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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. You remember the rules though. This place is like the Mafia and even if you dont have a Venture anymore you are still required to Hang here with all of us. Hell we even let Eck be a modorater!!! LOL Nice ride. If the leg position was better for me I would have one too!!!
  2. PM Received. Now the trick is doing the swap without loosing much riding time!!
  3. I am very interested in this. Been planning on doing this for a while. Trick is to get the trade done without loss of time. I got dibs. Lets figure this out. I plan to put mu bike on a stand next week to change out the rear shock and install the R1 brakes. PM me with your number and I will call you tomorrow and plan this out. My bike has 17000 on it so its bearly broken in. Been running synthetic too.
  4. Wonder is this is made by the same conpany?? http://www.arrogantbastard.com/index2.html
  5. Prayers sent Earl. I dont have a good back either and I know the feeling. Take it easy and listen to the doctors and you will be back in the saddle soon. Dont rush it or you will just take longer.
  6. Wonder why Chickenhawk hasnt chimed in here yet?
  7. Hey Squid you are a lucky guy. I planned to resurect Calamari but Im too cheap to pay for a second subscription!!! LOL
  8. Fuses on those are under the seat and under the side cover I think its the left side. Rt side is a storage place for papers and the tool kit. If what you are looking for isnt there there is also another fuse box/ wire junction under the tank so you will need to remove it. Last but not least all the rest is in the headlight bucket. Look in that order because the most common need ones to access are in the easier places.
  9. I will send you a few pics when I take them. The Fire Bike revision 2 is almost done and I want to post the pics all together. about a week or so and You all can see it but as for the puffiness its really not much.. I didnt even see why he seemed so unhappy with it. I think it looks fine
  10. I got to say this is the best change I have made on my bike to date. I always found that the forks on this bike are never right. If you have no air in them they are too mushy and if you even have a little air in them you get a very hard unforgiving ride. Hit a pot hole and you blow your kidneys out you butt and on a on ramp it almost chattered and went sideways if you hit bumps in the lean. After seeing a post by Rick Butler I decided to try something Rick had done. I installed Sonic Springs in a heavier rate (120) and added the Racetech Gold fork emulators. Basically you are eliminating the air assist and adding spring. Also you are making the shock a variable dampening unit instead of an unadapting hard on the bumps shock. Now the bike is surefooted in turns and on rough roads a much more comfortable ride. Now to do the rear shock. I planed to wait but I found the infamous pool of oil under the shock and its not warrantied. Second one in a 16000 mi range. I ordered the Works.
  11. Rick you out did your self on this one. I wanted to wait till I got a few miles on but I love it. Just a little information on this. I got my corbin seat reworked by Rick to help on the comfort level. Corbins are known for being hard and not butt friendly. Last year I sent it back to corbin to get it done with a less dense foam and it helped a little but this year I sent it off to Rick for some magic. He was very concerned when he sent it back to me that I would not be happy mainly because it looked a little puffy. At this time he decided that he would do no more Corbins. Yes it does look a little puffy but by no means bad. Let me say this seat is now great. Rick you did a great job and I hope you continue to fix this butt buster and make them as nice as mine. Scotty
  12. I currently have a custom peice being made for the Firebike. Call the number on the website. Very nice to work with. I know he has been very busy since bike week with orders.
  13. I tell you I was a little leary at first. I had on Avons and had talked alot of people into Avons. I am a Dunlop car tire dealer and as long as I had my wheels all redone I wanted to put on new tires. With all this talk of cracking Avons I didnt feel comfortable putting them on as it seems most cracking are newer production dates. I bought the E3s and even though I dont have quite a 100 miles on them yet I cant really feel the difference between the Avons and the E3s. That is a good thing as I love the handling. Im glad I changed. One note is that part of the problem with Avon could be the financial trouble that the parent company Cooper is in. Maybe they are trying to save costs but that is no good to us. Moral of the story is all companies rise and fall and maybe its now the age of the E3!
  14. Not really sure why everyone is still convinced that Dot 5 is so destructive. I have had Dot 5 in my bike for 4 years and never had a seal issue. Had it in my Honda before it for 5 years that I owned it and the new owner still has it in and no issues. Most classic car builders use it too as its not as carrosive and wont hurt paint. Only thing you have to keep in mind is that you must totally purge the system before using Dot 5 as it will clot up. Now Dot 5 wont absorb moisture like the others will so you must bleed a little every year as any moisture will find its way to the lowest point.
  15. Hey Charlie want a tool kit? Before I bought the tool kit on ebay I bought all the stuff I needed and kept it in the saddle bag. Got the chance to get on on ebay and bought it just to have it. I wasted my money because its been on the work bench for a few years and I still have the tools I bought on the bike. If you want it you can have it just pay to ship it.
  16. BTW the Yuasa I described is an AGM just like the Odessy. Also keep in mind a regular battery tender will not work with the Odessy. You will need a stronger one from them that trickles at 6 A. If you dont the battery tender will be just a nice decoration and the battery will still go dead. All the AGMs use a regular battery tender.
  17. Hope that Odessy works out for you. They didnt for me. They warrantied 2 for me before I gave up. I bought the Yuasa High performance which was cheaper and had higher CCA. Havent had a problem since. Pricier isnt always better.
  18. Oh boy...... This wont be like the big crash of 06? I remember those dark days. Thats why even the originals here all say 2006 even though this site existed well before that. Those of us who are here all the time went through some awful withdrawls and we all had to re-register. Let us all pray.
  19. This is the guy you want to talk too. http://www.tscustomleather.com/
  20. Yeah thats the type you dont want to see. Opening up and soon to expose cord
  21. The batteries that come in these are AGM batteries and dont need the acid. Did you keep it on a tender? Get the Yuasa High Performance one and stay away frome the Oddessy
  22. Honestly being in the tire business, everything but M/C tires I ask what kind of cracking? Why I ask this is if its a surface cracking you would most likely find that on all tires. I see that very often on car and truck tires and it raises no alarm. If you start seeing deep cracking like the material is pulling apart and exposing the fabric under then I would be more alarmed. The strength in a tire is in the fabric and not in the rubber. Now tell me if this is the same for a M/C, I think so. I know light cracking would raise no worry for me on a car and as far as the Avon I think if you look hard enough at the other brands you may find this too. Its just right now we have Avon under the microscope. Its not that long ago we had large square chunks breaking out of the Metzlers from delamination.
  23. Check with Eck. Im sure he has set in the parts bank. If not then Im sure some one has a set as the flanders bars are a [popular mod.
  24. Thank you to all. For now I think I will finish wearing out the Avons I have now. I enjoyed the Avons but I sell Dunlop car tires. I figured I would try them if they were the same if not better. For now Im convinced that the Avons are the ones I will stick with as I know them and why waste perfectly good tires. Back on they go!!! As for the Fire bike Revision II. Keep watching as it is now going back together!!!
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