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Everything posted by pakidaho

  1. pakidaho

    Here Chip!

    From the album: cody round up

  2. We also have had lock problems with our piggybacker and actually called the manufacture to inform him about our lock problems. Nice trailer for the dough and the lock as you said is the weak point. We told him it would be better to add some thing that actually worked and charge a bit more. He wound up sending us another latch where he had drilled the holes out a little bigger. In amazement we just shook our heads in wonder asking is this the best this guy can do. Mean while we continue to have lock issues. I would think if enough folks were to complain to the manufacture, and continue to inform him that this is a word of mouth venue that reaches his potential customers and thus far it ain't looking real good, maybe..MAYBE.. things would change. We have tried to find other locking mechanisms but really have not had much luck. Wondering if we just have not thought that far outside the box at this point.
  3. Hey Scooter, No one has said any thing about another Cody...yet. It is a very worthy run and if it is not organized for next year let us know about when you are able to venture there... get that venture...ha ha.. and we can make some plans to meet and ride along. Traditional summer season the ride will be quite crowded. Advantages of September are less crowds, fall colors changing, less crowds. Teri n Erv
  4. Deb, Got the CD, muy thanks and fantastic job! Got to admit that one of Mike is an award winner, can't wait to see who will be the thrilled recipient next year. That last photo was sort of sad though..... our viewer hiccuped and nearly lost its launch. You can always see when Teri is coming by those large protrusions that precede her smiley face. What a great bunch you all are, we do plan on Pork in da Pines next year, like Black Owl says, its more about the people than the ride and the ride is mighty important.
  5. we have paypal'd for two.
  6. Someone told me those bikes are a lot like dogs...they like to ride int he back of trucks!
  7. Very few great entertainers who can do physical comedy, standup, dance, sing and all around entertain are around today. Danny Kaye is right up there with many of my favorites. It is, however, a close to creepy resemblence to Polanski...wow! Teri of Pakidaho
  8. There are risks in our thrills and enjoyments. It is horribly sad to lose people, however. Our thoughts, prayers and hearts go to the surviving family. Roja of Pakidaho
  9. We will take 2.
  10. Hey Stu... Idaho has potatoes, and Iowa has corn.. Idaho is west and Iowa is east. Well as per another discussion east and west depend on your location. Idaho is west of Wyoming and Iowa is East of Wyoming. Ok so now you have had a lesson in American Geography, where do you get Potatoes? speaking of which we harvested about three hundred pounds of those fine potatoes from our garden yesterday. I have to mention though that we also harvested about the same in corn... I won't even get into how much tobacco I harvested the past few days, lets just say I won't be needing to grow any for a few years to come.
  11. Quite the crowd, enough Oysters to go around? Is that your RSTD? I sure love mine, had to do a double take then look in the garage to make sure mine didn't head to Washington without me.
  12. Well it has been in the eighties here in good ol Idaho. Course if we were to try to get a trip in the weather would be changing in a hurry. The few days in Cody went by way too fast, back here in hermit land wishing we could have a do over. Bike is polished, full tank of gas and just begging to rip out some miles, so if any one has a hankering I am up for a ride while the sunshine lasts. By the way Russ...we are looking for another trailer so that we can take the guitar, Teri's Bongos and inflatable kayaks along.
  13. I had a flat tire on the interstate, so I eased my car over to the shoulder of the road, carefully got out of the car and opened the trunk. I took out 2 cardboard men, unfolded them and stood them at the rear of my car facing oncoming traffic. They look so life like you wouldn't believe it! They are in trench coats exposing their nude bodies to the approaching drivers. To my surprise, cars start slowing down looking at my lifelike men which made it safer for me to work at the side of the road. And of course, traffic starts backing up. Everybody is tooting their horns and waving like crazy. It wasn't long before a state trooper pulls up behind me. He gets out of his car and starts walking towards me. I could tell he was not a happy camper! 'What's going on here?' 'My car has a flat tire', I said calmly. 'Well, what are those obscene cardboard men doing here by the road?' I couldn't believe that he didn't know... So I told him, 'Helloooooo, those are my Emergency Flashers.'
  14. Talk of an Idaho Rally....in Salmon. Memorial Day Weekend...May 29-31, 2010 in Salmon, Idaho. Pakidaho (Erv n Teri)
  15. Has Lowell (wildhair) checked in?
  16. Um, I have the feeling some of it may have happened, if my recollection is correct...something about biofreeze and noise??? (snigger snigger, chortle chortle) Hey...I got that paper done! Bout dang time, too! I want to thank you again for the stimulating discussion! It certainly helped. Teri of Pakidaho
  17. Teri and I made it home late Saturday night. Net was down so we could not check in. Neither of us could describe with words how much we enjoyed hanging with you folks that showed up to Cody. We were eating at McDonald's in a small town several miles from Cody after leaving and saw Lowell drive by passing through town, our urge was to catch up with him for one more hello, but realized with that hello would be one more good by. We truly thank those of you that made Cody possible, your planning and effort made for us... a most joyful and memorable time...however too short. Russ said he does these things more for the people than the ride...it does not take a math whiz to get that, maybe it is the fact that we just don't get out much but our feeling is that we had the honor of meeting some of the greatest folk on the planet. Mike... Run for the Spud? Any one of you Venture riders out there are welcome any time to our little piece of Idaho.
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