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Everything posted by pakidaho

  1. Well we made it back from Boise, feed the cat, pack some final stuff en head out first thing tomorrow for Cody. We will be going through the west entrance of jelly Stone park. Hope you that are there are enjoying the fine weather and charm of Cody. Hope you that are traveling get there safely. We look forward to a fine ride and meeting other Venture Riders.
  2. Well here we are in Boise...watching the other folk ride, wonderin if we passed Condor enroute, we actually saw a lone Venture heading in the right direction. We allready have the piggy backer packed and the bikes loaded and shiney waiting for our return sunday so we can head over to Cody. Dave, looks like the best day for us to ride the Beartooth will be Tuesday. leaving our cell number 208 303 0993 Teri n Erv
  3. Dave, We live in salmon, Idaho and will be coming via the west entrance through the park...wanted to avoid that, but for time sake it is the quickest route. We had sort of planned to take our bikes to Boise and just come to Cody from there, but we would still have to pass mighty close to home en route to Cody, and what to do with our fancy city clothes and other city stuff we drag along. We ought to be running through the park in the afternoon, but think I recall everyone saying they were doing the Bear Tooth Monday. Still, we will keep our eyes open for Anyone who might be there ( in the park) for our gathering. Ride safe
  4. Always some thing! Wife nominated to be on the board of directors for the Idaho Mediation association. Had no plans on attending the state conference this year because of the dates. Why do they always have things like elections on the last day anyway, in this case it would be Sunday the 13th which is the day we had planned to head for Cody. So we will race home from Boise and head out Monday morning for Cody. We should be there some time late afternoon. Have most every thing packed...keys in the bikes, hopefully an extra made tomorrow. We hope you each have a fun and safe ride there.
  5. Mine did the same thing last year. I tried to remove the hinge pins, but was causing more damage than any thing else. A friend stopped by, took out an old credit card and persuaded the latch to open. I even took it to a dealer in Idaho Falls and all they could do was look at it and wonder. Said they had never seen that happen. The feeling I got was that my friend with the card had a bit more experience with the use of cards as keys than I truly wanted to know.
  6. We were calling around the other day pricing insurance. To our surprise we were offered a discount because we mentioned we are members of Venture Riders. I did not ask how much that discount amounted to, I just thought it was awesome. Each day I see welcomes to several new members and I have watched this process each day since the day my name appeared here with a welcome attached to my name. Venture Riders has a wealth of information provided by good folks who appear to enjoy sharing what they are able, I for one have a great appreciation for that sharing. I hope to see this group continue growing, I pray that Don is able to recover fully as well as not suffer financially. My thanks goes out to all that make Venture Riders what it is and will continue to become.
  7. No doubt this has been hashed over more than a few times, yet in searching through threads I am not really finding the answer to my question. So here it is. I have a 05 RSTD have been running stock tire Bridgstone Excedra and getting less then six thousand miles on the rear. So now it is time once again to replace last seasons rear tire. I have seen folks using the Venom, and the E 3. The specified tire size is 150/90 HR 15. Can not seem to find the Elite 3 in that size. So then what tires are other RSTD riders using and are they HR rated, how are your tires working out mileage wise during longer trips etc. We do pull a small trailer as well, over pretty much all road conditions, including an occasional dirt stretch.
  8. I can understand why keeping a low overhead could contribute to savings for customers, however it seems more and more business forget that even with a low overhead they can provide a decent customer service. This is one thing we love about E-Bay; the feedback ratings. Too bad most busineses do not have to meet those standards. We like to shout out about folks that provide quality service, as well as those who fall short. I can still recall the day when quality service was the norm. Yet here we are surprised and thrilled when a business does go that extra mile, which once was the norm. Seems the guys who offer lousy service are the one's that whine the most when they go under, blaming it on every thing and one else other than their own lack of integrity. There have been a few times when we have offered a business the link to Venture Riders, letting them know there is power in numbers and we are all watching. I believe as a group we can expect more from those who vend their products to us. We have basically shown we are fair in our assessments and discussions regarding services, such as the latest Progressive discussion. We may not all agree as a group, yet on the other hand we are discussing issues as a group and one thing I am quite sure we all pretty much agree on is we appreciate quality service and reasonable prices. May not hurt to mail out this link to businesses good and poor and ask how they want to be portrayed in this discussion.
