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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. Really all depends on the storage facility. If we are talking about dusty garage I would say now. Climate controled werehouse I would say no problem. I could get into the whole tire production thing and why it is impossible to models and sizes simaltaniously and how that isnt cost effective making werehousing neccessary but we will say it is so it is very unlikely every tire you but will just out of the mold without the price tripling.
  2. Gibvil is right. Stainless is stronger that regular steel Hardware. Grade 8 hardware however is stronger than stainless. It all has to do with the temperance and grade of the steel.
  3. Nope. No jetting required. you will need the adapter bracket if you have a set of RK muff take offs already. Squidley sells them and you can find them in the Classifieds in this site. If you want the whole set up muffs and all he has them too and if you like he will drill them to your liking too. Contact the Squid.
  4. Is that the same if its hauling Cheesecake?!!
  5. If you want black this is from JP cycles. http://www.jpcycles.com/productgroup.aspx?GID=3142C9E1-A621-49FF-8C17-D45A222B0955 Or this. http://www.hellrisercustoms.com/selector.php?group=7&category=Handlebars&subcat=Brakes&title=Handlebar
  6. Lynn I went through this a few months ago and asked the same question. I Emailed Avon and the answer is they no longer put a mounting dot on it as the tires are so consistant now that it is no longer needed. You wont find a dot and no need to worry about it.
  7. No actually I think Jeff is right. I did the same thing to the 1100 Shadow ACE and it wont start either. I drained it tonight and put fresh stuff in and still cant get it running either
  8. Pads are easy to change too. I periodically flip my pads on the rear (Inside pad to outside and vice versa) Since its only a 2 piston caliper on the rear one pad will wear faster than the other. They wear unevenly. I also stated using the EBC HH pads. Not sure how much better wear but the squeel is gone.
  9. You know it kind of makes me wonder if it is worth it to pull my carbs and check things like float height and spacings. It runs good but if this stuff is so off right from the factory how much better can it be?
  10. They do have them but it is illegal for anything but emergency vehicles to have them. Most lights use magnetic signature to change. Those changers do work. Not right away but it knows you are there.
  11. It was posted earlier about a wood adapter that someone used to make. Check out this thread and it has all the measurements. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=113&highlight=lift+wood
  12. Thats what I thought but the cheap Scot in me is always looking for ways to save money. They make units you can plug all tha stuff into and it will assign priority but it cost about $200 so I might as well wait for Xact to release the unit.
  13. Chaos, Ive been waiting for the XACT Navi to come out as I want Sirius, MP3 and Nav. I notice that this Mio has a 3.5 jack on it. Just a longshot but do you think there is a way to route the Sirius I already have through the GPS so that the radio will mute to let the GPS talk? That is the real thing I am looking for. I dont care if the Sirius is one unit or routed through it to mute. I now they make external units that you can but that will do this but I want it simple. If not I think I will just Wait.
  14. Yep!!!!
  15. go to the tech section in the forum and go to the 2nd Gen section. if you use the Spilting the fairing section in the body part the first few steps are removing the windsheild.
  16. Im not sure about just the Tips but I think Freebird put the whole exhaust on his Venture.
  17. It seems there is truth to things both Klaus and myself said. Here is the best article on it that I have found. I look at manufacturer infomation all the time and personally havent seen anything lower than a Q rating. http://www.tirerack.com/tires/tiretech/techpage.jsp?techid=35&currentpage=48 I recommend using a higher quality tire such as Carlisle Tires for trailers. Duro does use an M rating which is 81 mph.
  18. Hey there my kilt wearing buddy!! How about some pix!! Shhhhhhhhh!! Dont tell them there are two kilt wearing madmen here!!!
  19. You got me on that one. I think they planned on it but just didnt. Most of the newer cruisers dont have them so they could save money. Just kind o convenient that it is set up perfectly for it not to be planned
  20. That is where the center stand goes. Those holes hold the front breace and just behind that you will see a plate that is flat but angles upward with two holes also. Look in the tech section under freebird centerstand and you will see.
  21. Mike I was thinking about this and the link I used before has a nice lighter that you can clamp to the bar and plug into so you dont have to cut the plug in. Powerlet has kinds of cool stuff. Also it you get the lighter end maybe you can put the end inside the Headight housing or under the tank and just wrap tape to keep it together so that the power end goes into the sirius and comes out from under that tank.
  22. Hey mike how are you gonna do that. I was looking into doing something like that on my truck. Do not cut off the end of the Lighter insert and jut wire it to the bike. My understanding is that some units use 6v instead of 12 and you may hurt the radio. If you want ot tidy up the wiring then install a lighter insert hidden and go that way. BTW I think the wire your looking for I believe is Red with a yellow stripe. Try these guys: http://powerlet.net/products.php?mid=1
  23. I wonder if we will here anything PGR wise. I would love to ride a mission in honor of this man!
  24. along with chrome lower air deflectors Diamond R sells a much stronger bracket for the deflectors. I have those and have had no problem. I dont have the spacer but I also dont have any rubber behind the deflector and it doesnt hit.
  25. I been think about using one of these but I have a tool bag on my front forks and it hangs on the passing light bar. How much closer to the front fender does the bar get. Dont want the bag bouncing off my fender.
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