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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. For any of you guys using the Oddessy batteries, Do you have the proper charger? They need a higher amp to charge the battery and maintain them than other brands and you regular battery tender just wont cut it. I found that out!! I have since stopped using the Oddessy in my bike so if anyone is interested I have a Oddessy Ultimizer battery charger for sale. It is like new. I only used it for a few months before I went to a Yuasa battery instead. Im asking for $55 shipped and it is in the original box. Anyone interested PM me. First come first serve. Thanks Guys!! Scotty
  2. So what is the wager? If you cant do it what is the penalty??
  3. Actually I think you got it the wrong way around. Florida Keys Huh? Going to Fantasy Fest? She is going to get body painted maybe? I think You should have gone with her!!! LOL
  4. I got one for you right now. You Know I have a fire theme bike. Can you make me some Hinge covers. I can send you a template but I just dont have a clean way of cutting them.
  5. Congrats Yammer. With your new greeter job now you get to enjoy these people!!! http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/
  6. Welcome to the site!! Not sure about your question but Im sure somone here who has owned both will be able to give you some help soon.
  7. I think Ive seen it too.LOL
  8. Was that the cool looking Fire Bike?
  9. Just call John up there and he will know exactly what you need. He supplies gasket and all. You cant deal with a better outfit!
  10. Your better with the Yausa battery anyway. I had a Oddessy and it is junk. Others on here like it but when I sat down and actually looked at the cranking amps and other data the Yausa is a much better battery. Get the High Performance version. I used to deal with batterweb.com and while they are good Ive had to warranty 2 batteries and its just a PITA. I got the last one locally and it was worth not having to play the UPS game and just call if there was a prob. Got the last one from Napa.
  11. Well I was trying to avoid doing this myself but as my bike is a ltttle custom now I just dont want to let anyone just touch it. I was gonna let one fellow do it but he since disappeared. I assume he is afraid of scratching it. Im a good wrench myself so I guess its up to me. Not that I cant do it but I have never done it. First off what tools will I need and also what shims should I get. Id rather buy a kit because I have quite a few RSVs and RSTDs around so Im sure this will be the first but not the last. What gaskets will I need. Most of all where do I get it. I do plan a little phone time with Goose to get the procedure down but Im looking for parts and special tool help. Scotty
  12. Gene thanks and as we last spoke I understand. Let me know and I still wait for the next piece of the Fire RSV. BTW wait till you see what I have in store for Phase 2!!!
  13. Will these fit digital guages? I am interested. VERY INTERESTED!
  14. I bought a stock tool kit on Ebay and then realized I had more than I need in the Bags already so why did I buy it. I will sell it to you for $20 plus shipping. Been sittin on my work bench for 2 years already might as will go to someone who wants it.
  15. Right you are! I am the fire bike. For some better pics see my gallery!
  16. Well cool. Thats what I was looking for. Just one more question on top of that. If while Im doing this I want to change the plug wires is it nessessary to use the stock stuff. I kind of want to change to a colored wire to match the theme. Let me try this and Ill get a hold of you in a few weeks to get eome pointers on Valve adjustments. I had a tech who was gonna do it for me but he is impossible to nail down and I wont take the fire bike to the dealer. I can do it myself but just need a few pointers.
  17. I got the ones off the Fire Bike. I wont be needing them PM me
  18. I will post it up but I would rather have it in a phone conversation because this typing is just way to slow. Easier to ask a question and immediate response.
  19. Sounds good. Actually I couldnt go but the guys rode to Newport for lunch this sunday. It will probably be in Nov now but even if I have to cage it we can do lunch!
  20. Thanks Joe. If he doesnt jump on here I will shoot him a PM. Maybe he will spend some phone time with me and get me straight.
  21. I need to know how to properly diagnose a bad ignition coil. For a while I have had a vibration mainly under load and feel I loose power at the top end where everyone is bragging of all kinds of power. It feels like when I rev it up that its just not all there. I currently have Iridium plugs in there but am not impressed and am going back to regular NGKs. Ive thought about changing to after market coils and wires but dont want to change if it will do me no good. So how do I find out if I have a problem?
  22. Looks great! I remember when I did mine. I had Tupperware container all over the place labeled with bolts and such. I think I counted 37 invividual pieces to paint on mine.
  23. I call my little bike "Truck One" or "Blaze" because of the Fire theme.
  24. I know how you feel about the Ladder truck. I want to know how you feel about the Fire SUV! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSiwoKCiy-s]YouTube - Driving the Fire SUV[/ame]
  25. That is beach sand and Rasberry. If you want PM me a addy. I have some touch up paint that I wont use anymore for that in the pen form. It will have to codes on it. I painted my bike and it would be better to give it to someone who needs it.
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