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Tartan Terror

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Everything posted by Tartan Terror

  1. Well I did the Sync and no change. It was pretty much right on. I did get one of those stethescope things and the noise pretty much still traces right to the water pump. To eliminate anything deeper I tried the heads and the crankcase from the other side too. Still it keeps going right to that cover so it will come off probably on Weds. If any one else has some ideas let me know. What kind of scares me about all this is that really no one here has seemed to have this problem. Is it that unique? If so why mine and no one elses. They are all the same.
  2. You have to wear a clown suit when riding it though!
  3. Good info guys. Im gonna resync tonight as a first step and then go from there. If that doesnt make it any better Im gonna pull the cover and see what is going on in there. Keep the ideas coming!
  4. mine actually knocks pretty good. And now its all the time. Concerns me quite a bit. Enough that I wont ride the bike until I figure it out. Also it figures that the warranty expired in July. Mow im not sure and I didnt really look for it but the oil that came out was not the best looking and it had only about 1500-2000 mile on it. Not sure if I would consider it milky. I put the Amsoil back in. Now here is the million dol question. If the water pump bearing goes or something like that will it tear a seal and allow a little water into the oil? Has anyone had a water pump go and what did it do. Really getting a little nervous here!
  5. Im a little leary of putting Marvel Mystery in it as I fear it will make the clutch slip. Im gonna poke around some more later and see if the knock is really near the water pump. If so I think I will pull it apart and see if the problem is obvious. has anyone else had problems in this area?
  6. Actually I did post that a few months ago. Very cool isnt it!!!!
  7. I think more time will tell but I got to say that the Voyagers 2nd Gen will probably raise the same debates we have all the time. Does this mean Lowell can say he is on a 1st Gen again???
  8. Guys I think Yama just got their A$$ handed to them. ABS, EFI, No cassette, and Classic styling to boot. I prefer the for mounted fairing but I could get used to that very easily!!! Yama just lost a big share of the market because if the price is right I would walk right past a 10 year old design to drool on that. I just may have to rethink my upgrade plan for the winter if this carries the right price tag.
  9. The last two times I rode the bike Ive been getting a knock from the engine. Like a tap tap tap sound that goes away or so it seams when I rev it up but at idle it sounds like some thing wants to come through the water pump cover. I wanted to make sure it wasnt something else so I changed the oil back to the amsoil that I usually use. I used Spectro the last time and it had never been there before. Well the knock is still there and It concerns me so much that I wont ride it that way. Anybody have any ideas? Should I pull off the cover and last but not least is this something that is common. I been here quite a while and havent seen any threads on this but maybe I wasnt looking. I did do a search but frankly the search here is not the best
  10. Both will work for now and the selections of programing will be the same shortly but Sirius will be the parent co and all the equiptment will eventually go toward the sirius side. Stands to reason my guess is for a while they will support both networks but all new units will be of the sirius technology as the satallites are not the same. As the older XM units are replaced or wear out they will be replaced by sirius and eventually those few left with XM will have the units replaced at a deal or for free as it wont make sense to keep up maintainance on two sets of sateliltes. Look for it all to go to Sirius as it has got better hardware.For the time being it makes no difference which you get.
  11. Thats kind of what I figured. We all want to think we have the best. I figured the power was comperable. Like I said I will have one some day but Unfortunately that wont be tomorrow. Just gonna make a few changes to mine for now that wont break the bank and a few years down the road I will do it. For now expenses keep stacking up. Kitchen needs work. Got a wedding to plan and pay for next year, and now I find I need to install a new gas tank in the boat. If the economy was a little better I would think of it harder but the extra money is not there. Bad enough I had to pay 700 last night just for the new dishwasher and over oven microwave last night.
  12. Hey Pilot thats why I asked. I would have one if I didnt need a loan to get one. I think I will wait few years and then it will be time. Power comparision how does it stand. Everyone here is beyond convinced that the RSV will beat the pants off it. Im not so sure so tell us your exerience. Im not a really hard rider so I probably wont notice the difference myself.
  13. I think it looks like a Toucan with PINK Feathers!!!
  14. I was gonna get just the same in the FF edition but I could not justify the money. Now you say that the Harley is only a few thousand more now vs the price of the RSV but mine is paid for and Im gonna make a few changes to mine for now. Still want the Ultra but Im gonna wait a little. Very nice looking bike! Keep us posted as to whether the moving of the exhaust fixed the frying the drivers legs problem and also how it handles VS the RSV. How is the seating for you over a long drive? Is the RSV more comfy or the Ultra?
  15. Bob what bike do you have? WE need to know if its a First Gen or a 2nd gen.
  16. I dont recommend a car tire and neither do the makers of the bikes and makers of the car tires but if you consider this then read all the information posted and remember that its at your own risk. I recommend the Avons. Great tires!!
  17. I wonder if she can Fax it too you??!!
  18. Hey I been there. Im just trying to keep my winter project a secret now!!!
  19. You can do everything like that on the side stand. Only thing that you will need to do is to check the oil level in the sight glass is stand it up. Usually I just get the Fiance to look in the window when I stand it up. I do have a center stand that I got from Freebird but honestly I have used it once and most likely will sell it as it is just a pain to take off when I want to use the Carbon One adapter and just lift the bike. If you want one I will sell this one to you. If you use the center stand on the first gen you will probably use it if you had one on the 2nd Gen but it isnt really nessessary.
  20. Probably install an Adjure HL like a few of us have. You need to get the carrige and outside ring to install the ring. To get those you need to break the stock light out so if you get one that is already broken you can keep the stock one if you want to change back.
  21. Forgot the Pic! BTW Dan its been nice knowing!
  22. " I know NOTHNG!!!"
  23. Please do writeup. I just PMed Rick today to send me the instructions. I plan to do Quite a bit of work this winter and that will be on the list.
  24. Yeah he traded up to a better bike!!!!
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