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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. You dont see those two funky posts???? Spam!!!
  2. Help I think we have been Spammed!!!!!
  3. I have the Sirius Sportster4. I love it and did a very clean install using this kit. http://www.tss-radio.com/professional-motorcycle-install-kit-sirpmk1-p-4430.html It has the mount for the bars and sits tight to the clutch master under the radio head. It also comes with the direct power connection when if you split the fairing you can attach it and not need to use the lighter. Also use the mini plug and tee the mini jack adaper and you wont have any wires running anywhere except into the fairing. The kit even comes with covers for the radio. VERY CLEAN.
  4. Tartan Terror


    It wont matter soon. The merger of Sirius and XM are in front of the FCC right now and Im watching it in a daily basis. I bought some stock and if they merge they will both jump quite a bit. They seem to have the support they need. They say it wont affect the rates and if anything they may come down as they will merge the best of both networks and save lots in repetative stations plus give the sports they offer a larger market. Xm has MLB and NHL right now and Sirius has Nascar, NFL and NBA. All those will more than double the market. It wont be a monoploy as both networks compete against terestrial radio and internet radio, not to mention Ipods and recorded media. I prefer Sirius but am really looking forward to the merger. Actually Sirius is listed as purchasing XM. http://news.moneycentral.msn.com/ticker/article.aspx?Feed=PR&Date=20071105&ID=7759046&Symbol=SIRI
  5. I dont like the idea. Its not some kind of competition. For the same reason that we dont show the post counts I dont think its a good idea. We area all equal here regardless of post counts and meets and awards.
  6. Dave the coil is a cylindrical object that has spark plug wire right into the end of it. the wires I discribe go into the end if it and is held onto the fram with two small bolts that are 10mm. You may need to pull some of the hoses to the side. It is on the Rt side of the top of the frame above the carbs under the gas tank. If you need anymore help PM me and I would be glad to help you on the phone. Scotty
  7. They already announced the 08 line up an the venture is the same once again except for a few new colors.
  8. you will need to modify the bolts. Look in this thread and it should help. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2628 Also if you look in the tech section you will see for the 2nd Gen energency Ignition repair, that has info too Scotty
  9. I hope Im in it or I may need to send Bruno!!
  10. Maybe you should introduce Debelt to you dealer. There should be more like him.
  11. Cant avoid going to Denver. My brother lives there. I have a feeling I will be out there soon as his ***** Wife just filed for divorce. Gods blessings come in all forms!
  12. If your interested I have the Yamaha billit ballmilled mirrors I took off the RSV when I put the FF maltese cross ones on. If you are interested make an offer.
  13. I think you guys should take a look at Warm and Safe heated clothing. A good friend fo mine is a dealer and he sell via the net at www.farkelmasters.com if anyone is interested Im sure that he would give a VR discount. If there is enough interest I will speak to him on it. Warm and Safe is a brand made by the original designers of the Gerbing brand with much improvements. Im kind of sorry I bought the Gerbing before I knew about them.
  14. Heck you would just be better talking to Jerry! At least there you will get real answers form a a very stand up guy. He did a great job on his.
  15. I purchased two. One I am giving to Freebird and the other to Vtirelli! Cant buy it for myself. Ill get Vinnys to him. Don you can give me one if you like?!
  16. Hey Don I just paid for too. As per tradition Im giving one to you and one to Vtirelli! Cant buy them for myself! Now you can give one to me and we will be even and equally lucky!!!!
  17. You are right but these people are not of that cloth. They are more in common with groups like Jim Jones ( Hope I got that right ). remember Jamestown? As for the award, Though they will never get the award its the point they made and the fact that the Judgement will always be there. After they avoid paying they will seize bank accounts and that will kill any financial dealings they do unless they operate under a bogus name. It will make things very inconvienient for them.
  18. Hipshot you are familiar with the Patriot Guard right? The Westboro Baptist Church is the radical group that was the reason for the founding of the Patriot Guard and the unsensitive protesting of the Military Funerals. This is Relevant to Motorcycles and all the PGR members that are among us. This is indeed very good news!!!
  19. You are right Kit. It is gonna go up for one more try before winter. If not I will wait till spring. Bill you should do better in the south with a longer riding season.
  20. Right back at ya!!!
  21. Only thing you have to be careful with painting a helmet is that you need to prep it correct. If you use the wrong chemicals you will weaken the shell and that could be a hazzard. Im not sure of the exact proceedure but for safety do a search on it. Scotty
  22. Good luck with the sale. I put my Honda on Ebay last week and even though I got lots of compliments and I wish I could buy its it never went. Never even came close to the reserve. Im gonna try again in a few days.
  23. I use plastic razor blades so not to gouge the paint or fiberglass. Use a little heat and remove the glue with 3m adhesive remover. comes in a spray can. Use it on the truck, bike and Boat and never damaged anything.
  24. If you guys hate working on the bike so much--- Dont buy a Boat!!!! LOL
  25. I feel your pain. Over the summer I had replaced the clutch on my bike and upgraded the setup to the PCW set up. I choose to do it myself even though they were gonna change the clutch basket when it came im. Well low and behold call me when they are doing the basket to say I need a clutch. Now Im friends with the parts manager and he and the service manager both knew that I had done it. Even after this the technician swore it needed it and the plates were blue. I told them put it back together that way. A week later I pulled it all back apart and measured the discs and examined the plates. It only had 800 mi on the clutch. total BS. Point is if it dont sound right it isnt and it is a good idea to bring a digital camera with you when you drop it off and take the pictures in front of them. Really keeps them honest!!! Just makes the point you are watching!!
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