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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. I dont Ice fish. Scratches the hull on my Mako!
  2. Only think I dont see is the Fluffy white rabbit or the Charmin on the tree limb!! LOL
  3. http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r148/avcm12/bear.jpg Common! I know you wanted to know!!!
  4. Muffinman is the guy that you need to talk to. Im sure he will pop on soon but you can bet he will spend some time and get you right.
  5. Whooaaa!! I guess somone forgot their Meds this morning! LOL
  6. Get a hold of Buddyrich. He has a set that is in great shape and I recall that he would like to sell them. I had them on loan and didnt use them. Just sent them back to him a few weeks ago.
  7. Get a hold of Buddy Rich. I just sent his Oem seat that I had on loan back to him. I think he wants to sell it. Scotty
  8. Wow that sounds like a personal problem!!! I got 710
  9. Sorry I ate them on the way over. Whose picking up the Dairy Ummmmm Queen?
  10. How come no one brought marshmallow and hot chocolate?
  11. I have one mounted on mine. It is real easy but my advise is to drill the holes carefully and go up in small increments. I used the little covers that you cover nuts on License plate bolts.
  12. And here it thought you were gonna ask if you would look good in a pink thong! Kind of scary. I almost didnt open this thread!!! LOL
  13. You are very wrong with that. Dont get hurt over ignorance. I cant believe we have this old thread back from the dead!
  14. When you open this forum there is a banner right on the top but here it is anyhow. http://rmsportmax.com/gateway.html Think this will work out for you. Scotty
  15. first question is the low speed handling situation. Many here have changed the front tire size to the MT90-16 in the Avon AM41 ot equivilent. That will make the bike turn much better. Like taking 150lb right off the bike. On the second part to get the snap you want a few here have changed the rear end ratio and I plan to do this myself too. Going with the V-Max ratio set up will give you a better ratio and allow faster pickup and a better range so that in 5th gear you wont bog as much. The bike likes to ride at higher RPM and really labors if you keep it under 3500 rpm. I think Freebird will jump in on this as he was the first to do this change. Blue Ridge will do rear swapouts for $300 and your rear as a core when you replace it. The unit comes ready to bolt on and is easy to change after the bike is lifted and the rear wheel removed.
  16. That is a ver nice area. For years I worked for Goodyear racing and was at the track for a week twice a year. I made quite a few very good friends there. Great area to go. My friends live 1 town north of Dover in Symyna and another friend is south of that. Lots of great stuff to do. If you like racing you will be in heaven. Few Small tracks there as well as Dragstrips. Remember the big track. Good riding there too. A ride to Rohobeth Beach to the south or even down to Virginia Beach. Cape May to the north. Deleware is a no sales tax state so that is a big plus and prices are moderate. In the summer it gets a little humid so that is a draw back but not too bad. Fishing is great and you have the bay or the ocean. Sports you are close to Philly or Washington. Over all I think it would be a great place to live.
  17. You could always put baseball cards on the spokes and count the clicks!! LOL
  18. I was gonna say that this morning!!! Its all SPAM!!!
  19. Shoot Us boys would always enjoy a good " Dirt Bomb" fight!!! LOL
  20. Not Scrapple! Maybe Hormell chili, Viena Sausages or Head cheese but not Scrapple!!!
  21. Hey Funrider. Here is the most recent thread on that subject. Should give you quite a jump on the names. Quite a few interesting ones in there. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=8267&highlight=user
  22. Some people die on the toilet too! Lets have a study, Ill bring the burritos.
  23. I totally agree!!! Very good and thanks for posting this Food for thought.
  24. All this Spam reminds me of a Monty Python skit! LOL
  25. Floyd this the oddessy Battery all of us are using. Much better than stock. It has a much deeper cycle and more crank amps. Very much worth it and the price is good too. This is who I bought mine from. Since its dry cell is no maintainance and has a great warranty too. Had it in for 2 years so far and beyond satisfied!!! http://www.batteryweb.com/odyssey-detail-PC545-motorcycles.htm This is the one I put in. PC545
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