  9. You can count us in. My wife had to lay her bike down last summer as we were approaching Yellowstone because some A__ was following her so close. He laid on his horn and swerved toward her as he passed her. Fortunately we were about to pull off into a rest stop so she was only going ten miles an hour or less. I had already pulled in and was almost in the process of parking so I did not see exactly what happened; all I know is I heard her screaming for me and feeling that deep gut fear that she had been terribly hurt. Thank Goodness she was not hurt and the bike had zero damage but the incident certainly left a long term impression on us both.
  10. We had a similar experience in Nevada a few years back with Progressive although our claim was with a pickup, made promises that they never kept and were very unresponsive. Why we got Progressive for our bikes is beyond me but we are up in June and we too will be looking to make some changes in support. I also like the idea of passing this link on to Progressive adjusters.
  11. We have a large garden here with several Dwarf fruit trees. Several years ago the Deer were not such a problem but during the last five or so years they have become more aggressive and obnoxious. Three years ago we put up an eight foot high Deer net surrounding the garden;came to allot of netting at quite an expense. After a couple of weeks we would go out in the morning and see Deer in the garden and large holes where they would simply bust through. Last year we put up a seven foot Chicken fence surrounding the garden. I left it off the ground not quite a foot thinking this would be great so I could whack weeds without lots of problems. We would go out in the garden and find Deer prints in the garden. We had planted some very hot peppers along with the usual stuff, corn, peas etc. We figured Deer would not eat the hot peppers but they seemed to enjoy just about every thing. Not only were they slipping under the fence but there were large holes where they had actually busted through the chicken wire. This year they will find an eight foot stock fence from the ground up (heck with the weeds). My wife told me three years ago to put the stock fence up...but noooo I had to waste lots of money and share lots of garden goodies. They love the Peaches and are so very wasteful taking one bite then on to the next bite. There have been times when we would go out and find the Deer looking at us like what the heck are you doing out here in our garden. They have chased the very large Lab Dog on more than one occasion, and simply laugh when I have tried the ol sling shot. We have tried the laundry soap method, dryer sheets....About the only thing they haven't eaten is the corn and tobacco. Who knows maybe next year we will wind up with a ten foot brick fence...
  12. I can honestly say any time I go with out smoking I do not regret that I went without, yet I can honestly say I regret any time I light up. I think it would be amazing to live life with out any regrets. I just went out and had a regret.... (puffs on my cigar) Problem is I grew my own tobacco and roll my own cigars... and I have enough to last for quite some time. I seem to have a battle going on with myself when considering the possibility of having to toss all that tobacco I worked so hard to grow, and at the same time realize it may kill me. I bet you did not regret putting those two smokes back where you found them? Also, isn't it sort of cool going around not having to know where your lighter is and having to make sure you have enough smokes to make it through the day? I always heard the first three days are the most difficult but after stopping from time to time find as the days, weeks and months pass so does the rational for stopping in the first place. Don't give up, keep counting on your support and trust your desire to live with out regret.
  13. Checking out the kayak chat this morning and found this interesting trailer. They have an eight foot and a four foot tongue options. We have often joked about wanting to haul our kayaks behind our bikes... ahh the best of both worlds. Must say they are a bit spendy though. http://www.activitytrailer.com/
  14. Rides her V star 1300 all over the place. She puts more miles on her bike than I do mine. She works in town about twenty miles from home and riding her bike saves mucho gas during the riding season. We hunny mooned on our motorcycles 7 days, five states, 2k miles... too many miles too fast, but we had a good time picking bugs from our teeth.
  15. Can't recall how the song goes other than I realized my "retirement" plan may have backfired. I stopped smoking cigarettes more than twenty years ago and replaced them with cigars. My problem is I began to inhale cigars just like cigarettes. Got to a point where I would smoke three some times four a day. I stopped four years ago for about a year, and had remembered I had always wanted to grow my own tobacco and roll my own cigars. I managed to find a great connection for seed and cigar leaf, and headed back on the road. Grew some really nice tobacco here in good ol Idaho, which is amazing because the season is so short. Very low in nicotine or at least never gave me that tobacco buzz which I detest. Love my home grown cigars and nothing more pleasurable than sharing one with a fellow rider out on the road. Got to a point where I wheezed in bed at night and worried my wife was hearing me even with her ear plugs in...I snore too.. One day I thought I need to get one of those colds that force me to stop smoking and whala next day I was sicker than a dog. So now it has been about three months yet I love my cigars, miss them, but do not miss the wheezing and occasional shortness of breath. I have always wanted to "manage" my love for cigars, yet detest the habit. One thing I did to keep the habit strong unintentionally is take a few puffs and butt the gar, and go on through out the day managing to only smoke one or two, yet the habitual part was going out ever couple of hours for a puff. I did manage to have one on New Years, and I did enjoy it and have not missed it since. I figure though when I do get out on the road on a planned trip I am going to bring a few cigars. I may have an opportunity to share in a non habitual way. When I met my wife I told her my cigars were my retirement plan... then I heard that song that says smoking dosen't always kill you. So she went to school and now has her Mastrers, I figure either way I win.
