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Everything posted by newventure

  1. Congrats on the course. I took the advance rider's course a week ago,and I thought I new alot about riding, been riding for around twenty years and been around bikes longer, growing up I rode passenger with my dad when I was a kid. I'll tell ya it was the best thing I could have done, learned alot and was challenging, highly recommend it for all. Congrats again and another new rider.
  2. Thanks, for the support, when I originally posted this subject a few weeks ago I got flamed by a few on here and thats ok, everyone has their own opinion. I like the venture and always will, but it just wasn't the bike for me, couldn't get secure and comfortable with it and then adding a passenger and other gear to go on a trip just made it even more uncomfortable, don't feel that on the Harley. I agree with some on here ride what you like. Doesn't matter what it is as long as you ride. Well enough for now, headed off to work...
  3. Well I just sent my renewel in last week and decided to get the ultra classic and the venture is going to up for sale so I hope I can still post here and contribute from time to time. Good site and I learned alot here and met some new friends. Took the bike on a roadtest and it felt so much lighter than the venture and I don't feel like I'm not in control of the bike. I had talked to another venture owner just last saturday at a rider course and his 07 is up for sale and he mentioned the same concerns that I had and now rides a stratoliner. The venture is a nice bike but after 4 years of ownership I couldn't get the comfort level that I was trying to achieve, so it was time to move onto something that I felt good about. My wife rode with me after bringing it home and she mentioned that she could tell it was better for me (us) and could tell I was no longer intimidated. The ultra handles good and feels lighter to me, I guess lower center of gravity, I really like it. Just thought I would give a small update...
  4. I had a similar incident like that earlier this year, so I got the clowns license number and desription of the truck, so at the next stop I called the state police and gave them the info and explained what had happened, they thanked me and before I got to the other end of town they had him pulled over, must have had a trooper nearby. I gave them the direction he was headed and they must have contacted the trooper right away. I have the state police on speed dial on my phone. Bikes are dangerous enough and we accept the risks but goofballs like that don't make it any easier out there. Shame he did that even with your wife with you. I know a guy that rides and also carries, makes you think what craizies are out there.
  5. Thanks, for your opinion, as other's have stated as well. I just wanted some honest real world experiences instead of the bashing some like to dish out. May make a stop over to the dealer later this week to take a road test on it to see if I will like it. Never rode one before so it will be a new experience for me and my wife. Just want to see for myself how it rides, comfort, handling ect. among other things. Everyone has different opinions on bikes. I myself do like the V-twin sound and bottom end torque vs. the mid to high rpm's of the venture. I guess I just want to see what all the hype is about the HD'S. This bike ha alot of extra's with it so that will save me some coins in the future, already has loud exhaust on it so I may have to change that, just have to see how loud it is on the roadtest.
  6. Alot of good comments here. Just got back on a 2 hr. ride 2 up through the mountains and I did notice that I do have to keep the revs. up to make it power up the mountains, which I've always known the venture is a mid to high rpm bike, but along with it comes more motor noice cluth chirp. The last year my wife has never heard it even with the stock mufflers or now with the roadking mufflers, and she said today is that the noise you've been telling me about? I said yes and the longer we ride it the louder it seems to get. We're headed to the Del Marva bike event at OC. md in a few weeks and honestly I'm considering taking the 1500 classic instead of the venture, unles I decide on the Harley deal before then. After today's ride and yesterdays ride I think I made up my mind. I do like the venture, but I just don't thrilled or excited while riding. I guess the harley's seem to loaf along at cruising and highway speeds and the venture is screeming and to me several hrs. of that gets annoying with the constant buzzing. Yes they do accelerate quickly but I'm not into that. The casette deck is not a deciding factor in my decision, as others have said it's outdated and dealer support is more evident. There is metric bike dealers that have issues as well with customers, just read on here a few weeks ago about a venture owner having issues, so in that respect there are bad dealers everywhere and not just the harley dealers. I bought my 1500 classic localy in 06 and would never go back there , to bad because later down the road, with their attitude they missed a sale on a venture, they carry both ,kawi. and yamaha. I've went into different harly dealers with riding friends and have been treated fairly. Matter of fact yesterday I went in the harley dealer with a yamaha t shirt on and walked around, and even that I was treated as a customer not as a lower life just because I rode in on a venture with a yami. t shirt.
