don't know yet, even thought of Virginia Beech as well, but I believe MB beech is out for now.
Thanks, for all the info, I was on their website and MB bike week is still going on just not in the city limits do to what some of you have posted. The events appear to have moved farther north toward NC. Definetly don't want to go there and be hassled just because we are on two wheels. We go to Ocean City Bike week every year but, the weather sometimes is a factor because the events in the fall. I'm rejoining the Air Guard and my reserve weekend is that weekend and was thinking of going somewhere different. I will say the noise factor is getting out of hand there as well, I figure in another couple of years the same things may happen everywhere with the noise. Not to bash anyone, but why is it when some folks get on a motorcycle they think everyone wants to hear their loud pipes and some rider's loose all common sense? I have read over the years in different magazines that some city's, townships, ect. are cracking down on the noise, my opinion their ruining it for themselves and everyone else, just a shame. Honestly I can't blame the locals. One year at OC. we rented a condo two blocks back from the main street and all hrs. of the night all we heard was loud exhaust, and when we were on our bike sitting at lights, all you hear is guys reving their bikes up and hitting the rev limiters, just don't get it. Well thanks for the info may have to do something else instead.
Wife and I were talking tonight about taking an early vacation this year and thinking about heading to MB bike week, never been there before anyone here going this year or can anyone hear share their experiences? Got my new E3's on today and WOW what a difference in handling, feels like a totaly different bike compared to the factory tires,may sound funny, but it feels somewhat lighter when turning compared to plowing into the turns. I can honestly say it was money well spent.
Well I need to get new tires for the venture before riding season really gets into full swing, anyhow as a former auto tech with lots of tools, I'm considering borrowing a bike jack and attempting to at least remove the wheels myself and taking them to the dealer to get changed and balanced or another option is to take the wheels to a friend of mine and have him change them, it would be cheaper but he doesn't have a balancer he just puts the weights back in the same location, which I'm not to keen on. My main concern is I'm not real confident on removing the wheels and doing this, I'm afraid of doing something wrong, and with only having two wheels under you it's quite intimidating. No problems with the cars, just not real familiar with the bike issue. I've done other maint. but not something of this magnatude. I was going to just take the bike to my friends place but he has had some problems in the past and I hate to admit it, but I'm not to confident in his mechanical abilities compared to myself. I guess what I'm trying to say is he doesn't pay to much attention to what he is doing. So any advise would be helpful. Other's that have done this job, how did it go? Thanks...
Diesel mechanic 9 years, worked on third shift for 3 years, then moved to dayshift, had good benefits, until management change, and within 1 year lost most of our benefits that were company paid. I left as did most other's. Worked as a dealer tech (chrysler) for 3 years flat rate did ok until the manufacture kept cutting the labor times, couldn't make a living at it anymore, 3 years later dealer closed up. Had a cdl license and had a good driving job, good pay, benefits, not quite 1 year and the contract was cancelled, got layed off. Decided to go in debt and build my own shop. Opened in 2002 was doing ok until early last year 2009, then started to see work slowly drop of do to the economy, lots of folks waiting to get stuff fixed or not fixing at all or having a friend do it for nothing. Alot of customer's lossed jobs or were on unemployment. I put up with it until Dec. 2009, then decided it just wasn't worth it and closed up and sold most of my equipment. I miss alot of my customer's that came to me from the start ,but I just could no longer continue financialy. Some folks don't realize that years of experience and tools, including specialty tools and equipment come with a price. I would get alot of jobs that other shops couldn't repair or didn't have the diagnostic knowledge. Both my grandfathers were mechanics and I guess it was just a natural thing for me to do. As other's have said, there's a difference between a tech and a parts hanger. I will tell you I ran my buisness honestly and with integrety and started with nothing, built the shop put out the open sign and waited for buisness. Now at 48 years old and working part time, but looking for fulltime. There is jobs out there but paying what I made back in the 90's, what a shame. Just re-joined the guards before I get to old to add to my retirement, had a total of 10 years in so going for 10 more. Should have stayed in when I was younger but my other half didn't like the moving every 2-3 years so I got out, big mistake, oh well life goes on I guess.
