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  • Location
    Burns Harbor, United States


  • City
    Burns Harbor


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    83 Venture Std
  1. Thanks Jeremy. I'm going to put one in the bottom tonight and let the top go. Anyone know how much fluid I should put in the shock? It's off of a 86-93.
  2. I have an `83 standard that had a bad rear shock. I ordered a rear shock for a Royale along with a Progressive replacement spring. I read that as an option somewhere on here, but don't know who gets the credit for posting it. Yesterday, I finally got around to installing zerk fittings on the shock assembly following Freebird's instructions. I installed them on the wrong side of the front arm and have a replacement on the way. I haven't read anything about putting zerk fitting on the top and bottom mounts of the shock itself. Looking at the shock, it makes perfect sense to me to do it, but I know better than to assume. Has anyone done this? Is it a bad idea? Also - my old shock leaked all over me when I turned it upside down without the air hose attached to it. The replacement didn't. What, if anything, should I put in it and how much?
  3. How much are you asking for the super braces? Do you have one of the black ones? Thanks
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