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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. Chosen by accident or not you still chose a bike that has been updated a few times this decade. If the Wing had a nice foot position for me I would be looking at that too. I totally agree with you. Yamaha just needs to get back to reality and stop looking to make more bar cruisers. That is the only reason I am looking at the Ultra myself. They are actually trying to make it better. Bill just a question? Does the Wing have a casette player. I know the Harley doesnt. Dont get me wrong I love the RSV but it has gotten real stale and needs at least a little attention. Instead of tweeking it though I think they will just change it into a Wing Clone. That is my guess
  2. Actually Bill he does have a point. If the Venture is all that why is it you are now on a Wing. Maybe because Honda updated their tourer. Harley also has done this. Is Yamaha so arragant that they think a ten year old product will be perfect forever?
  3. Yeah they put in the same CD changer you could get for years and no one wanted because it takes up to much space in the saddle bag. So they get a few off the shelf and give you no choice but to pay for it. Actually with the invention of Ipods and memory sticks the CD is all but on its way out too. Just like the Cassette. I think they should have made an Ipod interface in the cassette space and then it would not look so bad.
  4. Nope no trouble. All I can say is he is welcome to his opinion but to not improve a bike in 10 years is pretty sad. Its a great bike but as least get rid of the Cassette and make a cubby hole. Then it wont look so pathetic when you say to you friends " See my new motorcycle that I paid 18 grand for look at the cool cassette player!" I think they should give you a nice pair of 80s parachute pants as riding gear too. And even a Devo helmet!! LOL Seriously to anyone from Yamaha in ear shot- Lets get your act together and stop ignoring this market!!!! All we want is a few new changes to make this bike fresh rather then painting old parts a differnet color and passing it off as NEW!! LOL At least Harley is listening to their customers suggestions and complaints and improving it. You can say alot about HD but at least they are trying.
  5. As much as they pay the guy who installs the Cassette deck that will never get used!!! LOL
  6. I guess we have classic styling and classic equipment!!!!! Im starting to feel like the 1st Gens do! LOL
  7. I think Owl has the right Idea. I think they actually Improved the VentureRanger!!!!
  8. V star one might work. When I was looking for a new rear shock for my bike a few years ago the RSV shock I think was the same as the Vstar in the line of Supersessions.
  9. When you buy the bike now you can get a free collection of 80's Hairband music on Cassettes. That is because you cant actually buy cassettes anymore!!!! LOL
  10. Ive had those on all season and am happy with them. Only thing I would suggest is that if you are taking them off all the time to glues the parts of the grommets together so that when you take off the bags they dont hit the floor and scatter every time you take them off.
  11. Very Sad! I guess If I sell the Venture to buy the Harley that actually improved their product this year I can get a better price as that is the only thing that they changed this year besides the color! LOL Why cant they figure out that they are really missing the boat by not improving this bike. Honda is really gonna kick its but with the new Wing. Honda has improved the wing twice and we have the same old Venture.
  12. I already have those covers on my bike and they are great. Chrome is nice and they are well made. Unlike many companies they are willing to put in time on the phone to make sure things are right. I think you will be satisfied when you are done.
  13. No harm in telling them what forums. In fact its a good Idea. I have purchased many Barons products and have always been happy. If they want to sell more they can answer for themselves and if they care enough to ask that then they do care what is being said. I think thats a good thing. If I remember right a while ago a member here had a issue with a helmet I think and the vendor came on and actually issued a public apoligy to the customer. I think that is pretty cool and went a long way to restoring their reputation.
  14. Id love to see something closer to the northeast. I think I would come.
  15. How about some SPAM!!! (And Im not talking about the luncheon meat!)
  16. Ill try that but only with training wheels!!! LOL
  17. Can you do anything to a Corbin to make it more comfortable? Im waiting on Corbin to decide if they are going to be nice and redo my seat with a lower density foam for just the cost of me shipping it to them or if they want a Lung. Still debating on keeping the bike or getting an ultra but that decision is off to next year. This seat needs to be more comfortable soon. Long rides are out right now. Can you help a Corbin if the maker fails to want to do this?
  18. I dont have one and this is strictly a guess but were both taller than stock and with vents. During different speeds and winds there will be some stress on the shield and maybe the flexing over time causes the plastic to stress to the point of break. Since the vent is in the middle where the highest point of stress would be it eventurally breaks. Just a little scary to me. I use a CeeBaileys shield that is much shorter but I think no matter what the brand this could happen, Have you contacted Clearview and talked with them about this? I know they are a good company and Im sure they would want to understand the problem so that it wont happen again.
  19. Guess you learn something new every day!
  20. OUCH!!! I did that with a car antenna once. ONCE!!! lol
  21. RSV is the same as the Goldwing if that helps.
  22. When I bought my bike a few years ago It had the Corbin seat on it. Still does but it is wicked hard. I was gonna have it refoamed and Buddyrich sent me a temp seat he selling but never got around to sending mine out as Corbin and the dealer that was helping me never got together as to if they could help me. Part of this was because the dealer tried to screw me on my Clutch basket but telling me I need a brand new clutch that had been changed a month before. So the seat never got done and my butt still hurts. I have decided to try again. My plans to maybe persue a 09 Ultra are on hold for right now for how long I dont know but I decided to see on my own in Corbin can help me. I have been told that in these cases they will refoam a seat with a softer foam (Less Dense) so that the seat is more comfortable. I decided to ask if they would consider doing this under warranty as it has always been like sitting on a brick. The shape is great but hard as hell!!! I will keep you posted as the "Case of the Monkey Butt Seat" continues!
  23. I looked her up and saw some interesting history on her. It was originally built at the Clyde River Shipyard in Scotland. Father used to tell me stories of ships being built there and he worked there as a ship dismantler he was young. It was disassembled and shipped to California. Now the Scottish Parlement is looking to aid in the Saving of this ship. I dont think it will be scraped. I would look for it to become a Museum here or in Scotland to the mighty ships. I also dont think you will ever see these Paddleships and their sisters disappear. They may build new ones as replicas with updated and better engines but they will be a fixture.
  24. I have the Cee Bailieys and am very happy with it. I believe in addition to doing cycle shields the also do Aircraft windshields. I would not hesitate buying another one. I also believe it was a little cheaper than the clearview but chose them as the order time was quite a bit less.
  25. As I see it all this thing needs is a snorkle and its right up your alley!!! You can stay dry the next time the Pond Monster claims a Mower!!!LOL
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