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Everything posted by pakidaho

  1. I used a credit card after trying every thing else I could think of. Destroyed the card but got the latch open. I had a plastic cigar tube that had jammed in between the latch so it would not open.
  2. Well, we woke up to three inches of snow, the wet heavy stuff-the kind that breaks trees, this morning. The noaa.gov forecast the coming Memorial Day Weekend suggests strong chance of rain and cool temperatures each day. We intend to be here, but don't necessarily recommend anyone driving motorcycles on the river highway in this type of inclement weather. Anyone riding on highway 93 feel free to stop in for a good meal and a home brew or hot cup of coffee anytime... Erv and Teri
  3. Love my Mustang seat, was not sure when first installed but over time has become very nice, durn glad I got it.
  4. Memorial Day Weekend is quickly approaching. We are looking for a head count so we know how many to expect. So, if you are in, please give us a holler and let us know! We are looking forward to a good time, good people, and starting some new traditions. Erv and Teri:thumbsup2:
  5. Looks like Monday is the day Teri finally finishes up her Masters Degree in Psychology. She has been working hard on this along with every thing else she does and has come out with all A's to boot. She has been scouting a Doctorate and I hope like hell she takes a year off...we got bikes to ride! Places to see! Good folks to meet! We will be celebrating her accomplishments along with our Memorial Day "Spud Run" and hope at least a few of you will be able to show. She intends to put out a head count thread in the next day or so. I just wanted to shout to the world that my Best Friend has made a super accomplishment so don't be shy to tell her what a good Master she is and will continue to be. Thanks, Erv
  6. Gunboat, We hope to see you next year. We know it will be a good time, and we look forward to creating a tradition and something to look forward to. Take care! We will keep folks posted. Erv and Teri
  7. Russell, You going to try to hit Idaho??? If not, the porter we brewed may be gone...lol. Teri and Erv
  8. Thanks, we will probably enlist your help and company! Sorry to hear about your injury, so we pray for a speedy recovery and we just KNOW that riding will be the best therapy! We think it will be a good time! Erv and Teri
  9. After all there are two of us... so two eyes! (AYE/AYE)
  10. The hubby and I got to take our first motorcycle ride of the season! Dressed in longjohns, enough leather to upholster a couch and snowmobile mittens, we pull up side by side at the first light in town after twenty exhilarating miles, grinning from ear to ear, and my husband asks "Was it as good for you as it was for me?" I laughed and ask "Got a cigarette?" I don't smoke, but it seemed appropriate...what a day! The ride was over much too soon, only 40 some odd miles round trip, yet we enjoyed it so much! 50 degrees, geese flying, grass starting to turn a little green...hard to believe it will probably snow tomorrow! Still, as the wise men say, sieze the carp! Or is that Carpe diem? Either way, sieze something! Teri and Erv
  11. So, because the internet is not burning up with feedback and ideas for the possible Spud Run, what we have received is appreciated and taken into consideration. The Redheaded Boss and I, her ever faithful minion, have concluded that Memorial Day Weekend as per original discussions is the weekend to shoot for. For the Nelson Run, anyone or group headed North, passing through Challis, would offend us if they did not at least stop in and say "Hi." We would certainly be happy to host anyone. Two's a party, more is a SHINDIG! Furthermore, anyone riding Highway 93 from Challis to Salmon, anytime, any run, really ought to stop in, have a bite to eat, camp if they wish, and hang out for some company and good conversation. If we know ahead of time we can work with local hotels for discount if camping is not your thing. If you plan to stop in for a Spud Run, it would be nice so you can let us know so we know how much food, gnoshies and beverages to have on hand. We will continue to post items of interest as we go along, giving more info as we have it. Teri and Erv
  12. Some more information for a potential run. For those folks who wish to lodge somewhere nearby there are a few bed & breakfasts close by as well as several motels. Negotiated rates could be set with enough interest. http://www.greyhouseinn.com/ http://www.hotelsalmon.com/ http://salmonmotel.com/ There are several activities in the area. A day ride would take us to the Big Hole Battlefield. As was mentioned, Red Fish Lake and Stanley are close by for another scenic ride that could take us through the Sawtooth Mountain Range and Sun Valley, Idaho. Lewis and Clark passed through this valley, and Salmon is known as the birthplace of Sacajawea. Here is a link to some of the things that can be seen around the area... http://salmonchamber.com/visitors-local-attractions.htm Highway 93 has some amazing scenery and runs from the Canadian border clear to Las Vegas. http://protophoto.com/subject.html?subject_id=180 It is a worthy stop and the idea of combining it with the Nelson, BC run sounds like a great idea! The dates could work well if it were combined. Teri and Erv
  13. Ok folks here it is. Last fall while at the Cody Round up the notion of a possible "run for the Potato" was brought up and some interest was expressed. Potato equates with Idaho... Dates were tossed around, Memorial day week end was suggested, the only problem with that date is that Idaho weather is quite unpredictable during that weekend, (usually accompanied with rain) We have room for camping, we can rent porta-potties, we are twenty miles south of Salmon Idaho right on the river, very nice atmosphere, some excellent scenic rides. Seems there was a post recently regarding name the five best states to ride... come to Idaho and find out for yourself you might add Idaho to your favorites. We brew our own Cerveca and would be excited to make a special brew just for this event. We grow our own tobacco for you cigar lovers and are always excited to share. Our local Yamaha dealer has expressed an interest in sponsoring some of the ride...BBQ, etc.. One of the events we enjoyed most at the Cody run was the last night dinner where we all pretty much contributed to a communal meal. We found the relaxed atmosphere and jovial inclusion enhanced the whole experience. With that said, we would like to create a similar atmosphere. This can range from Fish taco feed to a large scale BBQ; there are numerous possibilities depending on expressed interest. (For you that have not experienced fish tacos..you have been missing out) Feed Back PLEASE! Teri n Erv
  14. It would be normal for a preacher to preach to his congregation, It would not be normal for a preacher to preach his sermon at the local strip joint. It would be normal for a policeman to give someone speeding a ticket, It would not be normal for a policeman to offer you money to speed. It would be normal for a politician to tell you one thing then do another, It would not be normal for a politician to actually follow through with their campaign promises. It would be normal for a teenager to text their friends constantly, It would not be normal for a teenager to defer to their parent's wisdom. It would be normal for a stripper to dance nekkid, It would not be normal for a stripper to dance nekkid on stilts while listening to above mentioned preacher (doesn't apply to certain states harboring potentially cultish religions.) It would be normal for a student to have homework, It would not be normal for a student to ASK for homework. It would be normal for a farmer to plant crops, It would not be normal for a farmer to spend the summer in Bermuda or Baja. It would be normal for a Venture rider to assist folks in need, It would not be normal for a Venture Rider to ignore someone in need. It would be normal for Santa to come down the chimney on Christmas, It would not be normal for your local registered sex offender neighbor to come down the chimney on your birthday. It would be normal for Black Owl to debate "Fat Tire or Moose Drool." It would not be normal for Black Owl to debate "Chiante or Coke Classic." It would be normal for Grampa Gak to have a kind word for everybody ('cept politicians) and that's all that needs to be said about Grampa Gak! It would be normal for the USA to come to the aid of countries in need, It wouldn't be normal for the USA to come to the aid of their own people. It would be normal for a drug dealer to trade drugs for others' well-being, It wouldn't be normal for a drug dealer to offer discounts or coupons. It would be normal if bankers accepted unearned inflated bonuses, It wouldn't be normal if bankers said not thanks to that big bonus. It would be normal to engage in contracts so confusing not even attorneys can decipher them, (unless they can fleece more by B.S.ing their way through a contract!). It wouldn't be normal if a hand shake was as binding as a contract (used to be). It would be normal to pay $300 for five minutes of a physician's time, It wouldn't be normal if a Physician charged a fair price for services rendered. It would be normal to accept a million dollars to sleep with Robert Redford. It wouldn't be normal to accept a million dollars to sleep with Robert Redford and Rosie O'Donnell. I wouldn't be normal to jump out of an airplane without a parachute. It would be normal to have a parachute yet not jump out of an airplane. It might be normal to have tattoos all over your face if you are a professional wrestler. It might not be normal to have tattoos all over your face if you are pediatrician or pediatric dentist. It might be normal to dedicate much of a day to respond to a post called "define normal" if you belong to Venturerider.org. Good luck!
  15. Awareness - that is for Erv...Teri describing, of course.
  16. I (Teri) got a 27. I would not classify that as way better, and I am embarrassed about the things I didn't know....
  17. I scored 23 how'd I do that? I bet Teri does way better.
  18. Try this link to Baja Nomads, there is a wealth of info there if you want to know exactly what you need in order to drive to and through Mexico. http://forums.bajanomad.com/
  19. Because of so many "cut backs" there are hundreds if not thousands of folks just like that guy out on the streets. Mentally Disturbed people in and out of the system like revolving doors with no where else to go. Many should be on medications yet when they have little to no supervision they do not take medications. I feel terrible for police and Judges who are in a position where their hands are tied. This particular guy though should have never gotten to see day light, yet he did! Seems our system has chosen to spend dollars to save dimes. What saves fifty bucks today costs thousands and lives down the line. I am personally no expert and perhaps should keep my mouth shut, however my fear is that things like this are just a beginning. We want to lay blame, yet who truly is to blame? Money?
  20. Our prayers go out for all those who put their lives on the line. This is such a heart breaking tragedy. So much anguish caused in such a short moment by someone who must be devoid of humanity and compassion.
  21. pakidaho


