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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. You do mean one for the truck to tow it to the shop right? Just kidding!! LOL Try www.Khromewerks.com
  2. Ive been following this thread and am a little taken back. I really think that all this should have been taken to Don without mentioning it in a thread at all. Especially as now names are being thrown out either by mistake or not. All the facts have to be examined first anyway. Like lynching before the trial. Lets close this thread and let don figure it out. If there is wrong doing Don will staighten it out and sure dont need our comments to do this. We all have pride in this site and last thing we need is creating a distrustful atmosphere. I have bought from, exchanged with and given stuff free to many on here and have never had reason to gripe but my first move would have been an email to Don before I started all of this. I think this thread should be closed. And when it is all over Don can post the facts.
  3. I think the Irish Whiskey idea. If you make all the bacteria drunk they just may get lost and head for the kidneys and out!!!
  4. Go with the Flanders G2 Bars for the RSV. Lots of us have them.
  5. I keep getting pictures of you being like the Santa in "A Christmas Story". Did anyone get a Red Rider BB gun?? You'll put your eye out!!! LOL
  6. I bet I missed the boat on this one but I just got to sit down and read the Americade Times. That is the magazine that the send covering the prior years Rally and gives infomation for the upcoming ones. Anyway there is a really nice 2nd Gen on the front. Red/Marooon. Who's is it? They are now a superstar. I like the point that it is originally a Goldwing Rally and they gae full representation to the Beloved 2nd Gen!! They are finally seeing the light!! LOL
  7. I got my Ding-a-Ling today too!
  8. Cool! You got your Ding-a-Ling!!!!
  9. Not correct. The pc545 is the battery for the 2nd Gens. You will need to put a small 1/2 in spacer under it if you want it to sit as high but it is the 545 you are looking for. As for the stator you should have no trouble with it. It does lack a little in output with about 35 Amp output but is not prone to failing. There are a few experimenting with higher output stators some with success so far and some with really bad results. Rick H from Buckeye Performance says they have developed a good higher output stator and is still testing it. Squidley sent his to electrosport last year to be used as a core for developing one. He got his back and had nothing but trouble ending with having to rewire nearly the entire circuit. From that point we all need real convincing as we are not sure its worth the risk. You should be fine with the trailer as long as you arent hanging a million lights on it and using heated clothing. Change to LEDs if you can as that will save you good power.
  10. Best advise is go ask yourself before you hit the post button if you think its questionable to post. If you have to think twice then better to hot hit that button.
  11. The 5th wire (Blue) is for the backup lights. It is used mainly on trailers that have brakes to release the solinoid that released the brakes. Male and female will fit on one another but leave the extra pin uncovered. Woint hurt anything. If the trailer has the 5 pin just take a wire and find your wire for the reverse lights and put a bullet connector on the vehicle end. Put this on the 5th pin on the connector. If the 5 pin is on the vehicle side and the trailer has the 4 pin then slide it on and away you got. I am assuming that both the connectors are the flat type and not the round?
  12. Boomer here is Digits link. Check it out. http://www.honorride.com/
  13. I was thinking of putting uf for bid a piece of butter that looks like the queen Mum to go with the bagel. Actually someone sent it to me and I thought it was so funny I had to share!
  14. If you see my buddy Didgits (John) on the ride tell him that Scotty from the Island says hi!
  15. Amen! Ive also come to see that even on the Boating forum I frequent. A few threads there also seem to bait people on political and religious issues and that only makes it less enjoyable and even if you dont participate in a thread like that it gets too you even to the point I have stepped in and said " What the heck are you doing!" Funny thing is I know Freebird has some strong political views but even though he made this wonderful place he keep his views on those issues out of those threads and off the site. That should tell us alot. Lets enjoy this and not ruin it. Save the politics for the political sites. Freebird, Thanks again for what you do, creating this group and working this hard for nothing except the friendship we bring. And thanks for the refocus.
  16. I was on Ebay and I came across this. Should I bid on this???!!!! Looks like a good buy. \ http://cgi.ebay.ca/Face-of-Diana-Princess-of-Wales-within-a-bagel_W0QQitemZ330194202893QQihZ014QQcategoryZ39633QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  17. I hear you. This place is so fun because it does have that Family atmosphere. People can disagree but rarely does it get to the point of negative comments beign traded on a personal level. The very nest day we all ride together. Im not much of a computer hound but I do spent quite a bit of time here and on my Mako forum for just that reason. We are civilized and refuse to sink below out morals and standards. If something bad happens we band together like no other. I feel on a personal level that that comes right from the top as Freebird is one of us and sets a gold standard.
  18. bruno!!!!
  19. I would strongly suggest making that bracket and sell them with the part number for the Kuryakyn parts. There are quite a few on here that have been looking for that very idea for a while. Ill take a set!
  20. I see you got the 2. Its right.
  21. We have had two accidents like that in Riverhead. One was just down from my shop. Driver was ok in that one but big fire. We were able to protect the tank and it didnt blow. On the other one the truck came to the end of the Expressway and must have been sleeping but missed the exit ramp and went straight. Truck rolled and went on fire. We got there quick (FD) but there was nothing to do but surround it and protect the area around. the call was made that it was far less of a EPA hazard to let it burn then soak into the ground and wash it deeper. Driver was out when we got there and was burned real bad. Managed to drag himself about 200 ft away but was burned so bad that he only lived a short time.
  22. That cant be all that new. I saw that trike up at Americade in june. Very nice styling!
  23. Contact Rick at Buckeye performance. I think he sells the setup as a kit inclucing the longer lines in SS to complete the job.
  24. That sounds pretty fun! Im in if you get it together. We can all give each other Venture Bells! LOL
  25. I got a Cee Baileys too. Very happy with it!
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