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Everything posted by newventure

  1. I still don't think uncle would understand me heading to Freebirds and would allow me to change plans, ha,ha...
  2. Kj, I could be wron, but those mufflers look like the one I have in my garage, they look like HD's off of a touring bike. The one's that I have are from a road king, and look the same.
  3. Sleeperhawk, I do believe that is the sound I'm looking for, a nice low deep tone at idle and not really to mind blowing at cruising speeds. When you started out sounds like you got on it some but still didn't sound to loud. I bet at highway speeds it sounds like a v8 muscle car and would be awesome, thanks for sharing. Looks like I may have made my decision...
  4. I did listen to the sound clip link and the sound I liked the best seems to be the rolloing thunder pipes for the HD'S. Appears to have a nice low deep sound at idle and the rev up isn't to loud, still has the deep sound I'm looking for and the price is reasonable to boot. May have to check those out a little bit more...
  5. Yea, that would be great, but I don't think uncle would like that.
  6. Sounds like a great time, but I'll be in Texas from May till beginning of July for Military training so I'll have to pass this time..
  7. Where in Ohio and when ? May be a day trip.
  8. Good story, Those rhineharts were they for the HD's ? I did like the HD'S at idle, but under accereleration they had to much of a bark to them, may all the after maket slip on's will have this same type of bark, just don't want to spend the money and not be satisfied. I did listen to some sound clips but a little difficult to really tell coming out of a small speaker. May be the bark is because the V4's firing order don't know, but even the stock HD slip on's seem to me to have that car glass pipe sound and after a while they got on my nerves. I know my wife didn't like the sound at all so I put the stock venture muffs. back on. I will check out the khromewerks slip on's though.
  9. Just looked in my JP cycles book and the bag slashes are barons along with the 4 pipes which are the nasty boys, my mistake. Will check out the khromewerks as I don't quite remember the appearance of those pipes...
  10. The kromewerks, are they the one's that have the 4 pipes at the rear or the slash cuts? Been checking around and wow alot of money for slip on's. I had put the HD slip on with the brackets I bought from a member here and realy liked the sound quality at idle, but when riding they just sounded to hollow and tinny sounding. The stocker's are just to quiet, and I would like to have a little sound. When I ride with some friends, it's kind of difficult hearing my bike running and that's always a side joke with those guys, when I start it up they ask me if it's running or not. Should post the HD's slip on's on the classifieds with the mounting brackets I guess as they are now taking up some space in my garage. Thanks, for the reply anyone else?
  11. Ok, guys/gals. Looking to purchase a set of slip on's sometime this spring, so my question is what are your preferences, bubs slip ons, la choppers, khrome werks or the baron's slash cuts? Already have tried the stock HD slip ons and don't really like the sound they produce, to hollow sounding. Would like a low rumble at idle and also while cruising, not loud and annoying. Was going to put the bike up for sale, but with gas prices climbing and the bikes paid for might as well keep it. Any recommendations would be helpfull as I don't want to spend alot of money and be disappointed. Thanks...
  12. How often does this need done? I had my carbs. syncd. about a month ago and really made a difference, but after putting over 800 miles on it in the last week on a trip, I noticed on the way home that the power has diminished and the idle is not as smooth, and it doesn't accelerate as before. I find it hard to believe I need this done again so soon. Does vibration while riding cause the carbs. to go out of sync? I do know that as time and usage over the years will cause some wear would cause the loss of sync. It's back running the same as before the sync. that's why I had it syncd. by another member here localy. I guess I'm going to have to purchase a sync. tool to do this myself it it has to be done so often, what do you guys/gals think?
  13. I agree with some here, as I like to hear a nice exhaust sound coming from a car or motorcycle, but not a loud ear drum breaking sound. I'm a what you call a motor head, but I don't understand why alot of folks have to sit at an intersection and constantly blipp the throttle and then take off like an idiot just to make noise and want everyone to look at them. Heading to the Del marva bike week in Md. this week and I'll hear it all weekend, I just sit there and chuckle to myself and then may be show them the back of my venture when I go by them quietly and stealthy. Shame it only takes a few to start problems for most. Once they get some legislation started it gets worse with other legislation to. I would like to add also ,that why is it that when some folks get on their bike they loose all common sense on riding and do dumb stuff when in front of other people ?I just thought I would add that here as well.
  14. I checked at my local Wal Mart in the marine section, but none on the shelf, must be out of season here, I did buy some at my local independent shop and they swear by it. Cost was $7.99, as I mentioned on my earlier post, was recommended by another member (local) and it made a difference in just one tank. It's formulated for ethenol based fuel,mainly for marine applications where ethenol can draw miosture it the tank, but can be used in any application.
  15. Just ran my first tank through this weekend on my venture went from 42 to 46.3 miles per gallon, bike has never run better, idles smooth, definitely inpressed so far, going to see if any improvements on my Kawi. will post results as soon as I run this full tank out, may be a few days. Was told about this from another member.