    how bout private spots with all the trappings...sound better?
  22. Well Lowell if you happen to come through Idaho stop by and we will thaw you out. Hey stranger things have happened!
  23. pakidaho


    We avoid motels and prefer to camp, although there have been times when we have not been able to find a place to camp along the road; thus appreciating the shower and convenience of a motel. We pack our trailer with tent, sleep bags, food, computer...and movies, as well as lantern, scrabble game, thermarest pads, small tarps, table, folding chairs, home brew, cigars and any thing else we can jam in the trailer to make the experience pleasurable. Next season we plan to add another trailer for Teri's bike so we can haul along inflatable kayaks, since we usually camp near lakes or water. The kayak trailer will also be packed with guitar and Teri's Bongos. We like to camp as primitive as possible although most of those places require riding on dirt roads for some distance which is not always the sort of road we want to ride our bikes on. Most of the time we wind up in forest service types of camp grounds.
  24. I tried Melatonin once and had my very first sleepwalking experience. I could have sworn I was at the office trying to get out the door. I heard Erv's voice say "What the heck are you doing?" This made no sense to me as he was not supposed to be at the office. I told him I was trying to get out the door. He said "Oh, here, let me help you then." and turned on the light. There I was, standing in the closet and him saying "Come out of the closet Honey." I was very startled and shocked, as well as embarrassed. I never thought I would hear him say "I knew you would come out of the closet eventually." He also said he was afraid I would be there all night and that is why he finally said something. It did take him a while because he thought I was the cat. I have no idea how long I was in the closet, but it sure was a hilarious recollection in the morning.
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