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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. I love my Jets even if we do suck!!! And anyone playing against New England!
  2. I have a Stock seat from Buddyrich on loan. I havent used it was planning to send it back to him. Get a hold of him and if he wants to sell it to you I can ship it directly to you. Its in great shape!
  3. Your bike or wife!!! LOL
  4. Go with the flanders bars. For a Pic look at my gallery. I find them very comfortable!!
  5. Just to throw another alternative that is better and even cheaper try PCW Racing. http://www.pcwracing.com If you look in the tech section I did a write up on the clutch install and you will see the difference. About 150 will get you everything you need.
  6. Clutch basket does not come with it. Not a wear item so it shouldnt need to be replaced unless you have a problem.
  7. Can we add that poem to the memorial section too. That says it all.
  8. 8o here today. I think its just a perfect day to ride the bike to the boat show. Double jeopardy in the line of costing me Money!!!!!
  9. Just about 5000mi. Bike had 1200 on it when I got it and took them off real quick. Bike has about 14000 ont it now.
  10. Ill send you a little of mu 80Deg weather if you like!
  11. Expect a slipping clutch in short order. If I read right you used 20w50 Synec CAR OIL? These bikes use a wet clutch and that means that the friction modifiers in a non MC Specific oil will get in your clutch plates and cause slipping. Once this happens you will need new friction discs. Good Luck.
  12. Sorry on that one Eck. RSV Angel got it but I havent got around to ship anything out this week. Stuff will be on its way next week.
  13. yeah be careful. I have Progressive and a friend of mine had Allstate. He didnt know any better but if you just insure through your normal agent they often dont even come close in rates. Price around and dont just sign cuz all your other insurance is with them.
  14. Know what guys? That is why it is a pleasure to be part of this family. That is as good of example as there is. makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!!! Wait that could just be gas!!!
  15. I have the stock exhaust and dont intend to put it back on. Make me an offer.
  16. Beans!!! Remind me not to ride behind you!!!!
  17. My Recipie- 1. Catch fish 2. Give fish to fiances chef Brother 3. Eat fish!
  18. Yes it does! Actually easier as the bike is already higher and will go up easier. The tire doest always come off the ground so you might have to let the air out of the rear shock or put a flat piece or 1/2 in wood under it to totally clear the tire.
  19. you are gonna have a problem there. First let me say I own a tire business and I do not recommend doint that. Car and bike tires are very different. You most likely need to use a radial tire and it will feel very different and I dont recommend mixing radial and bias on a bike. secont problem is that you have a 15" wheel in the rear. Only thing I can think of that may still be around is a 165R-15 tire. Those fit the old VWs. Everything else will be too wide. The choices of tires in 15" is deminishing as all the cars are using wider 15s on compacts and all others are using 16" wheels and up. I say again that I strongly suggest using a bike tire unless you are doing a trike. In this case Bike tire all the way!!!
  20. Vinny Im with you on the stripers and porgies. You can keep the Blues. Very oily. Good fight though. All going well I will have the boat back in the water on Sat and I can get a few myself!!
  21. Disco music Huh? Thats too funny. I just got a picture of Muffin and Mini Dressed like John Travolta in Saturday night fever or better yet like Evil Knievel wearing helmets with stars on it in Metal flake and listening to his eight track!!! LOL
  22. If you are interested in a center stand by Freebird I think Eck still has one listed in the classifieds for sale.
  23. Honestly if we write it it will be right. Dont do yourself any favors by using the service manual as a guide. They cant even get the most common service right- the Carb Sync. Even Yamaha knows the procedure is wrong in the book and you want to trust it. Remember the tech here is far more accurate.
  24. They are a little tough to use but you can and its all in technique. I have one on mine and it makes things like changing oil easier. In order to use the stand you dont need to remove it if you are using wood blocks but if you use the lift adapter that Larry makes( Carbon One and BTW I strongly suggest it) you will need to remove the stand. Not too bad to remove though. I think really the question you want to ask is how often would you plan to put the bike up on a jack. Every time you change the oil or just to do bigger work. I for one dont yut it up often but when its up it is in the air for a while. I like to use the center stand for quick maintainance and to store the bike in winter. Scotty
  25. Ken if you are gonna do it by all means write it up. I know I have never taken the back part of the fairing off but I tried and finally decided I didnt need it all off in order to do what I needed to do. Will be a great help if I do decide to paint later on.
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