  16. Should be able to make that, so count me in.
  17. Thanks, Capt. Joe. A few years ago I might have done things differently, but being older and more patient I guess a loser like that wasn't worth my time so hopefully the authorities will pay him a visit and school him about us motorcyclists. If my wife or other family member would have been with me a different outcome most likely would have transpired. While on my way to work and throughout the day I've given this situation some thought, and it amazes me that alot of folks don't care or stop to think that hey, that may be someones husband, father, grandfather or other, their only worried about who they are and where they need to be. What a shame this so called society has become over the years. My wife calls it the ME SOCIETY and I couldn't agree more. As I said in my earlier post, guys/gals be carefull out there.
  18. I would post my most recent incident. Happened last friday morning on the way to work. Approach an intersection the same one I go through every day. There are two side streets that have stop signs, but not adjacent to one another. Well I'm on the right away lane with no stop sign, and the idiot in front of me decides to make an abrupt stop to let an eighteen wheeler come out of the one side street. I was paying attention and was down on the brakes and downshifting quickly and wasn't anticipating for this to happen, I mean we have no stop sign. I always keep a distance in front for a quick escape if needed. Well the guy behind me isn't expecting the stop either ,so he is locking up the brakes to keep from hitting me. He does get stopped. So I kindly look back and give him the ok, sort of thanking him for not crushing me between him and the knucklehead in front of me. So I beep the horn two quick times to let the guy in front know that I didn't care for his roadway generosity. Well next thing I know he puts his pick up in reverse to act as though he is going to back into me, then takes off forward in a cloud of smoke,(diesel truck). So I take off normally and go about 800 ft. and he slows down for me to catch up then smokes me again, now I'm pissed off. So I figure if he is stopped at the next light I'm putting the side stand down and go up to his window to have a little chat. He's lucky because when we get to the light it's changing from red to green. He takes the side street and I take main street. So I go down to the nearest conveinence store and call the State Police because this idiot doesn't think that I'm setting behind him remembering his license number. Don't know if they would do anything, but people like this should learn some driving safety issues. I told the trooper on the phone, that just because I choose to ride a bike, and I know the risks, which we all do, that doesn't mean people like that have to make it more dangerous. I will be looking for that truck around town in the future. Sorry for the long post, but I guess it's somewhat related to the original post. I have considered after this incident to just give up riding altogether, lifes to short to be putting up with idiots like that, guys be carefull out there.....
  19. Aa an auto mech. sounds like a weak fuel pump. Seen this on cars before. When running with no load the engine would run fine, but when under a load you have a power problem, you may have flow, but not enough pressure. I would check the fuel filter first. I don't know what the specs. would be on a bike, but there should be a way to check this. Hope this helps...
  20. I drilled my stock mufflers the same way you did, liked the sound, not loud but a nice low tone. After a while even they got kind of annoying, so last week I removed the mufflers and plug welded the holes shut and back to the stock sound. Yesterday my wife and I went on a ride, and imediatly I noticed the bike had more get up and go and accelerated better. I thought when I drilled the back of the mufflers it made a difference and I guess the noise made it feel like it had more power, but after plug welding the holes shut it must create more back pressue and seemed to really help it. My bike has had the dreaded chirp coming more evident lately, and last night the chirp was almost none existant. I know the exhaust should have nothing to do with the clutch chirp, but kind of hard to explain. The chirp was getting that bad that it was giving me a headache and my wife noticed it to from the passenger seat. Last night I didn't say a word about the chirp as I noticed it was less, and later during the ride my wife said hey where's that chirping noise at ? did you do something to fix it, I said no, just plug welded the mufflers, go figure.
  21. Here in Pa. as well. Last Sunday we get back from Thunder in the valley at Johnstown and while relaxing watching the local news and there were I beieve four people killed and the 5th one is in critical condition. Appears to be a van and 4 or 5 bikes. I haven't heard what the cause was, as they were still investigating the accident and according to the news all were wearing helmets, but the impact still caused the deaths. Not sure of all the details but I believe they were all family members, may be some one else from Pa. will know more details, such a shame, almost makes me think if it's worth riding anymore, just to many boneheads in cages and the lack of respect for us riders.
  22. I looked at those as well. Maybe with the turn outs facing the sides may be why they are a little loud for your riding buddy. I have vance and hines on a vulcan classic and they have the tips that can be rotated and when their turned to the side they are a little louder vs. being rotated to the rear of the bike and the exhaust coming straight out the back. Didn't believe it myself but it's true. Decided on a set of barons another member has for sale. Looking forward to the upgrade. Thanks...
  23. rlyons, sent you a pm
  24. Some folks are busy I guess, I'm sure he received quite a few emails.Thanks...
  25. I actually emailed the seller earlier this week about those slip on's and he said he sold them, and he had to remove his ad, but it's still there. The roadhouse looks to be a nice quality muffler, let me know your thoughts and the sound quality if you don't sell the bike. May look into those myself, if you sell the bike I may be interested, Thanks....
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