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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. If its just one then Im golden but if its two can I get the spring from you if you dont need it when you take the door off?
  2. Actually I cant find that diagram but if you all say one spring then Im good. I have one.
  3. In the hinge are of the tape deckI know there is one spring that pushes the door open when you press the door to release it. I found one when I took it out. Now what Im not sure of becuse it kind of fell part when I was taking the door off for paint and one fell out and i thought there was another. Is there one spring or two?
  4. Cant post mine yet but you will all see the first Firefighter edition RSV. I guess I already let too much out of the bag so you will have to wait for the rest!
  5. Well a few of you know I decided to upgrade my bike rather than get a new one. Just decided I didnt want the Harley so my Venture was gonna get paint and some upgrades for much less money. Just yesterday I got the first bunch of painted stuff back and I will tell you that boy did I make the right move!!! The stuff looks great. I wont tell you the color but its HOT!!! I also ordered my upgrade stator and got the jets I need to retune the carbs on the way also. Anyway Im starting to get excited for the season. I dont plan on uncovering the boat this year so I got more riding time!!! BTW there wont be any pics until its done!!! LOL
  6. That price seems very low unless its just the business and not the property. I have one and thought it was very hard but they refoamed mine and its seems nice. I really like the shape of mine. Hope they dont just get melded or dismantled into a lesser brand.
  7. Well first on the Jet deal. I was able to order them from PCW racing (Same guys as the awsome clutch set ups) He once again gave me almost an hour of his time to sell me about 30 dol worth of parts. I cant say enough about him and how good they are. I explained what I wanted to do and he agreed that they are set from the factory VERY lean so the mild change would be good for me. I discussed shimming the needles and all that. From his experience this is a mild change that will help with off the line and the pop I get. Now as far as the noise. I changed the oil in the fall to a set up that they use which was instead of a full synthetic he recommended a blend and a little heavier. 20w50. Ben working and not nearly as noisy. We discussed this also today also and he recommended that as I plan to get a valve adjustment in the near future to also change the slides for the cam chains and check the tensioner. Seems that occasionally the do back off a little and will make a little lashing sound that sounds like a rattle. I did check and rebuild the waterpump and that was fine. It may be a little in my head too as in the fall my bike was next to my buddies RSTD and they made about the same noise after the oil change.
  8. There is really no rebuild kit as the gaskets are reuseable o-rings and such. Try the seafoam first and let it sit. IF that does not work then take them out and just clean this but do one carb at a time. Do not let the orings sit in carb cleaner long as they will swell and go bad. I know this because I plan to do a jet change on mine and just got of the phone with PCW racing. John there is amazing and he told me that he recommends using simple green to clean them while apart.
  9. Well as part of my winter project Im going to rejet my carb as per the teck article in the forum. Makes sensc to me but I looked for the main and pilot jets OEM and they had no Idea. Where can I get these. Also if anyone has done this procedure can you tell me how much of an improvement have you had. I dont want to waste time and money but I do want better response. It seems like its starving right now.
  10. Well the Corbin seat is back in my hands and right away I noticed that the box was lighter. Took it out of the box and we may have a winner here! Where in the past I could not even budge the foam the foam by pressing on it now it has a good amount of give. I really wont know how much better it is until I ride it but for now I feel happy it is better. If it still needs more work the next step is off to Rick! I will say this for Corbin, they were really concerned that I was happy and wanted me to stay on their seat. I paid the shipping there but they did it for free and shipped it back for free too.
  11. I found a front set on Ebay and bid on them. If anyone needs a right one let me know but I need the right. Just have to hope no one needs them more than me!!!!
  12. Anyone? If you have a inner fairing for a 2nd gen it may look like its part of it. I checked a new price and they want 89 dol. OUCH. My friend said he would pay for it but he is doing such a solid for me I cant do that. Ill buy the new one if I have to even though he broke it but I really want a used. Doesnt matter the color.
  13. Well my project is well underway of painting the RSV. All is well except for one mishap. Does anyone have a left front speaker grill that they can sell me. Mine cracked during prep for paint.
  14. I just think its childish to make another name after a person is banned just to get in the last word. Trick is to not get banned by following the rules.
  15. You should have warned me about opening that Zip! I just about wanted to gouge my eyes out with a tire iron!!!
  16. But Bucks aint Nekkid! They have Fur!!
  17. OK my official start number is 278. Holy crap was that number higher than I expected!! I guess that 40 is well within my reach!!
  18. Eating a Salad as we speak.!!! LOL I ran into Vinny today at the NY MC show and we plan to have out weigh in early next week. Anything I loose before then will be bonus. Good thing is Vinny and I can keep each other honest and encourage each other.. I like this kind of motivation!!!
  19. I will hit the scale tonight. I usually dont weigh myself and just live in denial!! LOL How often do you want updates and how long does the challenge last?
  20. As I read this I am eating a danish!! Guess thats done for a while!!! LOL Brad do you want a starting weigh in? Is this the starting date or if not what is the date? I look at it this way. If I get lighter I bet I get better tire wear!!! LOL
  21. Monty Python and the Holy Grail!!! Whats the airspeed of an Unlaiden Swallow. Here you go! http://www.style.org/unladenswallow/
  22. PM me your address. I fugure its about 15 to ship it as per the weight.
  23. You can paypal me. What is your zip so I can get a shipping quote so you have a total?
  24. Well I think I will be selling my Freebird center stand. No problem with it except that I just dont use it. Every time I use my lift adapter I have to take it off and then put it back on. The other night I took it off and thought when was the last time I used it and figured it out that I just should sell it to someone who will use it. Im asking 100.00 plus shipping. I have even had it powder coated so it looks pretty in gloss black. If someone is interested PM me. I will sell to the first poster or PMer as per the time stamp on the post or PM.
  25. Well If you turned him over and put the wheels on the back you may be able to have a passenger!!
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