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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. I would say it depends on how it was stored. If its just sitting outside then maybe. There is a big push ot have an expiration date on tires of 6 years. I didnt pass in CA but its being pushed. Look for any cracking or dryness. If its been sitting flat with weight on it get rid of it. Other than those things you should be good for now.
  2. What kind of bike is it? There are different options for different models. Just a little more info and you will get a flood of answers. BTW welcome to the Club!
  3. Man I tell you Rob thats Scary. I know the amount you ride that will never happen because you are constantly checking. I wonder if I know this individual?? All this leads to is no matter how much tread is on the tire check like you life depends on it. IT MAY!!!!!
  4. What makes you think its just Germany. Look at our band of idiots in Washington. Its everywhere my friend.
  5. I am about to start off on a new adventure. The story starts with a very close friend of mine from my pipeband being diagnosed with cancer. This happened as we lost another member to same type of cancer. Paul is his name and he has had his thyroid and other items removed. Now they cant find any remaining cancer but doctors as they are wanted to bombard him with chemo and radiation. The toll it was taking on him was astronomical so he said enough is enough. Mind you they cand find any remaining cancer and they are doing this to him. Paul sought alternative treatment in a place in Arizona and will be there for for 6 weeks. Just before he left we were at his house around the campfire. In the last year he lost his business, he is getting divorced, and got cancer but he knows he has the band, his bike and his friends, Us. Just in a passing thought we suggested that we should fly out so see him while he is away. They say everyone needs something to look forward to and this became his motivation!!! Wild Hogs!!! With this we will be flying out to see my buddy. Four of us middle aged guys on the adventure of our life. Taking the weekend and riding to the Canyon. Bagpipes and drums in the saddle bags to play at the canyon. Some stories we will be able to tell and others will be under the "Vegas" rule. Since we started planning this the life that has come back to Paul is incredible!!! Stories for a lifetime! "Piper Hogs go Wild"!!!!!
  6. Owning a tire shop I have become a fan of the pressure sensors. Not just because its another opportunity to make money. almost every day someone comes in with the light on and sometimes its a flat and others the just were neglegent checking the air regularly. Has saved many a tire so far of those who are just oblivious. On bikes we only have two so a slight change in air can mean alot in handling. Happened to me. Im not as regular in checking the air I should be and the rear tire was about 5 lbs low and boy I felt it. If I had picked up a nail on the road it would give the opportunity to see the drop before you are in trouble rather than get a blow out. Most blowouts happen because of a tire weakened by a leak that runs low and builds up heat. Prevention is much better than the repairs and healing of an accident. I been meaning to get one of these. I guess today is the day!!
  7. This is my experience. I changed my stator to the Buckeye one. I had always had power issues. I changed to leds but keep this in mind you need a load equalizer so you wont save power there. If you dont use it you will need to change out your flasher relays to ones that can accomadate the leds andyou will loose you auto cancel. I also had pulled the fuse on the carb heaters but that ended up making cold weather riding tougher. The carb heaters were designed to control icing not from temps but velocity of the air. Like letting air out of a tire it will come out cold and ice the valve even when it is warm. I consistantly had about 12.5 volts on the guage and if I turned on all the gizmos it would not charge. I changed to the buckeye stator and now chanrge at 13.3 consistantly on the guage. I removed the relays I changed to and put the canceller back in. Very happy to have that as I tend to be a victim of grandma turn signal syndrom. Do the Leds but also do the stator and you will be much happier not being on the edge of having enough power.
  8. Bet it says "Huffy" on side!
  9. Dont sorry about Michael at all. All the torment he brought to kids. What a twisted individual. He should have been in jail and he knows it. Thats why he was hiding in Dubai. To avoid the next charge and next law suit.
  10. Hey maybe it was me! LOL
  11. Go with the one from Buckeye. I installed one in my bike on the suggestion of a few members here and Im very happy. Ruffy has a thread on here detailing his experience.