I've heard about the E3's. I guess I should check localy here in case I have to order them before riding season gets here. Thanks for the info...
Yes, Iv'e had that happen to me as well, I just laugh and tell my wife we are cyclists, rider's it's a sport that we both enjoy whether she rides with me or on her own bike. We shouldn't laugh but we do say we are more civilized riders and wear the gear for protection instead of going around looking like pirates. Today we didn't get a chance to get the bikes out but I did see quite of few out there riding with full leather gear and no helmets, don't understand as the temps. were only in the low fifties and the air still does have a chill to it and cruising down the road I would think it would be kind of cold, with no head protection.
I agree on alot of the replies. I just can't get over the stigma some riders have if you don't have a HD. I really like the venture, that's why I bought it two years ago, looks, price and research through this site, about the power and durability, ect. helped me make my decision on the venture, but as other's have agreed with me on some points, as far as paint, chrome, over all quality in appearance. I've found out over the years riding, before the venture purchase that most bike events are geared toward the HD's. Disappointing at times when just about all the accessories are hd related and not much for the metrics if anything. I'll keep the venture as my wife would have a problem with me wanting to sell it for anything else, as she absoluetly loves the bike and pretty much despises the hd, but she does agree about the attitude of the ones that ride the other's . Yes I do know that alot of those bikes have different parts on them, from other sources and have these discussions with friends which they don't like , but they can't disagree with the facts. I guess the majority of the guys I ride with are hd guys, so it gets kind of old hearing the same old crap. I try not ot let it bother me, but after a while it gets old. Yes, I will agree, two years now and some miles, I have'nt done anything but routine maint. Before this season though I will need new tires, any recomendations?
Yep ,last year all of us went to a local HD dealer for a benefit ride and there were alot of bikes there, different brands, so we find a place to park next to the building and as my wife and I are backing our bikes up to the building one of the staff comes over and says, hey you can't park there in front of the loading dock/door, so we go back to the back of the lot. We were there about an hour or so and register and look around, and when the ride is getting to leave we walk by where we were going to park earlier and there sets a bunch of harley's. I was very tempted to go over the that staff memebr and say something and my wife sort of stopped that because I would have let him know what I realy thought, but later I cooled down and enjoyed the ride. But it's tough sometimes, it's like your a second class citizen if you ride something else. I agree, they are nice bikes and do have that good v twin sound.
I agree on all points mentioned, as far as being brainwashed, could be I don't know. As mentioned on my initial post, there is a cult type thing or following that if you ride anything other than a HD you don't exist. I like the venture alot and like being different instead of being in the norm, but there is alot of HD's out there and most of the guy's / gals we ride with are HD rider's. I will admit that when I ride by a group of hd's guy's sitting along the road and one or more of them is working on a bike I just kind of chuckle to myself. I don't want this to turn into a metric vs. hd battle, but just my observations. I generaly like all bikes and my opinion riding is a sport. I have the venture, a kawi 1500 classic and the other half has a honda shadow aero, so we have a variety of bike's in the garage, and we do ride alot whe time and weather permits. Again these are my observations that I've seen over the years.
Well last friday I hauled my friends road king over to an independant dealer for him to trade his bike in on a springer. He had some shoulder problems and the king was to heavy of a bike so he traded. While he was doing the deal I looked over the used inventory and I hate to admit it but harley does make a nice bike. Just looked at the paint, chrome, and the bikes overall, and I must say alot better quality vs. the metric bikes. This morning I was cleaning up the venture for a possible ride today once the temps. got a little warmer and I was somewhat disappointed at the venture. Don't get me wrong, I like the venture, for power, reliabilty, and looks, still don't like the top heavy feeling when turning when riding two up. I can tell you if the economy was better and I had the coins, I would consider moving the venture, but I'm afraid my wife would have some issues with that to say the least, as she claims that's her bike. When we got home and unloaded the his bike I was offered a ride on the Harley, and I did like the sound and it handled nice and was manageable. Granted it was a springer, but I have ridden and ultra about two years ago and got the same positive experience, but with the price difference between the venture and a Harley that was the deciding factor. I can see why harley has a cult like following where as the metric rider's don't seem to have this. I mean on Sunday's around here the HD's dealers are open and appear to do a fair amount of buisiness, where as the metric dealer's are closed, so this metric guy ends up riding with the harley guys and eventualy end up at the HD dealers looking at all that eye candy,works on me at times. Sometimes I feel like Rodney Dangerfield, I get no respect! because I don't ride a HD, anyone else get the sme feeling at times?
