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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. I installed the Rivco Air horns for the RSV. They sound great and loud and they hide nicely behind the saddle bags on the rear swing arm. I compresser mounts behind the original horn and looks good. I took off the original horn and covered the space with the diamond R horn cover or you can use the Barons one. the damond R one you need to just cut off one small corner but it looks great.
  2. Wow that is some interesting info. Im not ready for tires yet, Just getting my new rear shock in next week and the new links so we will start there but the tire info is almost opposite than what I thought it would be. Few more miles and then on to the Avons I think. Got the Dunlops right now and they arent bad.
  3. I only have one concern. On other bikes that I had with the narower front tire the bike would catch a groove in the road or a join in the concrete and would make it hard to handle. My RSV is much better with the larger front tire thatn the other bikes will the narrower front tire make it more or less difficult to get out of those groove. I just figured the larger tire kind of bridged the groove and didnt so much fall into it.
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