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big dude

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Everything posted by big dude

  1. i used a small piece of a product called(i think) outerwears from airfilter cover from my sons quad.. its a waterproof.. he raced quads so i had some around the garage.I used 100% silcone to adhere it. that stuff sticks to anything.
  2. HEY BRAD DID REBUILD today seemed to bleed out real good.. mc was slick.. the 26 yr old rubber piston gave up the ghost.. no seat time on it yet..I was wondering if u have heard of anyone making some kind of heat shield for the resivour? It's only one inch from exhuast pipe, as u know..no wonder they get to boiling easy ...been down that road coupla times.. not lol
  3. pulled side cover off today first chance i've had , just pushed down on pedal an watched fluid drip from push rod. time for a build kit. pmed skydoc for kit but he hasnt got back with me yet.. searched web seems they have kits for 1200 83 85 not for 86.. any suggestions
  4. thanks Brad, I value your experience your skills, an friendship..
  5. squidley you helped me before on my rear brakes can u chime in here an refresh my memory.
  6. Thanks again dan. you went thru a lot to help me out.
  7. If i remember right 1st gen has an order to bleed for quicker results
  8. Hey guys this post is what i needed to read. The wife an I just did weekend trip in southern indiana,a day out from home, I had to rely on front brakes only man!!!what a trip... I'm gonna start by bleeding brakes but ive forgotten the order in which to bleed can you guys refresh my memory? handle bar area (i forgot name of) then left front ,then rear? i have a vacum pump. :confused24:thanks
  10. ironbutterfly-- in a gadda da vida i think 22 mins freekin classic!!!!! shine down daughty kid rock- only god knows why green day ozzy steppenwolf staind tom petty john melencamp- home grown hoosier
  11. the semicause its so big and heavy
  12. got mine at tractor supply store. large animal syringe comes in wraper so no contamination!! couple bucks or less.
  13. On our way to the legion for the game do care who wins GO COLTS !!!!
  14. In 09 vogel with cowboy, kbran came down in the DARK pouring down RAIN that part was more to write about than the dragon !!!!!!!!!!!!! We had a great ride that day wont need to do dragon again. OH YEA FORGOT SOMETHING GO COLTS
  15. GO COLTS :dancefool: :dancefool: GO COLTS COLTS-31 SAINTS-28
  16. Its the colts that will beat the saints thats who!!!!!
  17. go colts
  18. 2000 dakota 2 wd 178000 miles mine 2002 grand cherokee hers. 206000 miles just bought 4 $32000.Yea lots of miles but couldnt pass up the deal looks great. her third grand cherokee deer took out last one$$$$
  19. Sorry my truck has a heater, chill factor not nessessary guess im not diehard. like ice fishing u can kept it. same with deer hunting i get meat at grocery.
  20. dude the vid was great the song was fantastic I want to ride REAL BAD NOW!! THANKS!!!!!
  21. congrats on new scoot Dano, sounds like the one i showed you in danville. way to go!
  22. my sons call my vr the SEMI that name stuck
  23. Good luck on the hunt Brad!! they prob. can ride like 364 days a year down texas way you gotta love that part. you and Lonna ride safe. Thank you for the help, BIG thanks to Danob11 got me back on two wheels. I wouldn't be leaving for vogul if it wasn't for him super guy. u prob. know the story. THANKS DAN
  24. My 86 vr. had broken flange, nav. was having to move plug around, tried using large washer to screw into box that i threaded the cord thru. didnt last long .now for the solution. under the seat are two cord ends (5 pin ) on left side. one may have a plug on the end. other may go to control box. I pluged her headset cord into one. which ever one works.threaded cord thru bolt hole,put seat on, cord stays attached all time but works without the box. stuff cord behind seat when not in use.
  25. thanks for the help guys and gal!!! pics helped big time too! will be calling muffinman 9:00 dan thanks for invite but gonna try it here. I was so sick about it just had to walk away. may not have chance today to tear it down grandaughter here. dont need her help ( as good as she is ) This site is GREAT people here are GREAT, THANKS again
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