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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. Well they are gonna redo the seat for just the cost of shipping it to them. Considering the seat has been on since is came from the dealer that is pretty good of them. They will redo the seat with a lower density (More Squishy) foam so that ought to help alot. They asked me to wait a little while to send it which works out great for me as I can get a little more riding done before it goes it and that will work out just about right for the "Redo of the RSV". Hey if it isnt soft enough even after its done I can still get it off to Rick but for now free is good and it gets me closer if not all the way to comfortable.
  2. Dude that is great that everything is fine. If you guys need anything let me know and give Sam my and Jebbles best!
  3. Yes. He was sitting on the edge of the tire with the hose clipped on it smoking a cigarette with the tire laying down and the ring facing up. It blew. He didnt have the ring seated properly and it blew up and hit him in the head.
  4. Had one of those rings in the roof of my old shop too. Many years ago a coworker of my father was killed. Dumb guy was sitting on the tire while he was filling a split ring tire. Got him in the head.
  5. There is no difference at all except for the color. Unless you are really set on an 09 color scheme get an 08 and save yourself a boat load of money. 09 had a price jump of about a 1000 dol and you can get a close out rate price on the 08.
  6. I own a tire shop and I know that sound all to well. I always instruct my guys to use the remote inflation hose and have the wheel secured on the machine when inflating. Good thing because eventually a tire lets go. lst time I was about 10 ft away and boy I will tell you it took a few hours for the ringing to go away. No damage and no one hurt but how easy it would be fo that to happen!
  7. Just to make sure we are on the same page. Its the Plastic portion of these we are talking about. Right? http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/accessories/acscitemdetail/5/4/83/408/all/1/4607/0/detail.aspx
  8. Cool. Let me know.
  9. Actually the paint is going to change but I just want the same smoked. If you want I will remove mine and send you the plastics for your mold. The one on the left is cracked but not broken yet. I should take it off now so I can send the plastics to you for the mold. Let me know but i will order the first set.
  10. On my RSV I have the Air Vents that attach to the crash bars. They are tinted plastic mounted to the crash bars. One of mine is cracking and I dont think I can buy the plastic portion. Maybe I can but I cant find it. I am looking for the plastic on the Left side. I dont want buy a whole new set at 200 bucks. I will make a new piece if I can but really would rather just buy one. Scotty
  11. That would be me!!!
  12. In that statement alone I think you know where Im going with this!! Hint Hint!
  13. No Tartan Paint job but I think I will need to add the new accessory bagpipe rack! LOL I was thinking of asking 12,000 for the RSV as it only has 13000 on it but I never posted it as I had to ride the Harley before I made any decision. Never rode the Harley yet but the money issue is what actually detered me. Who wants another payment now when money is so hard to make right now. Besides if I save the money I can put gas in the boat!! Striper ( The Fish not the Dancer!) season WOO HOO!!
  14. Im not gonna go that spectacular. Even though it was great looking I took a beating on the sale of the Honda as it didnt appeal to the broad market. it will be interesting though. I want to still be able to sell the RSV at a later date so over doing it will only hurt me at the time of sale. Im sure we have all seen the Cow RSV. He will never get any money for that thing. I wont be starting until Dec or January as now it the best time to have my butt on it.
  15. You have no Idea how afraid I was to open this thread! LOL
  16. Well many of you know that I have been thinking of buying a 09 Harley Ultra. Well it is a very nice bike with quite a few upgrades but at this time even selling the RSV Im not really in the mood in this economy to add another Payment when what I have is problem free. Therefore it is time to play. Instead of getting a note for 10 grand as I have lots of friends in the painting business Im thinking tiem for custom paint. No I wont tell you what it will be but a few may be able to guess. In addition to that I think the rearend swap and definitely seat work. If Corbin wont rework the seat for me then Rick will get to work his magic as well. Cassette player will get the boot and make the storage pocket. Did I mention I hate the Cassette player!!! One other thing I have in mind if money goes good is that I would love to powdercoat the wheels in Chrome or something different. It is time for a change and since I sold the Honda a few months ago I really need a project!! Wish me luck!
  17. Why would you consider a Vision? It doesnt have a Cassette Player!!! LOL
  18. Buy the replacement brackets from Diamond R. They are much more sturdy. Even if Yammy replaced the stock ones for you they would be a problem later too.
  19. LOL!!!!
  20. I think we should get together buy the man a squeeze horn!! LOL
  21. You dont need the whole assembly. When I put in my tri Bar HL I also changed the Passing lights to match. I put the Adjure Passing lights in that use the H3 bulb. only thing I needed to do was make sure the back of the housing was insuluated good and just change a little of the wiring. Very little to make sure the ground is right. Will fit right into your existing housing. If you just want the plain ones go to JP cycles and you can buy the inserts. I used these though and they throw out lots of light. http://www.adjureinc.com/412spotlamps.html This is how they look http://www.venturerider.org/forum/vbpicgallery.php?do=big&p=2196 For another alternative you can so what Buddyrich did and get 4 1/2 inch HLs and add way more light!
  22. Boy maybe you would bring cheerier info back to up if you would stay on you meds!!! LOL I prefer you to tell me how many jelly beans are in the Jar!!
  23. Lots of good roads up that way but not really sure which route to send you. This weekend is the Classic car show right?
  24. Hey!! Im not Fat!!! Im Big Boned!!!!
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