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Everything posted by pakidaho

  1. Vendors that go that extra mile who realize good service is where the money comes from need to be recognized. I would like to see Venture Riders have a star rated vendor system where we would be able to go and see how various vendors stack up, this would be good for vendors as well if they knew they are being reviewed and rated buy such a large club with international membership. Possibly at the end of each season Venture Riders could send out awards to Vendors with the highest ratings. This award might be an official certificate suitable for framing that they could hang on their wall. Hey just say'n..
  2. Steve, You are right on there! We can think of one couple in particular we want to make apologies to, quite often we wind up getting so wrapped up in our own deal we tend to run over others with out even so much as a thought in how our actions affect them.
  3. By the way Rocket you appear to have a bunch of coloring to do on your states traveled map. Guess that is a job for those days when you just can't get out there to ride eh?
  4. The Owl's new screen name He who doesn't run on fumes. We'd have to say though once gassed up they made good time to Cody and came close to having a police escort as I understand. .
  5. Yay Rocket you made it home and had quite a trip to boot. Teri n I loved hanging with you and the old duffer. You will need to plan a western states trip soon... keep the adventures alive and thriving.
  6. Glad you didn't wind up stranded and that the issues you faced were not worse than they turned out to be. Sure was nice seeing you and Jan in cody and we appreciate all that you did to help make it a great event .
  7. Jack, sure enjoyed chatting with you.....hope you keep catching fish and sharing stories. We enjoyed the fruits of your efforts in Cody and offer a grand thank you.
  8. Hope yours is the best!
  9. Well then... that being said ROCKET... I am so glad to know you are ok fine!
  10. Always nice to find the house still standing after returning home from a trip. Glad you had a good trip and happy you made it home safely.
  11. Have not heard a thing from Rocket since Cody... has he gone AWOL? Anyone heard from him?
  12. I would hate to wonder how things would have turned out with out Beth's help cooking the fish. I just recall thinking how grateful I was that Beth was there and doing the job I was not at the time "certified" to follow through with. I felt fortunate that I was able to spin torts...lol Sure do look forward to another opportunity to meet up with you both again...maybe next time we can find a road to wander together.
  13. Sure enjoyed our time with you all and appreciate all you folks that put the thing together...THANKYOU!
  14. Owl...we sure had to laugh when we were packing up. You were the guy with the pickup and all the room to haul crap...I mean important stuff..the rest of us had bikes, a couple with trailers...that were full when we got there..we wound up with a large plastic storage container filled with a various assortment of food, not to mention bags of cups, bowels, plastic food containers, plastic forks, and spoons and all sorts of stuff. I figured since Rocket has become a member with rank ( Canadian Ambassador) he could figure out how to deal with the issue but he did what all important folk with rank would do and instantly delegated the job back to the common folk...Along comes a member with land yacht and room to spare...wow... thanks wrong way/cheap shot..you saved the day and we al rode off in the sunshine knowing our dilemma was solved and all the left overs would be safe in Allens capable hands. We love ya Russ n hope to see you again soon...by the way thanks for bring'n your guitar.
  15. Hey Bubber was nice to meet you, glad you had a good trip and hope to meet up with you again.
  16. It is amazing how you can leave home anticipating a great reunion with friends made, and the prospect of making new friends, have a fantastic time, ride till your seat is worn out, imbibe till the inhibitions drop away ( and then some), eat till your pant size needs to increase, win stuff to the point of embarrassment, appreciate the true quality of people we met and come home to find the world has not crashed, the garden grown, turkeys, goats and pets missed us. Thank you Venture riders for the fellowship and memories we have brought home with us and we certainly look forward to more opportunities. Teri n Erv
  17. Hey Lowell...Teri and I were so happy to get to spend some time with you...She says she felt she had been flirted with by the best, wow... I gotta get sum lessons...how much ya charge for the school'n? Love your new Venture and hope you have so many more that your Venture needs replacement, hope to see you again soon.
  18. One thing Erv didn't say is that he had a flash moment of where he thought we would be in our own personal Twilight Zone, forever banished to Yellowstone wandering so close to the gates, but never getting out! Teri - the redhead of Pakidaho
  19. For some reason I figured all that would have changed since Black Owl changed your name to cheap shot. We didn't have to ride through rain and snow and the dark of night dodging Buffalo and figured if that were worst of our problems then we have it made. We wound up in Idaho Falls for the night staying in our favorite motel where across the street is a great place to eat with plenty of good draft. The room was so cool we shivered under the blankets and loved every moment. Funny thing is once we rearrived back at Norris I tried to make another wrong turn....That time I heard Teri's voice as she used some very threatening hand gestures at me...something to the effect what the *&%$# are you trying to do? Once Teri wakes up....snooze... we will have a nice leisurely ride home enjoying one more day of riding, so yep... maybe there truly is no wrong turn when your on a motorcycle.
  20. Did you all know that "Madison" and "Mammoth" sound very similar when shouted over running motorcycle engines? We went to Gardner, MT for pizza...not fabulous...and apparantly liked the view so much we went back to Madison via Mammoth. So...after 9 and 1/2 hours we logged 300 miles. Awards for longest time making least amount of distance should be considered. Long distances get recognized, what about short ones? Oh and breakdowns don't count. Have a great night everyone.
  21. We didn't make chili, we made fish tacos/fish burritos. We enjoyed making them for everyone and we felt we got laughter, camaraderie, and joy in return. We hope we get many more opportunities to do this again! As for pouring...one may want to ask Blackowl about that!!! Erv and Teri
  22. Well the Idaho Delegation and her faithful minion erv are packing to hit the road for Cody mañana. Salmon is pretty close...with in a long day...especially going through Jellystone Park...We plan to be in Cody Sunday.. We decided to head toward Bozeman and go south either on Montana 89 to Mammoth and east to Cody from there or Montana highway 191 south to west Yellowstone then east to Cody...a bit further ride but I hear tell it quite scenic. 89 apparently has a hot spring resort sort of thing called Chico hot springs, there is apparently no camping and waiting to make reservations as long as we have find there are no rooms available. There are quite a few camp areas down 191 but getting a spot would certainly be the luck of the draw....so at even this late moment we are still somewhat undecided about our route. Sure would be swell to happen to hook up with some other Venture riders on their way but figure that ain't gonna happen. Have cell phone and the number to call is: 208-303-0993 no doubt a message would need to be left but we check the phone when ever we take a break...and I imagine we will breaking often. Rocket and Rod asked if we could bring along a keg but we figured that by the time we got it there on bikes it would be so shook up we'd never get to drink anything other n foam. We do plan to check with the local Cody distributor to see what may be available. Nothing like keg Cerveza and Fish Tacos... ahem...ahem... and the old Owls road kill chili along with the Utah's diplomats mighty fine tasting ( or so I've heard) and that is if they plan to make chili...Dave? Any comments? Anyway we sure look forward to meeting folks in Cody and find ourselves excited to actually have an opportunity to visit with Lowell again. Ride Safe and see ya there, Teri n erv
  23. Rod could be in prepping for his December job as Santa in a Department store near...who? Does not seem to help reduce the night mare factor much though. Lord only knows Rockets role in this whole scheme... I always thought Elf's were much smaller. Gotta hand it to Rocket, he seems to be stepping into the role of Canadian Ambassador. and in my opinion he is doing a fantastic job.
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