  7. This bike is an 03 anniverary model, 23 k on it. Lots of extras, I figure about 4 k's worth, clean and looks to have been taken care of. He did some rough figures at a 10% interest rate with the added warranty and the payments would be 250.00 a month. Most likely the interest rate would be alot lower, and I could shave some of the warranty options off, like the tire/wheel option. Considering it, may set something up to take a test ride, never rode one before to compare it to the venture, fit / finish, better stereo, lower seat height, lower center of gravity. Looked at the NADA values on the 03 harley and my 02 midnight, damn near cried. They are right there on price and I even got them done to 11,500 with money down. My midnight only has 14 ,523 on mile wise and it is great shape, but man looks like I will take a beating on it if I sell it. They will do a trade but at wholesale prices so thoughts, not even in the picture.
  8. I agree with alot of your comments. Yes just looking at say ebay and comparing the bids on the harley's vs the stars is something. I believe maint. is the key to anything, treat it right and they will treat you right. Most of my friends ride harleys and yes I do see some sitting along the road during organized rides and chucle sometimes, but look at the ratio from hd's to ventures, alot more of them. My riding friends haven't had any issues with their bikes all because they are cared for and well maintained. Yes, I read here about the clutch noise, rear shocks, among other things, and as I said earlier anything mechanical will have issues from time to time, dealer support more available parts and accessories, the list goes on and on. Not real serious at this point but weighing my options for the next few weeks. I 've read on here that others have jumped ship to anothe bike, wing ect. because yamaha isn't doing any up grades to their top of the line touring bike. Yes it's nice to be different riding a venture, but go to a bike event and look for accessories for your venture and most times you get a blank stare, just wish more was available.
  9. Thanks, may have to do that, haven't heard about the water cooled model, interesting. I did notice that the Harley's have a better resale value if that is important. As I said in my other post I do like the venture, it just doesn't seem to do it for me for some reason. I noticed that yesterday when I opened the rear trunk lid, it did seem solid and heavier. Fiberglass vs. plastic, and as I said over all fit and finish. I guees I'm more a V twin guy than a multiple cyl. yes the venture will run and is a mid to high rpm bike vs. a V twin, definitely giving some thoughts about it.
  10. Yes some valid points here and well deserved. I also aked about the maint. issues and the top end rebuid, ect. He said it all goes back to proper maint. He said any bike, car anything mechanical if not taken care of will produce problems, and me being in th e mechanical fields the last 20 years I will agree with him. As far as the shaft drive, I do believe him, no problem with mine but with the shaft drive you have to admit you do get a driveshaft clunk sometimes when leaving from a stop, that vs. a belt drive I would agree with him on that note to. He had 3 ventures in the past and this is my first and only one, so I would think he has more experience with the ventures than I do. Another thing is dealer support. Hd's have a huge dealer support vs. the metric bikes. I really get tired of going to bike events and seeing all the neat accesories geared to the harleys and nothing for the metrics. Her alot of the dealers are open on Sunday's and do a fair share of business, can't go to a metric dealer and look around. Right now it's raining here so what do I do for the day? go to the HD. dealer and look around or go to the metric dealer which is closed. Of all the sales people I could have talk to I happen to talk to one that was a current venture owner and was nice enough to share his experiences and opinions which I appreciated. Yes, he is there to sell a bike but I tol him from the start I was just looking and at this point in time I wasn't serious, but he still was willing to share his opinions and comparisons. I like the victory's also but not real sure about dealer support. You got to admit there are alot of harleys around and the dealer support is good, so there must be something to it. Yes I believe the venture is a rare breed compared to the Hd's and wings.
