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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. Glad you were able to get a proper MC tire on there and had a great experience with the dealer. That now a days its often rare. Enjoy the trip!
  2. You can always send he corbin back and have them refoam it with the lower densiity foam. Its much better and you get to keep the nicer look.
  3. Actually 6000 is correct. To get higher RPM you need a Dyna with it programmed to go higher. Mine is set to 7250 and Max recommended is I think 8000
  4. I hear Banjo music!!! LOL Just kidding!!!!
  5. I like to match brands but there is nothing that says it is a bad Idea. You should be fine. It is not recommended to mix radial and bias tires on a scoot except in the very rare occasion that a manufacturer does it. The tires flex differently and sometimes will give you an odd feeling.
  6. How many days you gonna be there. Maybe we can meet up on Sat or Sunday. Maybe iy you guys want to come out to nassau way we could have aGTG in Long Beach?
  7. Best of luck and Prayers sent for you and your Bride JT! I will be thinking of you guys.
  8. No Beer they want a place as Linda Richman would say " Talk amongst themselves!!"
  9. Beer I dont think that is neccessary. I want to say this on the car tire issue. As it is as it is there are certain issues that come to mind if somone get hurt doing this. Individuals have the right to choose but need to be informed. No picture this. If this is all over the place and a newbie reads this and all of a sudden something happens who is liable. "Well I saw it on VR. org and there you go. In the world of suing running rampant a nice lawsuit. I support an area that the "Darksiders can discuss this were there is a disclaimer stating it is not recommended to protect the whole site. What I dont want to see is mass recruiting without knowing the risks and laws regarding this issue. I have refrained from posting in this issue as we are all grown and can make choices but keep in mind that both sides need to be represented and new people need to know the risks equally and then if they choose to do this then Good luck to the rider.
  10. Now thats what I was thinking. Great Pics ECK!!
  11. He has a RSTD. That would be different. Cant he just get a bag that he can attach to the support hardware on the backside of the windshield?
  12. I did a parade with the PGR one St Pats day. Cured me of that nonsense! No fun in that at all. Crowd loved it but I thought I almost cooked my bike.
  13. I had no change in mine. Im not sure what my next move will be. Al I know is there isnt a Yammy dealer that is worth a damn within 50 mile of me.
  14. Yes it was Scott Kalitta and the video was shocking!!! Prayers for the family. Nascar has the deaths undercontrol but NHRA is having way too many. I guess those are the risks you accept to compete in the sport.
  15. A while back there was a Venture Bear you could buy here. Eventually it became a contest and people were supposed to take pictures of them and the Bear at various places. At that time a legend was born. "Cracker the Bad Boy Bear" want many places and did many things. Sadly he went missing one day on the road. There are many stories as to what became of him but Im betting that Fuzzball is chilling in Key West!!
  16. That monkey rocks!!! Wheres his helmet though?
  17. I believe it should. Muffinman will be along shortly to tell you the answer.
  18. I have mine at 7200. I think Tops is 7500 or 8000.
  19. Here you go!!!
  20. Yup get a hold of Beer30. Made right and the right price. Always the best bet!!!
  21. Roll of Duct tape or a few bungees and you are Hollywood!!!! No fall off!
  22. Everyone say hello to Rob Wrenn our newest friend and a fellow Long Islander! Rob you will find lots of good friends here! Talk to you soon buddy!
  23. Get well soon Buddy! Prayers sent
  24. Or maybe you are mistaking the idle speed screw for the choke? Does it have a screw head in the middle of the knob?
  25. Yeah but all these people here are doing the same things on all different types of tires, Why is it that its only the Metzlers that are having the problems like this?
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