  16. Our local dealer also has gone under. Salmon is a very small town, hats off to anyone having the courage to even open a dealership in such a small community. Hate to see good folks go through such disappointment and loss. These were the type of folks that would drop any thing to assist an out of towner in need of repair or parts. Dealers have it tough because they can not compete with online resources for parts, and tires. nearly two hundred and sixty dollars for a tire through the local dealer or one hundred and twenty five Dennis Kirk, which way ya gonna go? Our local dealer had the class to tell us get the best price you can and we will be happy to mount it for you, and their price was reasonable. Fortunately their service Mechanic has opened up his own local shop and no doubt will continue to do well.
  17. My wife and I have made plans to head North from Salmon, Idaho to the Nelson area in July, we would love the opportunity to meet some of you. If someone is passing through en route to BC maybe we could hook up and ride together.
  18. I ordered my wife a custom made riding jacket and was promised it would be here before Christmas. Only a few days left and this jacket is made in Canada. No tracking number yet. I am seeing all these hidden packages here and there and told to stay away and boy did I begin to sweat. You know Christmas morning and all these sweet things for me and what for her..."oh hunny it is on the way I was promised". You tell them please do not get me anything for Christmas which becomes translated to I am going to get him more than he gets me. ( ok when I am feeling a bit guilty it sure feels that way) So who knows if the jacket is going to make it by the promised date but I am one of little faith when it comes to things like this. I actually over heard her make mention of some thing she could use and was so thrilled because now I knew there is some thing I could get her that would actually have some meaning to her and beable to count on it being under the tree. So besides a few small things for the sock I believe we have Christmas in the bag.
  19. Glad to hear that folks have done this deed. We were over there in August but avoided the Moqui Dugway and went the Blanding route...now that was boring. Knowing what we know now we will be that way in the spring. We have driven parts of the Burr trail from Bull Frog heading north toward Escalante but only went about fifteen or twenty miles by pickup. Are you saying you have traveled the "trail" on a large bike? If so that is really exciting I can see taking the "trail" from Escalante to Bull Frog and spending some time to hit Hite and then the Dugway over to Mexican Hat on to Kanab where my Dad lives. We really enjoy Monument Valley, the entire Red Rock country that is South Utah. Would by chance the Burr trail be doable with large bikes and a small Piggy Back trailer? Thank you for your response, Teri n Erv
  20. We used the MC Hitch wiring harness just the other day. It does not come plug n play for Yamaha. I was able to "poke" (for lack of a better word) the wires from the "sub harness" in with the wires on the Yamaha wiring plug. I hot glued them so they would stay put and thus far all works very well. I did not want to splice either.
  21. Utah highway 261 between Hite Utah at the eastern end of Lake Powel and Mexican Hat Utah. We took a car trip several years ago and happened across this very interesting highway. There is a set of switchbacks that blows your mind. Heading north from Mexican Hat the highway appears to disappear into the mountain. We have discussed taking the same route on our bikes, our concern is that much of the swich back section is gravel. Road 261 can be avoided by going through Blanding then back over to highway 95 but by doing that you wind up missing some incrediable country. So then we are wondering if any one here has taken this route and if so how did it work for you. Thanks and happy traveling, Teri n Erv
  22. Did you catch our reply back to you on the other site? we are pretty excited to get the trailer and use it. I imagine in Texas your ride time is pretty much year around. Here in good ol Idaho things are much different. who knows though we may get a chance to take it on one short trip this season. Nice to see you here. Take care, Teri n Erv
  23. Wife and I were checking out maps. Found the Beartooth and remarked that it looked like a good prospect for a fine ride. Two weeks later we rode from home here in Salmon, Idaho over through Jelly stone park where there were more bikes than Bison, but not many more. Have to say we enjoyed each and every breath while riding both Chief Joseph and Bear Tooth. Funny when we talk with anyone who has made this ride there is an instant connection as if each person has had an unspoken spiritual experience. Guess the only problem is it was over en done before we were ready for it to be over. Guess that means we will be back next season. Hope to see you there.
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