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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. Wow this thread came back from the archieves! I just figured I would jump back in. I find it amazing that guys like Yammer and Gary can jump back on. If they can how can I park mine. Ive only ridden mine twice in the last 6 months but I stood in the garage and had a little talk with her a few weeks ago and its time to get her ready. Charging the battery and a little cleaning and I will be ready. Has to be for my buddies Motorcycle wedding on Apr 15th. You never know when its you time but you cant live in fear. If you do you dont live. Ill be back riding with you in a few short weeks when the weather gets nicer and the St Patricks season is over with the pipe band.
  2. You know I guess it is possible to miss a person I never met in person. God Bless you Mark and Knowing you are with God and no longer in pain brings comfort but sorrow for the loss of such a great Man, Prayers for the family.
  3. Yeah I know what you mean! I needed a new Sirius Radio holder so being the Scot I am I picked up a 2005 Chevy Avalanche low miles. Saved money at first but now with putting the toys on it Im getting up there in money! I think im setting a record on the Avalanche forum in quickest money spent! I think the lift is next! :mo money:
  4. Trailer tire construction is different such as plys. usuallly significantly higher. I know at least here in NY there are DOT laws against use of P-metric or Passenger tires and require ST rated which means Special Trailer. You can use Bias or Radial trailer tires but they must be trailer rated. Only exception to the Rule is if you have a trailer using LT or light truck tires usually 10pl which are approved because they are approved for the weight ratings.
  5. Its sunny and 55 here on Long Island. I prefer that you keep it there! LOL
  6. Kit its nice to see somone else who knows the reality of these things. yeah is may work but is you life worth it? I dont think they will understand until it all goes wrong for them. As for all the "computer professionals" out there. Im talking about the keyboard jockeys that see it on the web and all of a sudden decide that is cool. You dont see the whole picture. I do this work everyday and see so if you think you are more of a "professional" based on that than the real professionals I only wish you luck. Remind me to tell you the story of the guy around here who lost a million dollar lawsuit based on the fact that he had a car tire on his landscape trailer based on the fact that he put a car tire on a trailer to save about 10 bucks. (I did not install those tires here). Just think about it. Im finished in this thread. And do what you want but I only share all this because if I can help any of you not get hurt it is worth it to me. BTW someone mentioned using a Goodyear Tripletred on a bike. Ill give you the number to their engineering dept and ask them their recommendation.
  7. This professional Naysayer has a question. Are you turning your car Lock to Lock at 30mph? Not a very good example. That would put that truck on its roof.
  8. That about sums it up! Great answer. As for the Winter air and Summer air- I get my regular customers with that all the time. Line to kid with them. LOL
  9. Just because a few do it and get lucky dont mean its safe or right. It just means they got lucky and nothing has happened YET! Look at the accidents that have happened to people we love around here. Squid had a correct tire fail on him and people got hurt but at least the insurance company will back him up and make it right. In addition to that the tire co will make it right as I feel its a defective tire. If that had been a car tire as soon as the adjuster saw that the claim would have been null and void and that would have been the end to it. Vehicle was modified and is tire is not approved by the DOT for MC use. No longer the insurance companies problem. Just cause somone makes it fit and gets lucky that dont mean that it is safe or right.
  10. Here! Here! Cant be said better!
  11. Guys one more thing. A bike tire is designed for the lean and get traction. A Car tire is designed to keep the tread on the ground no matter what because its not ment to lean. So if you put a car tire on there it is designed to fight the lean. What does that tell you? If anyone is interested I will take a car tire and bike tire and post a cross section when I get the chance. You will see what I mean. Let me know if you want me to go to the trouble.
  12. Kit I see we are on the same side on this one. You are right on the money!
  13. I know. Thanks for the support. I just hope none of the " Professionals" here ever need to test what Im trying to tell them. I strongly suggest they contact Yamaha, the car tire manufacturer and their insurance company. I do this for a living and know the laws involved but who and I? I just hope it stops someone some headaches and more.