Prayers sent, god bless.
Sorry for your loss, It will be one year next month that we lost our little companion. She was 14. She growed up with our 2 kids and was a great little dog. I said to my wife after she passed that we wouldn't get anymore pets because you become to attached and when that day comes it's tough. But that only lasted 2 days. Now almost a year later we have 3 dogs. one purchased and 2 rescues. A good friend of mine told me to go right away and get another dog, not as to replace the loving pet you had but to help with the loss. I said I just couldn't do that, but coming home those two days and not having her there waiting to greet us was just to much. I can tell you it was good therapy for my wife and I. Now with three, there is never a dull moment. Hope this helps, again sorry for your loss. However ther isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of how a wonderful companion she was.
Count us in as well, if that weekend is clear.
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I agree with this statement. Most of my riding friends have harleys, and although they are friends my venture is not up to their standards as being a REAL motorcycle. Just yesterday we took a ride up to the flight 93 memorial and all had harley's except my wife and I on our venture. Well when we hit the mountains, I said I said to my wife this is where the venture shines, and away we went, left them in my dust. I know first hand the harley mentality. I'm not here to bash anyones bike and I don't ,but I do get tired of being not good enough,just because I ride a different bike. Same treatment when on my vulcan. Motorcycling is a sport/hobby the way I see it. The highlight of my day when we took a break to fuel up I saw another venture rider and his wife. I go to a bike night once and a while and a guy who grew up in the neighborhood years ago says, hey how have you been, I said fine thanks, he says what are you riding, I said an 02 midnight venture and he said oh and walked away. Torqed me somewhat,but wife said let it go. I feel like rodney dangerfield,I tell you I get no respect.
Alot of good suggestions here. I've ridden alot of bikes over the years, mostly metrics, a new rider I'm not. I'll get a handle on it sometime soon. I guess in the past I pretty much climbed on any bike and got comfortable right away, but the venture is a different beast for sure. Hopefully the tire change will help. My opinion the manufactures get tire deals with quanity and quality of tires when the bike is built, just as auto manufactures do. I believe they put bids out and whoever comes in with the best bid, thats who they go with. It's like anything in this world, you get what you pay for. Pay a little more for a quality product but it generally pays off in the long run, I guess I'll have to wait and see what the outcome is after the tire change....
Well my bike gets 2 new tires next week, I went with the e3's. So I will have lots of practice when we head off to Ocean City on the 12th. Also my wife and I are signing up for the advanced riding course on the 12th also,but the class won't be held until Oct. so hopefully things will help me gain some confidence with the venture. Alot of great suggestions on here, so it may help other's as well. It's strange one time I can ride 2 up and the bike feels great, but other times I have problems, just yesterday we were on a ride and my wife had commented on my difficulties on handling the bike, I sort of became disgusted and parked it and this morning was ready to sell it. Well after calming down some I made the call to get new tires and will get some more miles on it so we will see. Thanks for the comments and suggestions.....
I checked localy here about two weeks ago and PA. has an advanced rider course, but they get booked up quickly and with the new rider courses schedule,they don't appear to have as many advanced courses. I'm sure any additional rider training would be a plus. I was raised up around bikes since 7 years old and have had some bike related tragedys in my life, not me but other's, but I still have the desire to ride. I have my wife riding now, my daughter and son in law. The other big bikes I've ridden all have a lower center of gravity and therefore they appear to handle differently at lower speeds. My wife and I both want to take the advanced course,hopefully we can get into one of the classes this year, if not may be next year.
I figure I'll replace the tires first to see if that's an improvement,if so I may try the links later on, anything to help my dilemma.