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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. What dealer did yo buy it from?
  2. VTirelli is the MAN also. Im posting for him cuz he be undercover!!! LOL
  3. Yes Sir I agree with Bill on that fact!
  4. You will never get any Honest politicians-- they are all too busy working to Run for office!!! LOL No really on this matter you will be lucky to get anyone in like that because we have this wonderful two party system that tells whoever how to vote and if you dont play their game then you wont get the financial or any other support to get elected. How many times do you see an Independant that is way more qualified and just gets pushed out of the way by the Political machine!! Only person Ive seen in recent time that fought the system and succeeded was Lieberman who got shunned by his party and the Dems nominated another. Well he ran Independant and the people spoke. I say this just to get the point across that yu wont see any change that benefits Us, Just change that benefits whatever party ends up on top at any given monent. We just happen to live here.
  5. If you do need to remove it you shouldnt Need to replace the entire stem. You can replace the rubber grommet in there and that will be much less expensive than replacing the entire stem especially if you want the one from Yamaha.
  6. Mini I dont know if he was ahead of his time or had just seen it all before.
  7. I agree. Government was originally set up in this country to serve us and now its prime purpose is to serve itself. In tough times like now you would think that taxes should be lowered to help the individual who cant even afford to heat their homes but they raise them. This country has lost sight and oil is just one of the signs. One of the contributors to rediculous Oil prices is that the stock market and Credit dilemma have wiped out lots of former cash cows for investors so now they invest in commodities. The higher it gets the more cash they will make regardless of how it hurts the little guy so look for more increases. Correct me if Im wrong too but we are at War and I thought it there was some rule of law that restricts the investing in commodities that raise prices so drastically. Help me out on this one guys. Too much Big Government creates More big Problems!!! I thought the reason for the Revolution was to end crap like this.
  8. My Venture is a 03 and it came with the 404s on it. I didnt get very much Miles and didnt get to wear them out either. They started to cup pretty bad and howl going down the road. Not terrible and definitly not as bad as the Bridgestones that others have reported but also not even close to my Avons. For the price the 404s are a acceptable tire if thats what your budget allows.
  9. Gary its great to see you doing better. Listening to you is like looking at my own Father. last year in the spring we lost my Mother. They had been together for 43 years never apart. Ive watched the progression with my Father from being hopelessly in grief but holding it together from enjoying life now. Took alot of time and some changes in routine. Now a year later I have trouble keeping track of who he is dating, He has a new vehicle to replace the minivan he needed for Mom as she was handicaped. Volunteers in the Kitchen at bingo for the Moose club and gets hit on by all the older ladies. (My Dad is a gigolo!!! LOL) Though trough all this he never forgets and still spends time with Mom (Where her ashes are). Time will make it better but she will always be there with you. Scotty
  10. It sounds good but if its all the same I will wait a while until I see Ebay is using it and I see that everyone else is having no trouble. I just dont throw around my info especially until I see they are secure. Not that I wont but Im not a huge ebayer so Im really not paying much as it is.
  11. Well I cant tell you that but I do own the Yamaha ones and I like them. Never had a problem and they fit nice. for opinions on the other you will need to see if someone has tried them but I am very happy with the ones I have.
  12. Go with the Yamaha ones.
  13. Are you talking about the deflectors on front of the forks or the ones that you can install on the crash bars to direct air in on you or block it?
  14. Oh crud! your not gonna believe but I just threw away my stockers last week as I couldnt even give them away. Dang it!
  15. Vinnie and Cody started their own Company in Tock Tavern. V Force Customs http://www.vforcecustoms.com/
  16. I also have a 97 Honda shadow ACE 1100 and I run the Amsoil and have also run the Spectro golden Syn. You will find this funny but the RSV and the Honda use the same filter also.
  17. Not gonna say a word. Said it all before.
  18. couldnt be from here Cuz he just replaced the stock Dunlops with Bridegestones and that would be the last advise he would have gotten here!! LOL
  19. Bike always has a small draw due to the guages so that isnt too far off if the battery doesnt have a full charge. Remember that you also have to charge that battery at better than 6A. 2A trickle isnt enough.
  20. Air is 78 percent nitrogen. To properly install it you need to hook it up to the machine which actually draws the air out to a mild vaccum but not enough go break the bead and then reinflate with the nitrogen. Then you do it again as you will never get all the O2 out in the first step. Problem with this is it may draw the sealer up too into the machine. Now you could just let the air out and install the nitrogen but you will only get about 94 percent and will still defeat the purpose of doing it. They recommend a 99 percent ratio. How do I know this? I have this set up at my tire business. Hope I helped.
  21. I carry a plug kit for emergencies. I would plan on changing the tire though as soon as possible. I prefer that to using the goop in the tire.
  22. Though tire makers match the front and rear tires they make there is no problem mixing brands on a scoot. Do not mix radial and bias tires on the scoot as they work differently. I prefer to match brands but there is no danger in mixing brands.
  23. I believe that a member did that and got rub. I will look for the thread.
  24. You can mount a 16.5 tire on a 16" wheel but tell me its the safe thing to do. Sure that tire went on the wheel but is it seated right and does the bead have the correct profile? I truely doubt it and you may not have a problem but if you do all they will tell you is go scratch. Many companies make car tires that do not make bike tires. If it was truely was safe to put these tires on bikes dont you think they would be trying to sell them as a new market for them? They know it isnt safe or advisable so they wont.
  25. It should but the only thing that may be a problem is the support for it. I have it on the RSV and it works great but I also support it under the trunk. If you beef up where the LP on the RSTD is you should have no prob.
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