  12. That leads to a funny story. Last night I took a ride to Port Jefferson which is a big bike hang out. Lots of people go there and people look at all the bikes and shop and such. Well I parked right on the main drag and a few minutes later a guy starts talking to me and tells me has the HD Firefighter Ultra classic. The bike I thought I wanted. Well he moved from his spot to a spot in my stall with my permission as you can have 2 bikes per stall. We talked for hours and took a few pics with both bikes parked next to each other. During the conversation he told me he had looked at the Venture but bought the HD. Still wishes he had bought the Venture but wanted a Firefighter bike. Very glad I made my decision because its dfinitly bigger and I like the red I chose much better also. Made a new friend too.
  13. Thats the Corbin Backrest that goes with the seat. Keeps Jebbles from falling off when she falls asleep!! LOL
  14. I wish but the Fiance' wouldnt like that one very much!!! LOL
  15. Well on saturday I took the New Firefighter edition Venture over to Southampton for The Southhampton Classic Car and Bike show. Hey you never know and Im quite proud of how it came out. Well in a sea of Harley There was this Yamaha. Customs and Stock class. I competed in the Stock class as all my changes are paint, graphics and bolt ons. All day I sat there and I was amazed at how much attention it got. Even the Models sought me out to get pictures on the bike. Well at the end of the day and lots of judging I took Best in the stock catagory. My first trophy!!! I was hoping for the trophy girls!!! LOL Had to get creative getting my prize home too!
  16. All of you know the Piano man Billy Joel. Well he is a well know Long Islander and musician but most dont know how much he is into Motorcycles. In Sag Harbor on Long Island there is an Art Gallery called Christys and he is currently showing 20 of his coolest Motorcycles ranging from his own companies productiions of new Harleys Retroed to look like nostalgic motorcycles right down to the rocker boxes converted to the old Panhead style. Also among them is a 1979 Wing, Several Royal Enfields, A vincent and a few Ducatis from the 70s. Great show. It is Running from June 6th to June 20th so plenty of time to see it. Here is the website to his MC company called 20th Century Cycles. http://20thcc.com/ I will post some of the pics I took later. Been trying so far for 3 days!!! LOL
  17. Boomer you posted at 10 somethng last night. Lots of us guys was sleeping!!! I use the Honda Moly on everything. Im not sure of the percentage of moly in it but Iv never had any issues.
  18. Hey Ruffy. I did my bike in a fire truck theme. Can these be made in a diamond plate aluminum?
  19. Praying for you buddy. Get better soon!
  20. Well I fail miserably and gained 5 lbs so I guess I owe $1 per lb I didnt loose and I will pay $2 per lb I gained so where do I send the 50?
  21. Still got a few goodies to but on. Beer30 working on a trunk bib for me and I have a fw more small details. Next year Im going to do some Antique work on the wheels. Im thinking like the old trucks with the spoke wheels I will polish the outside ring and powdercoat the inside spokes with red. A little gold pinstripe in the spokes and there you go. Also Im putting My Member number and Dept initials on the fairng too. All the emblems are in decals so If I ever sell it I can tone down the fire truck flair but I think I will have this for a long while. Even thinking of having PCW racing do the big bore kit and make the engine a stroked 1500!! V-Max rear is next though!
  22. Ok everyone here are the pictures! Been raining for the last few days so I put her in the air and did all the decal work. Some of the gold leif decal work is boardered reflective material so the pics wont be the best till we get her in the sun but I couldnt keep you waiting any longer. Enjoy!! The color is Chevrolet Victory Red. Much better than either of the HD Firefighter edition colors. I embraced that it is a Yamaha and I cant wait to see who asks how they can buy one!! LOL
  23. Cool Donnie! Let me know when you get her out on the road. BTW Look to the new thread for the first pictures!
  24. I Know you want to see the pictures. That will have to wait till tonight when I get her off the stand and pose her pretty but boy it is cool. I plan to show her next week for a charity Bike and Car show to benefit the family of a murdered Correction Officer so I am excited. Only waiting on one piece to complet it but as far as the paint and the graphics we are all good. Hope to get it outside to see her shine tonight but there may be rain. Anyway Ill post them soon!
  25. Its also the last day of Americade too.
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