  11. Took a ride over to the local HD.dealer yesterday to look at the progressive air pumps for my venture. Looked at several ultra's. Really like them, ask the salesman if I could sit on one, he said sure. I couldn't believe how light it was coming off the side stand, and the rider position was better than my venture, lower seat height, hate to say it but it, but sitting on it made me fell more comfortable. The salesman stated he has a stratoliner now and has had 3 ventures before that, so we talked a little. He said he likes the Yamaha's and still has one. He said the one reason he eventually sold his ventures was the top heavyness, still has a cassette deck, and carbs, basically and outdated bike and also didn't like the shaft drive with the jerking ect. and said the belt drive is smootheron the HD'S. He wants me to come over and take it for a test ride this week, but just I'm afraid I'll like it, and all points he made I had to agree. The ultra was nice, had fuel inj. cd player and over all fit and finish was nice. This wasn't a new bike, an 03. I know HD's have their issues as anything mechanical will, but I'll tell ya, I've been seriously thinking about putting the midnight up for sale, but the wife isn't real thrilled about it yet, as she likes the venture. So those of you on here that have had HD's in the past or now have one, give me your opinions, ect. would like to know before I decide on the future. I've had V twins before and like the torque, sound ect. the venture is the first multi cyl. bike I've owned and it is smoooth ect. but I can't seem to get to really like the bike, you know when it feels right, and I've had this bike 4 years now, and had no issues with it, I just can't seem to get all warm and fuzzy about it.
  12. Thanks for all the info, sounds easy just have to take some time and pay attention to what I'm doing. Still haven't made the decision wheather to do this yet. I will keep checking on tire prices and will check with my dealer soon. I have a friend who works on bikes part time, mainly HD's, doesn't care for the metrics, I tell him because their to complicated for him and they never break. He has done tire work before and has a machine, but two different customers had tires go down quickly not long after he replaced them, both were tube type, and one was a front tire, good guy but not to confident on his work. Mouth runs to much and doesn't pay attention to what he is doing, so not really comfortable having him do it, kind of sad but like I said in an earlier post, I only have two wheels under my butt so I want it done right. May just remove the wheels and buy the tires at the dealer and have them mount them, then I have some reassurance it's done by someone who has done this before.
  13. Thanks, for all the replies, sounds like I have several options to go with here, will give it some more thought and in the mean time while checking out tire prices.
  14. I'm checking on some tire prices and will check with the dealer and see what kind of deal they can do on tires and maybe they will cut me a brake on the labor if I bought the tires through them and have them mount and balance. At least I should save labor on the wheel removal. I realize that busineses have to make money, to stay in business ,but lately I've heard from other's that the dealers are really taking advantage of folks because of the economic situations were all in, just a little leery.
  15. See your from Tx. I've been here since the first weekend of June, here at Witchita Falls attending school, A/F. will be heading back to Pa. in a week. sure is hot here, been over a hundred degrees the whole time. I will say alot of nice folks, friendly, helpfull. I could live here, but my wife said it's to hot. Been a nice stay, but looking forward to getting back to family and the mountains. Well lunch break is over, heading back to class. Take care...
  16. Make sense, I feel I can do it, just have that insecure feeling I have to dismiss. Balancing coud be another issue as you mentioned. My local tire shop may do motorcycle tires but not sure if they could re-balance the wheel if needed. May end up taking to a bike shop reguardless. Don't want anything to happen to me and the Mrs.
  17. Thanks, for the input. I thought about this as well. Two years ago I had the dealer do my venture tires, they do a good job, but with cost of tires and labor, was over 400.00. I guess I'm looking to save some coins on this bike. Of course the ventures were tubeless. Next tire replacement on the venture I may tackle this my self, but that will be a while. I guess my thought is I wouldn't feel right removing the wheels and then taking the wheels and new tires to a dealer to have them dismounted and mounted. Was self employed for a few years and I didn't care for people bringing their own parts for me to install. Will consider it though. I feel comfortable with cars, just not sure on the bikes. I do my own maintenance as much as I can, but was always hesitant on tire or wheel work on a motorcycle.
  18. I noticed on this site that alot of folks replace their own tires. My other bike, kaw/ 1500 needs new tires and want to replace front and rear in the next few weeks. I'm mechaniclly inclined ,wrenched on cars for over twenty years and have the tools to do so. My question is, being that these tires are tube type is there anything I need to do as far as installing new tubes, such as not getting them pinched ect. and was told to use babay power to help in the installation. I plan on removing the wheels myself and removing and installing the tubes and tires. I have done car tires in the past, but all were tubeless. I guess my main concern is can I do this myself, or just remove the wheels and take them to the dealer or a tire shop and have them do the tires? Also a concern is the safety factor, never done this before and with only two wheels under me I don't want any issues. I will be purchasing a m/c jack in the next few days to do this, and recommendatios? Sorry for so many questions, but any suggestions would help me decide, your thoughts? Thanks in advance...