  14. Do Not Run a Car Tire!!! I own a tire shop so take this as you will. There are a few reasons why this is not safe. First the RSV uses Bias tires. Construction is important as a Radial and a Bias construction is a very different animal. The tires flex differently and will feel very different. Bike tires are reinforced differently to handle the forces put on it in a leaning turn. The shape of the tire is different for an obvious reason. To allow maximum surface on the roadway in a turn where you need the most traction. On a car tire the shoulder is square and the more you lean the less tire you have working for you. As you lean on the bike a car tire will lift the tread area and only leave you on the square shoulder which when you pass that point will want to lay you on the side. If you have a Trike the rules are a little different but now on the bike. One other thing- After the crash on the car tire you insurance company will leave you in the wind as it is not meant to be on the bike and will fail the safety inspection. Their reason not to pay! I care for you Brother--- Do not take a chance with your life!
  15. They look great but I wouldnt have one at least no the Chief from about 4 years ago. Bike runs great when it runs but A buddy of mine has one and even though its garaged its rusting all over. Bad chrome and at welded joints. Lots of wiring trouble too. For him to complain it takes alot because he had a Borguet before this.
  16. They picked a poor place for a Robbery! http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/02/28/biker.meeting/index.html
  17. Thats Right! If you were to leave we might have to make you sleep with the fishes!! ----- or at least the Swamp Monster!!!!!
  18. So cool that you put this up! I know these guys and occasionally ride with Jack Maloney. He is a customer of mine for a long time and friend. I remember when they first got the rig. He asked me to bring it to a run that I was organizing. The Idea we came up with as it was a Bike Blessing was at the start location we would have people put messages to Passed loved ones in the Casket box (Glass portion) and have them prayed over and blessed too. People loved the Idea and we been doing it ever since! Ill tell them you all said hi!
  19. I have heated seats in my truck and love them but as far as the bike it come down to the age old question of can the charging syatem support the draw on that?
  20. :whistling::whistling::whistling:
  21. I think you will like it. Ive have sirius for quite a few years in my truck, bike and Boat. Very satisfied. BTW if the merge goes through they will control XM anyway.
  22. I belong to a few forums out there and I guess this week it came to shocking realization how much goes into this fine place we call home. One of the Chevy Avalanche forums I belong to came to an end due to lack of support and lack of help for the Admin. He just couldnt do it anymore and the money was up there. Sure everyone begged him not to shut it down and a few offered a few bucks but no real help. Real sad day there and I was only there a few weeks. I guess what Im trying to say is Thanks so much for all you do. You handle things so well here both administrator wise and reasoning wise many take it for granted. I hope you never get to that point ever and if you are ever close we will give the help! Everyone a little donation from time to time helps alot cuz this place is free to us but someone had to pay so we should all share a little of it. And Don--- Thank You!!!
  23. At the risk of being to Biblical dont that sound alot like the mark of the beast? Do they want to put it in your right hand or Forehead? A little to scary for me and you can bet I will never agree to it guys. You can bet it will eventually come.
  24. Thats a Massive failure allright----Massive faliure to maintain your bike!! How could you not notice that the tires were that far gone. You must have had no tread on there for a while to wear through to that extent. Bee careful man- Its your life we are talking about. BTW seperation at the bead also indicates under inflation as well.
  25. Yeah but you should see what if does to the liner in the tire and better forget on patching them after its in as Antifreeze also has lubricating properties. Unless you are using marine antifreeze (RV) it is also considered a hazardous material and cary hefty fines for dumping. It is a poison. I do Farm tires also and a few smart (Read that as the opposite) farmers have started using used antifreeze in the tires for liquid weight. The have traditionally used Calcium cloride mixed with water for inside the tire ballast. Not only could I not repair the tire as the patches would not stick but now I had a Hazmat situation. I told him if he continued to use it I would no longer work on them. The RV anti freeze isnt hazmat but still makes impossible to repair. Dont use it, just balance the normal way.
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