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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. Ill take a few later. I actually thought I had one in my gallery but that was the old one and this one is much better. It actually sits lower and the antenna is right on top of the res.
  2. This is the Kit I used. It mounts right in front of the left side Clutch Res. Looks very clean and comes with all that you need to direct wire it and not have to tie up your power port. http://www.tss-radio.com/professional-motorcycle-install-kit-sirpmk1-p-4430.html
  3. I like the Flanders. I put them on and they made a real difference in comfort. I didnt need to roll my shoulders forward. Do them. As for the risers if you just use them expect the fairing to flex a little and rattle. There is a pair of rubber blocks that sit between the handle bar and plastic of the inner fairing to keep this from happeneing and you will need to remove these to use the risers. Besides the fact the risers look ugly and bolted on.
  4. LOL!!!!
  5. Maybe you could attach the mower to a Jetski. Kind of make it like a duck! LOL
  6. Plain and simple NY SUX! Got my bike inspected today, ( know the guy so just gave him the Mileage and Reg) and found out alot about new bullcrap of NYS bike inspections. First of all the safety inspection which is nuts. Car tires are automatic fail and they are instructed to look for that. Also they are supposed to ride the bike and also remove a wheel. Now that leads to two problems. First is how can you do this and make any money or even cover your time for a fee of $6 and who wants an inspector to ride your bike. Im very protective of who rides my bike and I dont want it rode. Who knows what can happen. Also we are hearing alot of dealers quoting for things like fork seals. Guess you need to figure out ways to cover all the time you loose doing these $6 inspections. Just venting and fortunately I have an in but watch your butts if you are in NY. Maybe something the AMA should look into. Are they this stupid in other states?
  7. Feeding a bike is hard enough try a Boat. Last year Dad and I bought a boat to do some fishing after Mom passed. Last year was bad enough but now I think I may just sit on the boat in the driveway and have a neighborhood kid spray me every once in a while with the garden hose!!! Very depressing!!!! It all trickles down and as less people drive I make less money as there is less of a demand for tires and the ones they buy are the cheap Chinese tires I always swore I would never stock and now have aisles full cuz thats what sells. CHEAP!
  8. NO dont heat it! Remember its a plastic box. Also the head of the screw is rounded so getting a hold of it with a vice grip is gonna ge tough unless you cut a slot or flatten the edges. I had that problem before and I finished up cuttng a slot and using a screw driver. It has been said here but go on ebay and buy the nice setup with the Knobs. I did and makes life so much easier to clean it by removing the bags with no fuss.
  9. Vinny!! Dont Taze me Bro!!!!!! LOL
  10. Monsta that sight looks oh so familiar. Thats what I did. Get the forks polished and the tins too. They look like chrome and not expensive. You wont regret it.
  11. I have one. Waste of money. I bought a Gel seat pad at Americade last year and its lightyears better. The Airhawk tends to pinch between the cells sometimes.
  12. Can you put somthing up that shows that you are a site supporter? On my Chevy Avalanche forum if you are a site supporter you get a Bowtie with the year. That too is a free site but it recognizes those that are site supporters.
  13. Gunboat about the insurance issue I suggest you dont believe everything you read and call your insurance co. They will tell you. Better to find out before the accident. As for the car tire I stated my position in the other thread about this and I wont argue it further. Im in the tire business and know better but I know I cant convince you otherwise. I answered Genes question because we are friends and dont want to see him get hurt or boned on insurance. If you use a Car Tire do so at your own risk but know that your Bike manfacturer, Tire manufacturer and your insurance co will not back you up. As for the car tires on trailers they may not care down there but up here it is the law and they look. I would bet there are similar laws there but you may not know them. Dont find out the hard way. Remember stupidity may not just kill you but maybe the innocent person next to you.
  14. Gene as I posted before yes they can deny it as it is not designed for the application. I have seen it in other applications like car tires on trailers and that is their loophole. You bet they are looking for them too. We are nothing but money to them.
  15. You do have a good backup right????:whistling:
  16. Good luck. From a professional standpoint Ive already said my fill. Dont get hurt. Still a very Bad Idea!
  17. Brought me back to a Monty Python Moment with the Knight who said " NIGH"!!!0 "None shall Pass" Hey Don if I brought a "Shrubbery" could I get in?
  18. NO problem Vin. Weather when we headed out to Sag Harbor in the am was Rainy. Got nice in the afternoon but lead to a lower turnout. Happens. BTW I think you will like this couple. We should do some local rides too.
  19. Yesterday my Red Knights chapter held our annual Bike Blessing. During the week I was contacted by a New member who had purchased a 06 Black Cherry and during the course of our emails and talks I invited him to come to the run. Ricardo was a great guy as was his wife and whole crew. He brought a few other guys from the local Star Touring chapter. I fear I cost him quite a bit of money as when he was looking at my steed I could see the ideas flowing. MRS. Ricardo got a few nice pics of the Ricardo, Myself and the bikes together and Im sure he will post them up later but it was a pleasure and I look forward to a few more rides with a new Venturerider brother. Ricardo also suggested that he may try to make it to Freebirds for maintainance day so Vinny if you are reading this you and Sam may have a nice couple to ride with there and back.
  20. Prayers are sent Brother!
  21. Donation made in Honor of the Dog.
  22. Went last year. You will have a good time. Im actually gonna be there 2 weeks later with the For a Chevy Avalanche Get together weekend.
  23. Joint Strike fighter. These pics are not top secret are they?
  24. Charlie would make two servings!!! LOL
  25. Give Squid a call. I think the ones he makes are for the Venturedad hitch but Im sure with a few mods that im sure are nothing to him you will be able to use if for the Rivco.
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