  19. Found a new motorcycle jack for sale, good price, brand is a Larin, anybody here have one or have any info on this brand of jack, capacity is 1500 lbs. 75.00 I figure its a good deal, but don't want to buy something that is made in china or not be able to get parts for it, any info would be helpfull, thanks in advance..
  20. Couldn't agree more, well said...
  21. Alot of folks don't realize the cost of tools, shop equipment, and just the general costs of running a business, in addition to years of experience and training that you have gone through to get to that point of being successful, and yet alot of people still think you owe them something. Been out of the business almost two years now, and yes I did take a drop on my income, but I have more family time and as you agreed less stress. I to this day turn side jobs down because I don't want to get mixed up in that stuff anymore. Still have all my hand tools, but the shop stuff is gone. Do my own work just to keep the hands from losing the touch. May have got off topic here from the original poster, but you have to be carefull in helping people, even so called friends, been there done that. I myself wouldn't get much more involved. Stuff like that can ruin a good friendship.
  22. I was self employed for 8 years, and went through this alot. Alot of folks wanted something for nothing. I did good quality work with over 20 years experience and when the economy started to go bad, and your good paying customers started this, that help me decide it was time to get out of it. Never looked back, now I have a life, less stress, and much happier. Sure it ws hard to give up what you started from nothing and being your own boss was great, but alot of hrs. and people looking for something for free. Then I would here people say their isn't any good repair shops anymore, gee I wonder why. Their prblem now not mine, life goes on. Just my 2 cents.
  23. check your battery terminals for any corrosion. My 02 midnight ran normal and two weeks later the battery was dead. Found the terminals had corrosion which will interfere with the charging and drain the battery. My battery was a year old, and I figured it was ok. I put it on the charger for a day, cleaned the terminals, and haven't had any issues since then. A little corrosion can cause issues. After charging the battery, start it up and if you have a volt meter, check to see what it is charging- output, hope this helps.
  24. My venture has the e 3's on it and yes after getting some miles on them they do have a humming sound when going into turns, but are wearing very good. My vulcan is an 06 and has 14k miles on the original tires so when I get home I'm putting new tires on it just not sure what to go with at this point. The oem tires are bridgestones and frankly I can't complain about them at all. I got good mileage from them and no evidence of any cracking ect. They are a tube type tire so I don't know if that would have any bearing or not. I noticed here the last few month's that they are starting to cup so it's replacement time, and may go with the bridgestones. I just noticed here that a few rider's were having some issues and was a little concerned. As a past auto repairmen I can honestly say that I have seen cheaper brand tires wear quite quickly vs. a more name brand tire and tires made from other countries may not use the same quality type of materials or compounds to produce their product. Yes I agree on the liability issue but still doesn't help the comfort issue when your rolling down the road. A friend of a friend had crashed his HD bad about 3 years ago from an aftermarket brake caliper that had locked up the front wheel and caused his crash. He spent some time in the hospital but now is back riding again. But supposedly the more the brake was used at low speeds the caliper wouldn't release the fluid back to the resevoir enough and eventually would lock up the front wheel. Luckily he was going at at a low speed. I spoke with him last fall and he said the part was made in china and after litigation ect. the part is still produced and being installed on other bikes. Sorry to get off topic here but I just wonder about about the quality control issues....
  25. newventure


    I don't post much here, mainly just read other's posts but I'm on quite a bit. What concerns me is the last few days I see other riders having tire issues, Avon's with the sidewalls cracking and tire blow outs. I kind find it hard to believe that us riders are negligent on tire care such as inspecting them, and maintaining tire pressures ect. What is the consensus that perhaps like alot of things now that the quality of materials are lacking? I guess in the back of my mind I'm thinking that the costs of raw materials in today's society that manufactures are going the cheap route, and lack of proper quality controls to produce a good safe product. When I get back to Pa. my other bike will need tires and I'm concerned on what to get. I put the e3's on the venture two years ago and couldn't be happier with the bike. How old can tires actually be to actually be safe to use? I realize that tires have a manufacture date, and set on a shelf for a while, but how old before the safety factor comes into play? Any other's see a possible trend here? Thanks..
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