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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. It wont go just like Wham! It does have oil in it but it also has a spring. It will bounce a little but i rode mine for a good two months waiting for the warranty replacement to come in. Just pump the air up a little. If its not under warranty get the Works shock. I think they will warranty it you just have to call Yamaha and complain. The new number for the shock has apparntly fixed the long standing failure problem. Just tell them you are aware of the high failures and also go to the tech section on here and you will see a disected rear shock for the RSV by Rick Butler.
  2. If you have anymore questions let me know. Id be more that willing to help in any way I can.
  3. Eric actually what you want to do isnt all that difficult. You will need to sacrafice your automatic TS cancel though. I have had it done on my bike for over a year. It works great but if you need the TS cancel you will need to just install load equalizers. This is what I used from Custom Dynamics. http://www.customdynamics.com/yamaha_flasher.htm
  4. I swear by my Modulator based on my experience. Now with all the impatiient people out there you need something. Their thought is pull out as long as they think you can brake in time and not wait one more vehicle so they have plenty of time. They want to feel like they beat you. That being said no one looks. Hell people pull out in front fo tractor trailers and say they didnt see them. Maybe true but they just dont want to be behind them. On many occasions i got pulled out in front of with out it. Maybe they think we can brake quicker. Who knows. Since I installed my Modulator I have been seen. I even had a lady pull up next to me at a light( 2 lane rd) and roll down the window to tell me there was something wrong with my HL. I just said " It got you attention right? Its working perfectly but Thank You for noticing!" In this case the girl noticed it but made a very bad choice. In all my driving and especially driving FD vehicles a driver is not to assume but to wait for another driver commit before turning. By this I mean Gary was not speeding but was also not slowing to turn so she assumed and just went. Never watched. As for the HL Mod looking like a turn signal- NO WAY! As for looking like a Emergency Vehicle not likely but would you pull out in front of a Fire Truck or Ambulance? Well some idiots do and I bet this Girl would have to. She just didnt have the experience to handle her vehicle. I Feel Safer with my Modulator but rest assured I do not feel Safe!!!!!
  5. It is in the rt side battery cover. It is a 7 prong relay as it also has the TS canceler in it too.
  6. Well guys its that time again. As you recall I posted last year about a haunted walk at a camp that we do as a fund raiser. Well this year we are at it again for year 27 and this is my 4th. Last year we raised 100K for Camp Pa-Qua-Tuck in Center Moriches LI NY. The camp is for Disabled children and is funded by fundraiser like this to meet special needs. This year in the Building that I help with we are Doing the Phycho Circus. And in addition to Ringmaster Skinner I get to Play Sawzall the Clown! We also have a new building and have a new addition in that buiiding. VTirelli's Stepdaughter is also a character in one of the other houses. He and Sam should be proud that she wants to help in the cause make difference to these kids. I will post pics soon.
  7. I sell tires all day long and that my friend was no road hazard. I make calls all day as to adjustability of tires and though everyone feels its a tire defect that is not the case. I have seen that before quite a few times and that is what they call delamination. The bond that holds the outside rubber to the inside casing. You remember the big Firestone recall on the Fords. Exactly that. Usually agrivated by a heat condition. If it was a low pressure failure it would be be in the sidewall and not just a chunk in th tread. Anyone tire company telling you is playing you for a fool and hoping you wont find out better and just accept it.
  8. Gene its always great to see new life Brother! Congrats. We are happy that he dont look like Grandpa!!! LOL Just kidding. Makes me want a few of my own. Oh Jebbles!!!!
  9. Well I finally put my 1997 Honda 1100 Shadow ACE up for sale. Havent been able to ride it with my back problems for a while so I figure someone should enjoy it. I had a friend who buys and sell lots of bikes do it for me as Im EBAY impaired. Check it out and tell me what you think or maybe someone is interested. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=290171969561&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:PIC&ih=019 She is very custom and its a shame to just see it in the garage
  10. Bill its GaryN from Ontario Canada.
  11. Tartan Terror


    I second that
  12. Almost the same thing happened to a buddy of mine a few weeks ago. He was following a Cadillac Suv that was sight seeing and noted the SUV driving erratically. We have a problem with city people practicing driving out here perticularly in the fall when all the Farm stands are open. pumpkin pickers we call the Gourd hoard! Went to turn one direction then paused and then the other. John had no idea where he wanted to go so he pulled off the road. Right at this point the Suv jammed on its breaks and the next vehicle slammed into the back. Instinct kept him from becoming Biker pudding. I just dont feel safe.
  13. Theres a suprise Teenage girl!!
  14. My Prayers go out to Gary and Leslie and all those that have suffered injury this year. This has to stop.
  15. Well I guess I have some thinking to do. Especially this year we have had so many accidents and lost so many that my will to ride has been kind ot shot right now. Ive rode once in the last 10 weeks and the last time was a month ago. Ive already started clearing the garage. The 1007 Honda shadow 1100 ACE that I customized will be on Ebay starting tomorrow and honestly im really thinking of putting the RSV up and selling it. Jebbles has spoken a few times of wanting to find a 1960s Mustang to restore or just get one ready to ride. Really been on my mind. Besides Ive been filling the time that I used to ride with fishing and playing with my 21" Mako. How can you get enthuiastic about riding if all you see are friends getting hurt. Now with GaryN and Leslie we have another seriously hurt and One gone to be with the Father. Makes me wonder how long before its me. With all the unlicensed Illegals and people who are in so much of hurry they just dont care how long before its mu turn? I live in an area that once was a small farm area and now every weekend we get the Cityiots (N Y City idiots) come out here to practice driving and I alone have had may close calls this summer alone. Im no really sure what to do yet but Ill let you know. Any interest in the RSV?
  16. Gotcha. Havent heard that term before. I was thinking avid Ice Hockey fan or something.
  17. Hockeyologist?
  18. http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k267/lsav_2006/IMGP0249.jpg Bet its faster than the Honda!!! LOL
  19. One of the guys on my Mako boat forum has your boat!!! LOL Check out the pics. http://www.classicmako.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=19135
  20. Guy over on the other site used to make the bezel I think you saw. My understanding is that he passed and it is no longer made. Shame I would like to get one also but that wont happen.
  21. Si!!! Soon we will have to go to England to speak English.
  22. Charlie who is that sitting with you in front of the Bike? LOL
  23. All this from a former 1st Gener that went to a Honda! You been using the same crack pipe as Swifty (See other thread) ? LOL
  24. Hey guys did you know you can use Seafoam in boats too!!! I just thought it was funny when I was on the forum (ClassicMako.com) I have been cheating on you on when they started a seafoam thread. Feel like I havent been away!!! LOL Long Live SEAFOAM!!!
  25. I think you are looking for the rack for the full size flags. Look in the tech section. V7Goose (Kent) made a nice one and posted the specs. I made one from the plans and it works great!
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