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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. Ah Kent you beat me to it!!! PCW is the best. If you look in the tech section you will see the write up I did and you will see what Kent said about replacing the half disc with a full disk. It will give you a much tighter hold and the stronger spring helps alot too. In addition to that PCW uses the original design as opposed to the Barrnet which is lots of money but changes to a different type.
  2. Im very happy with my Corbin now and havent had any trouble dealing with them. I always felt my seat was too hard so I talked to tech and for just the price of shipping the rebuilt my seat with a softer form and now its much better. I thought they were very easy to deal with too. I guess its just who you talk too there.
  3. I guess he dont want to hold onto the Klingons! LOL
  4. I really like that but I think that it will be over the top. Im Actually having something like that made by Beer 30 as a trunk bib that is a Memorial to the Trade Center. If I put that on too I think it will be too much. Im actually thinking Diamond plate for the Mudflaps maybe.
  5. Buddy I got the new deflectors today and they look great. Ill post pics on the Firefighter edition RSV if I ever ge the decal guy to finish!!! LOL Just a question but can you make these in a Diamond plate Aluminum?
  6. Keep in mind that you can rotate the tach face inside the cup. I installed the same one on the resevoir mount and rotated the face inside it and its a very clean look. You can se it in the tech article on this site I put up.
  7. Not sure but in an alternate universe maybe!!! Would that be Bizzaro Venture??? BTW Drivel is always good. Just got to wear a bib!!!
  8. Check with Eck at the parts bank. I think I sent a set with all the parts I donated when I put my chrome ones on.
  9. Buddy you hit it right on the head. It seems that the two connectors that come off the cassette are the same. I had one of the round connectors pluged into the wrong one. I thought I had them all right as all but one is color coded but it seens that two will fit in one case. Everything is great now. The new speakers sound great, the engine runs great after rejetting and adjusting the mixture, I moved the Aux power bus so that the battery sits all the way down. What Im saying is that Im running tomorrow!!! Whooo Hoooo!!! That is if the rain stays away!!!!
  10. I just got my bike all back together after I had it all torn down for paint. That means total disassembly of the fairing as well. While it was apart I upgraded the stator and gutted the cassette player to make a storage compartment. All went well or so I thought. I installed the battery and as soon as I connected the negative cable the light on the radio went on but showed no info on the face. It would not go back off until I disconnected the battery. I havent taken the fairing back off yet as I had a few other issues to tend to first but I want to know if this has happened to anyone else and Ideas of what to look for. I dont have the player anymore so putting it back in is not an option.
  11. Actually I did a comparision on Battery web and they offered that one too. I had my eye on the interstate one as well but I chose because I could have it in my hand today. I didnt have my eye on the Interstate HD battery which was 310 CC. Condor you are or were a Odessey dealer right? Did you get many complaints on that battery?
  12. A week ago I told of how good Odessey was about replacing a battery that was just one month over the stated warranty period. I have no problem with the way it is being handled but due to other Odessey failures in young batteries I have decided to choose another brand. Last summer I got an Odessey for my truck and one month later it failed and needed to be replaced. Just this weekend It failed again and I put the 5 year old Delco I had removed and was sitting on a shelf back in and it fired right up. Another warranty claim pending. Very disappointing. Well all this prompted me to compare and I found the Odessey PC545 I was using in the bike, supposedly the best I could get, had 14AH and 185 CCA. Well the regular Yousa battery has 18AH and 270 CCA and if I wanted to pay more I could get the high performance Yousa and get 18AH and 310 CCA. I just ordered the Yousa from the local auto parts place and was done with it. Everyone watch your Odessey batteries. The failing of the battery in the fall may also have contributed to my engine knock from ignition problems. Either way my trust is gone. PS. Does any one want a good deal on the new PC545 Im recieving under warranty?
  13. Don fact of the matter is that nothing is really Free! It may have been free to us but that means you were paying. I have not problem paying a little and as a matter of fact I paid my dues and donated more! The only other way we can do this guys is to sell Advertising at a fee. Not just post supporting organizations that offer discounts in the banners. Also if you have an Item (Not talking in classifieds) you should pay a vendor fee. That is the only other way. Money has to come from somewhere. Don that is a option though. Sell advertising space and they will differ the cost as well
  14. I bought my Odessey battery in 2/07. Well today I needed declare my battery dead as It would not hold a charge or take a charge. I knew I had not had it very long so I called the seller www.batteryweb.com and after looking back over the records I had only had it for one month over the warranty period!!! They promptly told me that they could not help me, Now I got the battery in feb and could not ride until Apr and when I started having trouble with it it was Oct last year. I should have chased it sooner but you dont think till you need it. Well the bloodpressure was up so I asked for Odesseys number which they gave. Expecting I fight I called and was unbelievably suprised. The Tech person I got, Kathy listened and after explaining my situation immediately informed me that they would replace it free of charge!!!! No fight, No hassel. I was told that the stand behind their product and felt it was the right thing to do. How often do you get that nowadays? Anyway applause to Odessey and Kathy.
  15. Here is the link I meant to put in last night. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2580&highlight=Brake+fluid I will also say once again I have had it in the RSV for 3 years so far and no issues. I had it in the Shadow for 4 before I sold it and I had it in the Honda 750F before I sold that. As long as you dont mix and use it exclusively you are fine. I dont just say this on paper. I have been doing it for years. Read all the info in this other thread and make your own decision
  16. Here is the original thread. Check this out.
  17. I posted on this before but no one will still believe me. In my RSV I have had DOT 5 in both the clutch and the brakes. I also had it in my Honda for years before that . I can did up the post with all the data a posted before but short answer is yes you can use it provided you completely flush the system. All the others are petrolium based but DOT 5 is silicone based and used in all racing applications due to the resistance to heat it has. All others will draw water out of the air and will mix with it but DOT 5 will not and it will seperate the water. Every once in a while you must bleed out a little as the water will settle at the bottom at the calipers. DOT 5 is used im most show car and bike applications also as it will not hurt the paint if you get a little on it. once again I researched completely and have been doing it for many years. Dont mix but if you flush and use DOT 5 it will be fine.
  18. Well that is cool!!!! We need to know---- Does he ride and when is she gonna introduce him to the VR family for approval?
  19. I think you should make those pods. I want one it you do.
  20. Ruffy do you feel the love?? Actually I was thinking dressing him in a speedo and making him run the gauntlet while we shoot him with frozen paintballs. What do you think?? LOL
  21. Look in my gallery and you will see what you are looking for. Scotty
  22. I have one also and they mean all the grounds that would go to the battery post. connect the shunt to the post and the other end to the battery. Also be careful as there is a wire on the shunt that goes to the + side of the battery. This is how it measures the Volts and amps.
  23. I know I was real tempted to do that too. Actually I was thinking another guage route but just in the thinking stage. I got so much to go together that Ill attack that next year.
  24. Guys thanks for all the help. Im in good shape now. Just need to monkey with it to get it all back together!
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