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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. I pulled the fuse a year ago. The way I see it, after the bike is proper warmed up there will be enough heat built up under the tank to keep the air warm. I have experienced no difference since I disconnected the system and I dont intend to re hook it up. If its that cold its gonna be in the garage anyway. (Below freezing) The fuse is located inside the rt side Lower fairing. All you need to do is remove the 3 allen head screws and pull the cover forward.
  2. Mine already in! Not only will you get to look at at the best bike all month some time next year but I get to win also!!!
  3. They just need time to get a cell ready!!! LOL Good luck!
  4. Still waiting for you to call me back. I was hoping all went well with that. Animals are family and I know how you felt. BTW Jebbles wants to meet the new steed.
  5. I ran that experiment once. Only thing I learned is that I have quite a vocabulary!!!! LOL
  6. I think it depends on who builds it. I bought a Cee Baily and they measure from the trim up to the top. Clear view I believe measures from the top of the tank to the top of the shield.
  7. Jerry I did a tech on this. Check this out and it should solve the prob. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3768
  8. Ken, Tell him you are a Venturerider. From the amount of us that buy from him I think a discount may be in order for us soon.
  9. Antique stuff belongs at yardsales!!! LOL
  10. This is important to MCs. Our bikes use a wet clutch which means the clutch is coated in oil. If the correct oil isnt used or if you use a car or truck oil that has friction modifiers in it you will most likely experience a clutch slipping issue.
  11. Hey guys. All the Stuff I have is gonna be sent to Eck unless there is an individual that needs a certain part. My understanding is that he wants to have sort of a parts Bank that can be accessed in event of damage to a members bike . Ill all for that. Correct me if I am wrong Eck.
  12. Hey Everyone- Im looking to clean out my garage and as you know I am quite the accessorized person. Anyway I find myself with lots of take off parts that I have no reason to keep and want to be rid of. If I cant get rid of them I will just toss them so tell me what you need. The parts are free so here is a list and if you want anything all you need is pay the shipping. -Stock waterpump cover (Right side with Yamaha on it) -Stock timing (Stator) cover -Stock Handle bars I will be adding stuff as I inventory the Garage so check back. PM me so that I am sure to get that message. Scotty
  13. I got a stock one for free too if anyone wants it. I oudered the Short Cee-Bailey shield. Havent put it on yet but I already have a shorter one than stock on it for the winter. I wanted a real short one for the warmer months.
  14. Thats only after the Chili!!! Cool Smiley!!!
  15. Do you really think that is funny Charlie?
  16. I would check with Squidley. He will even drill them to specs for you depending on how loud you want them.
  17. Sorry ECK. Hate to block you but I been there with the Khromewerks and I dont want my buddy Vinny to regret getting rid of them yet. He may like them and I did at first but got real tired of the noise real quick.
  18. Vinny just a little advice on that. Dont get rid of your HDs yet. I bought the Khromewerks and lived the sound--- However that didnt last long. they sould great but when you ride for a while it gets real old. At least it did for me. If you get the Khromewerks run them for a while then make a decision. I took mine off and went to the HD. If you cant remember how the HDs sound you are welcome to ride mine again. Speaking of that Im gonna do the ABATE Poker run on sunday if you and Sam want to go along. Let me know.
  19. Shame I didnt still have mine. I took them off the the RKs. Gave them practially away to a guy in Texas
  20. Cows must have got a new contract!
  21. you havent done the clutch upgrade have you?
  22. You know I wondered about that. I havent had the fuel mileage issue others have had and i have Dyna, K&Ns and Iridium plugs. Im usually pretty liberal oiling the filters but that makes alot of sense. It will restrict air and make you mad rich and that will cause really bad fuel mileage. Im due to clean and re-oil mine so I think that I will be more sparing and see if my mileage gets better. I cant see K&Ns being the problem as even newer cars are using stuff like this from the dealer but too much oil.........
  23. The honda one will work but they are not recommended to use when riding. You can get a headset that works without a helmet. Like walkman headphones with little boom mic.
  24. I wasnt gonna get involved in this one but I very much agree with goose and so does the Avon sales and technical staff.
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